Friday, December 27, 2019
Socrates The Dichotomy between Aristophanes and Plato’s...
Socrates: The Dichotomy between Aristophanes and Plato’s Depictions Ignorance: the condition of being uninformed or uneducated; this basic definition is crucial to understanding one of the most controversial figures in ancient Athenian society: the philosopher Socrates. The man’s entire life was devoted to proving the fact that no one actually knew what they thought they did; that everyone lived in ignorance. This viewpoint earned Socrates many enemies, so many that even a renowned playwright, Aristophanes, decided to exploit the situation. He wrote his critiquing play of Socrates called The Clouds; a scathing criticism that the philosopher would partially attribute to his future indictment on charges of impiety and corrupting the†¦show more content†¦The philosopher goes on to teach Strepsiades everything about the existence of Vortex, the god that â€Å"overthrew†Zeus and also of the Clouds, the true arbiters of worldly learning (Clouds 250-829). Inspired by Socrates’s teachings, Strepsiades goes back home and brings his son to the Thinkery in order to have him learn the ways of the Clouds. In turn, Pheidippides embraces the teachings of Socrates even more so than his father, becoming completely inundated in the philosopher’s teachings. He begins to beat his father, because according to Socrates’s teachings, it is a just thing to do (1322-1333). However, during the time in Ancient Greece, such an act was forbidden by law. Pheidippides attempts to justify this to his father in the following passage: â€Å"PHEID: †¦I will first ask you this: did you beat me when I was a boy? STREP: Yes, I did; I was well-intentioned and concerned for you. PHEID: Then tell me, isn’t it also just for me likewise to be well-intentioned toward you and beat you? For why should your body be unchastised by blows, but not mine? And in fact I too was born free†¦ STREP: But nowhere is it the law that the father suffer this. PHEID: Wasn’t he who set down this law a man like you and me, and didn’t he persuade those of long ago by speaking? Is it any less allowable for me too, then, to set down in turn for the future a novel law for sons to beat their fathers’ in return? As for the blows that we
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Buddhism A Religion Of Peace And Non Violence - 1185 Words
From the lavish beginnings in a wealthy kingdom nestled within the Himalayan foothills of Nepal, Siddhartha Gautama’s transformation into the Buddha and the start of Buddhism was based off of and due to confronting constant human suffering in everyday life. Abandoning his regal life in pursuit of spiritual insight, Siddhartha sought to understand the problem of human suffering and propose remedies, if any, to such a condition. Verses, lectures, and sutras transcribed in scriptures by Buddha’s followers offer an other worldly perspective to endure the hardships and how to conduct oneself harmoniously in society especially with the concept of Inner Peace. The truth goal of Buddhism is to attain peace within oneself, detaching oneself from worldly suffering, attaining enlightenment, and eventually reaching a state of escaping the cycle of suffering, the state of Nirvana. Even though there are many sects of the Buddhist faith, this essay focuses on the shared peace practice s and beliefs Buddhism promotes, especially the concept of inner peace through reflection. Buddhism is known widely as a religion of peace and non-violence, though there are outlying examples contrary to the point such as Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, and etc., the concept of achieving inner peace and living harmoniously no matter what views one has can promote a positive society. Dharma is a central term mentioned to greatly in the Buddhist text, its meaning refers to the teachings of Buddha and theShow MoreRelatedThe Conflict Of War And Peace1614 Words  | 7 Pagesfelt with by simply talking it out but others are on a global scale, and these will need more than talking to settle. Some conflicts on a global scale can lead to war, and others can be negotiated using peace. If you believe in only peace then you are a pacifist. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Annotated Bibliography Project Management System
Question: Describe about the Annotated Bibliography. Answer: Atlassian Blogs, A. 2012. (Case Study) MGM technology partners use JIRA to connect development projects directly to customers - Atlassian Blogs. [online] Atlassian Blogs. Available at: [Accessed 2 Jun. 2016]. MGM defines success as the ever-increasing organizational needs scalability regarding its client's successful business through the Management Support System. Hence, they involve the customers directly in the process of enhanced decision-making. The set-up method equips the clients with JIRA logins and emails. At one instance, there run seventy programs in JIRA, along with eight hundred users, the span ranging from a week to more than a year. A dashboard displays relevant information. Priority is assigned by GreenHopper; that indicates a project's priority to the customers It is essentially required to highlight the details and the objectives. Hence, the requisites must be clearly stated and stored in a standard repository. For this purpose, MGM utilizes JIRA for the distinct statement of the requirements, and for the consistent storage of these, so that the developers attain the information for the work, as and when required. The commencement of the project is followed by modifications in the requirements from the customers, change in the requests and the bugs. To get the customers approve the bug fix or the execution of isolated manual testing requires engagement to a huge extent, arousing consent in the clients mind. The software organization benefits from the involvement of the end-users in the process, for sale or internal operations for the software. Agile project management at Gamification Company Atlassian Blogs, A. (2011). (Case Study) Agile project management at gamification company - Atlassian Blogs. [online] Atlassian Blogs. Available at: [Accessed 2 Jun. 2016]. BigDoor felt the need of a project tracker software to cope up with the rising organizational needs and implemented JIRA for the technological improvement. BigDoor assists companies in increasing the web-traