Monday, May 25, 2020
Latino Immigrants And The United States - 2149 Words
Introduction As a number of Latin American countries continue to struggle with drug cartel violence, economic hardship, and food shortages, many Latinos depart their native country to escape those conditions. For a number of those Latinos, their goal is the United States (US) as their final destination. According to the 2010 US Census, the Latino population in Orleans Parish in New Orleans grew from 14,826 to 18,051 in a period of fewer than ten years. The number shows a significant increase, yet it does not account the number of Latino immigrants that avoided to be counted due to their undocumented status. The number of the Latino immigrants that were not counted during this period of time was estimated to be in the range of 10,000 to†¦show more content†¦Challenges faced by Latino immigrants The decision of moving to the United States (US), for many Latino immigrants is due to their economic situation in their native country. Some of those Latino immigrants relied on farming as a way of earning their living. For many Latinos, helping at the family farm or working for someone at their farm usually begins at an early age, as a consequence, it does not allow for individuals to attain a higher level of education. Farm work usually tends to consist of high physical activity with minimal pay. Sadly for some Latinos, these conditions remain the same once they arrive at the US and settle in non-urban areas (Berdahl, Kirby, Stone, 2007). In addition due to the different harvest seasons of crops, Latino immigrants working in US farms had to relocate constantly from season to season. This is an example of what Latino immigrants may encounter once they moved to the US (Kline, 2013). The example does not clearly display the challenges and needs of the Latino immigrant, which include stress due to the enforcement of immigration policies towards undocumented immigrants (Rodrà guez, Ramirez, Rodriguez, 2014). As Latino immigrants may work at a farm that would indicate that they live in or near the farm. Usually on rural areas with farming communities without hospitals nearby, much less dental care facilities (Kline, 2013). In the case that a health clinic was available, the Latino immigrants’ facedShow MoreRelatedLatino Immigrants And The United States Essay1310 Words  | 6 PagesLatino immigrants are not often accepted by U.S. citizens and politicians because they are viewed as a threat. The threatening feeling of Latinos stems from the fact that the over fifty million Latinos in the United States make up about 17% of the population, ultimately having a significant influence on the economy. Although Latino immigrants were once openly invited into the United States, in today’s society they are a common target of immigration laws and U.S. poli ticians, which causes feelingsRead MoreThe Latino Journey in the United States: Immigrants Essay1693 Words  | 7 Pages A diverse minority group of Latino and Spanish-speaking peoples has played an important part of what it means to be American and what it means to be a citizen in the United States today. Moving into the future, in order to analyze the trajectory that this group is in, we must first understand the group’s history in the United States and in territories that would become the United States. In addition, we must look at the origins of the most recent wave of Latino immigration in order to understandRead MoreEthnic Minorities And The United States1712 Words  | 7 Pagesminorities’ immigrants has transformed the demographics of the United States in recent decades. The 2010 U.S. Census Bureau reports that almost 37.3 % of our population (approximately 308.7 million) is made up of ethnic minorities (e.g. Latino/as, African Americans, Asians, and American Indian/ Alaska Native). When compared to other ethnic groups, Latinos/as have showed an increase of about 43 % in the l ast 10 years; becoming one of the fastest growing populations in the United States (Census BureauRead MoreImmigration And The United States1139 Words  | 5 Pagesin the United States. In its simplest form, the term immigration is defined by Oxford Dictionaries as the action of coming to live permanently in a foreign country. For centuries, people from around the world have immigrated to America for many reasons, such as political freedom, religious freedom, refuge and economic opportunity. They leave their countries and travel to America to find opportunities that they were not able to find in their country of origin. A large amount of immigrants residingRead MoreUndocumented Immigrants Face Of The U.s. Is Unemployment And Economical Disparities1443 Words  | 6 Pagesundocumented immigrants face in the U.S. is unemployment and economical disparities. It is important to focus on the challenges Latino immigrants encounter in the workforce. Immigrants do not account for the maj ority of Latino workers in the United States. Since the recession the economy has not restored all the jobs that were lost. Jobs being added are hardly keeping ahead the other supply of workers. Most of the jobs recovered are being occupied by U.S. born workers. According to the article Latino JobsRead MoreUrban Space For The Latin Americans Immigrants Essay1686 Words  | 7 PagesThe United States of America immigration policies exercised several measures in an effort to confine urban space for the Latin Americans immigrants in Atlanta. These efforts include restriction to access social space by the federal immigration officials, which limited their ability to build and sustain social and community life. The Department of Homeland Security effectively expelled undocumented immigrants from obtaining driving licenses, this made it hard for them to travel to job places, healthRead MoreImmigration Into The United States Essay1481 Words  | 6 PagesImmigration into the United St ates has been a major demographic factor that has always been an issue of concerned. This is because the immigration in the United States has always been a major factor in the influence of the country’s population growth. The United States experienced major immigration during the 19th century. Many people came from major parts of the world to America in search of the better economic opportunities while others came in search for better religious purposes and practicesRead MoreThe United States Of America1254 Words  | 6 PagesThe United States of America has long been a country formed not by indigenous people, but by immigrants from all around the world. Immigrants that have helped shape the United States into the place many of us call home. A home that many individuals considered the land of the free due to the freedom of speech, religion, and press that our foreign founders have bestowed onto us. A home that consist of unjustified hate toward the Latino immigrants. Lati nos have been backlashed by the U.S first by racistRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book The Tattooed Soldier Essay926 Words  | 4 Pages Transcultural Immigrants’ experience can be described as being transcultural, meaning their experiences from their country (including cultural signifiers) are translated or transported to the new country they live in. During the transcultural experience, people can be changed by the new culture, and they also bring some their own traditional culture to the new environment. In 1990s, a lot of Latinos leave their countries to come to the United States because of the civil war. Hector Tobar’s bookRead MoreLatino And Hispanic : The United States And Latin America1267 Words  | 6 Pageson behalf of Latino and Latina youth in the U.S. justice system, focuses on the Latinos community residing in the United States and Latin America. Primarily, the research focuses on Latino/a youths in the criminal justice system. Furthermore, the research report discusses Latino communities are getting differential treatment than other racial and ethnic communities from the United States criminal justi ce system. The research report has many case studies and story of incidences of Latino/a youths facing
Friday, May 15, 2020
How The Diaspora Helped Violence Essay - 2064 Words
How the Diaspora helped Violence Having established the motives for the Diaspora aiding the nationalist, now it needs to be analyzed what the diaspora actually did to aid the nationalist movement. The aid can be broken down into three categories, financial, political and physical aid. The first and the biggest being financial aid and this type of aid was collected by members of the Irish Diaspora in the US then given to various different nationalist groups. Seldom was the money given to violent groups like the IRA but instead was given to other groups and in turn led to the purchasing of arms or goods and stuff like that which the IRA could use. One of the major organizations that did this was Noraid or Irish Northern Aid. The true purpose of Noraid dealt with arms smuggling and fund raising and thus were closely aligned and allied with the IRA(Brian Hanley 2004:1). The support for Noraid in terms of funding can be tracked in the same exact way that the general diasporatic support ca n be tracked. The hunger strikes of 1980-81, in which IRA prisoners staged a hunger strike to protest conditions in their prison in which a few of them died, was monumental in the history of Noraid because it led to not only an increase of donation which in turn were given to IRA and groups like it but it also changed the image of Noraid in the US. It led to an increase in membership and made the organization less radical which meant that it year by year would have generally more memberships andShow MoreRelatedWhy Is The Perception Of Africa Limited For Violence And Poverty?1490 Words  | 6 Pages A land tarnished by misfortune and poverty seems to be a general consensus of how Africa is depicted as a continent. Today, I challenge you to disregard all that you have been told about Africa and understand that it s rich culture and resources have been in place far before most civilizations in the Western Hemisphere. Most citizens in developed countries see starving children who su ffer in Africa, pleading for donations, and associate the images they see with helplessness and draw an assumptionRead MoreThe four waves of modern terrorism1563 Words  | 7 PagesModern terrorism, as deduced from this literature, is acts to violence strategically used by secular groups spanning international borders with the aim of achieving a desired outcome. Further, it can be seen as organized activity whose genesis can be traced back to the 1880’s. From then to now there are identifiable traits and patterns observed from different (terrorist) groups which have allowed for the conceptualization of the term modern terrorism. 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Even the emancipation of slaves, though the African-descended definitely contributed, was mostly shaped by and a result of decisions in which they had no involvement. They were unable to play an active role in their Diaspora; they were forced to be passive participants. However, following World War II, that began to change with the African and African-descended utilizing major political and cultural developments to shape their own histories as well as others. PoliticalRead MoreThe Youth Oriented Hip Hop Movement1498 Words  | 6 Pagesallowing them to voice their identity and address common issues concerning race, gang activity, drugs, violence, and sex. While hip-hop has been suggested to have negative impacts on youths in contemporary society, it is known by most to simply be a reflection of the reality. Hip-hop, as an artistic outlet, challenges the dominant culture whereby teens living in urban areas are frequently subjected to violence and harmful activity, and therefore speaks against the structural oppression within society. EmergingRead MoreThe Xbox One Is A Gaming Console1620 Words  | 7 Pagesto promote better behavior on Xbox Live, gamers and volunteers helped Microsoft todesign a reputation program that would rewardXbox One owners who contribute positively through their online interactions. Gamers on the network would not only ding players for poor, unsportsmanlike behavior on Xbox Live, but also would reward players may be rewarded for exhibiting exemplary behavior. Xbox live and gamers rewards not only represented how active the members are on the network, but also the sportsmanshipRead MoreWhy Islam Spread so Quickly4006 Words  | 17 Pageson a much bigger scale. In our next unit of study we will be looking at the conflict taking place between the Palestinians and the Israelis – See if you see any similarities. Mini-Q Sample Essay: Non-Proficient Why Did Islam Spread So Quickly? How would you like to live in a cave? I wouldn’t and Muhammad wouldn’t either. He mostly just prayed there and got ideas for his new religion. These ideas were the ghazu attacks, setting up new trade routes, and having a good organization. One of Muhammad’s
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Spike Lee Essay - 1478 Words
Shelton Jackson Lee was born in Atlanta, Georgia March 20, 1957. Born to teacher Jacqueline Carroll and jazz musician William James Edward Lee, Shelton grew up in Brooklyn, New York where he was provided with a rich cultural upbringing that included plays, movies, and music (Gale 1). At a young age, Lee was nicknamed â€Å"Spike†by his mother who noticed his rough nature and the nickname stuck well into his adult life. He attended Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia where he gained an interest in film and then graduated with a Bachelors degree in Mass Communication. Lee went on to attend New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts where he created his first student film and graduated in 1982 with a Master of Fine Arts in Film and†¦show more content†¦The movie never went into production due to a dispute between Lee and the Screen Actors Guild who did not grant him a waiver which would have allowed him to use nonunion actors. Lee believed they did not gran t him the waiver due to his race. This experience only added to his determination to make films portraying other racial issues currently circulating the country. With a burning determination from his previous refusal, Lee scrapped together funds to create She’s Gotta Have It, a low budget film made in two weeks about a black woman’s encounters with three men. Starring himself as one of the men, a trait very common through out his film career, the movie was an expected success in the United States making $7 million. She’s Gotta Have It emphasized the gender issue of double standards that women face when dating several men at a time. The film, although not directly about racial issues, was definitely a black film which set off his important and controversial career (Sheridan 4). To continue his controversial career, Lee followed She’s Gotta Have It with School Daze, a film based on the director’s four years at Morehouse College. The movie dug into conflicts occurring within the black community itself, one of which was the divergence between light-skinned and dark-skinned blacks. Lee stereotypically portrayed light-skinned blacks having money and being in a higher class while dark-skinned blacks were â€Å"less cool†andShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Movie Spike Lee 1475 Words  | 6 PagesSpike Lee is an Afro-American director who has developed more fame and importance in the last 20 years. He portrays his stories in a way that nothing is fictitious and many of them are written about some real events. Lee has co-produced many of his films and has acted in some small roles within them. According to IMDb (2016), Lee s work consists of: 26 films, 30 television programs, 45 commercials, 15 short films, starred in several films, and was a producer and writer of many other works. AlthoughRead MoreSpike Lee - Auteur Essay1069 Words  | 5 PagesWoody Allen. The director I have chosen as an auteur is Spike Lee. Lee’s Life: Spike Lee is an American film director who has directed, produced, written and acted in Spike Lee films such as Malcolm X, Jungle Fever, Inside Man and Love Basketball. Spike Lee was born in Atlanta, Georgia where he attended Morehouse College and made his first student film Last Hustle in Brooklyn, he then graduated from New York University in 1982. Lee grew up in a well-off, respective African American familyRead MoreEssay about Spike Lee679 Words  | 3 PagesI. Intro Spike Lee is one of the many directors who in my opinion always want to keep people alert. Lee is a film director, producer, writer and actor. He is with no question a very intelligent man that believes he has a responsibility to try and explain the world of black folks and other minorities in their most genuine form. When it comes to making films, he always fulfils his responsibility to show the behind the scenes black personnel who are underrepresented in an industry dominated by whiteRead MoreEssay on Malcom X: Movie and Real Life Comparison666 Words  | 3 PagesMalcolm X and Spike Lee Pushing the Limits In 1992, director Spike Lee combined his artistic vision with historical events to create the controversial and much hyped film Malcolm X, a biographical and historical account of the slain civil rights leader. Staring as Malcolm X was Denzel Washington who has been noted that this was his best role in a movie to date. As controversial as the flesh and blood Malcolm X was in life, so was the film version of his life as depicted by Lee. Lee made sure toRead MoreA Critical Analysis of Michael Jordan and the New Global Capitalism1089 Words  | 5 Pagessame way and that leads one to think, is that all blacks have as a people? This book touches on the selling of blackness in many aspects. One of the dominant ones that stands out is the early marketing of the Jordan shoes by Nike. Black director Spike Lee, who even made appearances in them, directed some of the first commercials for the shoe. They focused mostly the leaping ability of Jordan with implications that the purchaser of the shoe would be able to do the same. As for the future of blackRead MoreAnalysis of the Film Inside Man Essay2056 Words  | 9 Pages Neupert – Film Studies The True â€Å"Inside Man†â€Å"Inside Man†was released in 2006 and would later become the highest grossing film for the director Spike Lee. The film is a crime-drama, located primarily in a bank in New York City run by multi billionaire Arthur Case. Although the film is a thriller and contains bits of action and suspense, the movie focuses heavily on the difference between good andRead MoreFight The Power By Spike Lee2248 Words  | 9 PagesWhile twenty-nine years has passed since its release, Spike Lee’s 1989 film Do The Right Thing remains a tragically relevant tale of race relations, heated confrontations, and police violence. As the sweltering summer heat rises in the black Brooklyn neighborhood of Bedford-Stuyvesant, racial tensions escalate between the locals and the Italian-Americans. Characters sweat and scream, fight and fend, dance and die. On screen, Spike Lee depicts a 1989 Brooklyn that acts as a magnified view of whatRead MoreEssay about The Message in Spike Lee’s M ovie Do the Right Thing482 Words  | 2 PagesMessage in Spike Lee’s Movie Do the Right Thing In an attempt to enlighten audiences with a powerful message about the cancer that hate and violence can bring to a society; writer, director, Spike Lee brings Do the Right Thing to the screen. Fusing a powerful story with creative film making, Lee gives us an insider’s look at life on a blistering summer day in Brooklyn. To create an atmosphere that both looks and almost literally feels like possibly the hottest day of the year, Lee uses orangeRead MoreDo The Right Thing By Spike Lee1189 Words  | 5 Pages Do the Right Thing, Spike Lee’s 1989 blockbuster film, depicts the growing racial tensions and political conflicts set in Bedford-Stuyvesant, a low income neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York. Set in the middle of a record breaking heat wave, high temperatures test the temperaments of local residents and business owners, creating an explosive racially charged atmosphere in this small neighborhood. There is an on going struggle for power in the multicultural but mostly Black community. Mookie, theRead MoreDo The Right Thing By Spike Lee1434 Words  | 6 Pagesand soul of the â€Å"melting pot,†they know that the idea of diverse and equal identities in American culture isn’t always true. Two sources that dive deeper into this idea are The Reluctant Fundamentalist, by Mohsin Hamid, and Do the Right Thing by Spike Lee. In The Reluctant Fundamentalist, Hamid uses the main character Changez to show the struggles of being a Pakistani-American in the 9/11 era of America. The audience follows Changez as he struggles with identifying as an American while he regularly
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Labeling on Consumers Sustainability Consciousness
Question: Discuss about the Labeling on Consumers Sustainability Consciousness. Answer: Introduction: The current publication is formulated by Queensland Government agencies between the years 2015 2016. The publication signifies that the entities are necessitated to exhibit the information regarding the in-store menus, which includes the aspects like the printed menus drive-through menu boards, menu boards, and individual name/price tags. Effective efforts have been taken regarding the online ordering websites, mobile phone application and printed menu and distributing the same to the households. The proposals are not the requirements for applying to the digital and printed materials. It is not intended to facilitate the ordering, such as supermarket catalogues. It further tends to assess on the Nutrition Panel Calculator of the FSANZ, which helps the food manufacturers to calculate on the average nutrient substance of the individual food products, based on which the preparation of the nutrition related information are presented before the panel. The specific publication also tends to evaluate on the specific set of calculator can be utilised by food businesses to measure on the kilojoules regarding the standard food items. Effective guidance have been provided regarding the packaging criteria the organisations needs to initiate in order to increase the consumer preferences. Various governmental regulations have been taken in the Australian regions to improve the packaging qualities of the food products. The present article evaluates on the importance of the effective nutritional labelling on the consumer behaviour. The scholars in the present article have presented the theoretical framework of efficacy of the labelling on the behavioural actions of the customers. The authors have made lucrative efforts of presenting the determinants of the labelling action. It details on the important aspects, which enforces the customers to improve the behavioural actions on the basis of the basis of product packaging. A complete impression and evaluation of the nutrition labeling literature is detailed in the present journal. The scholars examines on the packaging design and the features of label formats. It helped to understand the impact on the consumer behavior regarding the packaging design of the products. Majorly, the scholars have enabled to find out the designing gaps that fail to attract the consumers attractions. It also discusses on the ineffective digital styles initiated by the majori ty of the firms that fails to convince the customers with the product lines. The researchers in the present article have also explained that the customers are relying on the nutritional labelling format. The specific subject matter has been proven with the support of the various research methodological methods. The scholars of the given article signify that currently, the labelling methods have become very reliable and speedy to attract relevant customers. This structure increases the interaction among people in the market also. From the report, it is clear that there is a sharp increase in the use of different kinds of media in the product promotions. The consumers connect through the messages written on the external surface of the product packages, which makes product communication effortless and saves time automatically. Adding to this, the customers also become typical with respect to the product purchasing action. The author said that due to the regular procedure if the packages, the customers somehow get influenced to purchase the product lines of the companies. From the quantitative analysis of the study, it is evident that most of the customers are aware of the multi-communications system. The customers are selecting the products on the basis of teh messages that are conveyed through the product labelling. According to the authors, the customers get sufficient product choices. From the qualitative analysis, it is clear that the premium level customers also actively reacting throughout the system. It has been inferred that the customers are noting on the labelling criteria. Since, the majority of the products get damages due to the ineffective paper quality used for the labelling action. The present article explains the product labeling style the businesses operating within the Australian culture. The article also signifies that the Prime Minister and Agriculture Minister have made the initial joint effort since the controversial statement regarding the approval of the Liverpool Plains coal mine. It announced the changes regarding the revamp of the 'Made in Australia' kangaroo food packaging. The article explains that the Agriculture Minister Barnaby Joyce have referred to the Facebook when the Shenhua open-cut mine has been approved in the electorate matter discussed two weeks ago. The discussion stating that it has been a "ridiculous" and the conversations highly reflects on the product labeling methods, where the customers were highly getting convinced to the labeling initiatives the enterprises are taking. After the Cabinet meeting the Tony Abbott and Barnaby Joyce has increased for the combined proclamation with the Industry Minister, Ian Macfarlane on Country o f Origin labeling. The article also explains that the labels are weaving in the existing 'Made in Australia' design with the green and gold kangaroo. Also the inclusion of the yellow bar express whether the product lines are made in Australia or not and the percentages of local ingredients. The present article explains the importance of the eco-friendly products on the consumer behaviour. The Australian entrepreneurs tend to place the communication message directness before the target consumers and thus the reactions can be measured with regards to several product lines. The article reflects that in the majority of the times the labelling fails to convey the accurate messages, which often directs the enterprises to increase the a slaughter in the customer base. To increase the awareness amongst the consumers, the environmentally friendly products and services are primarily marked with the eco-labels. Since, no existence of the single international standard found for this concept, the International Organization for Standardization tends to consider the labels to be vague. The customers wants to be seen as environmentally reckless, therefore, the enterprises provides everything from the internal procedures to promotions through effective marketing measures. It further attempts to analyse the digital approach that can often lead to increase the catchy effect of the product layouts, thus, the customers have are highly convinced by the specific strategy of the enterprises. Therefore, it is highly important for the Australian entrepreneurs to figure out the effective packaging solutions that can easily suppress the negative influence of the relative products that has already received a rejection from the customers. The specific action helps the management to figure out the likeliness of the decisions from the consumers reactions. References: Food Safety Standards and Regulation (2016)Fast choices menu labellingFact sheet. Available at: (Accessed: 21 September 2016). HIEKE, S. and TAYLOR, C.R. (2011) A critical review of the literature on nutritional labeling,Journal of Consumer Affairs, 46(1), pp. 120156. Majid, H. A. M. A., Shariff, S. N. F. A., Majid, M.A.A., Aszahar, N.F.F.C. and Omar, N.S. (2015) Nutritional Labelling: Awareness and Its Effects towards Consumer Behaviour in Purchasing Product, Journal Appl. Environ. Biol. Sci., 5(6S), pp. 62-68 Reporter, political (2015)Government announces new labelling system for Australian food. Available at: (Accessed: 21 September 2016). Sehgal, P. and Singh, N. (2010) Impact of Eco-Friendly Products on Consumer Behavior, CBS E-Journal, 6, pp. 1-16.
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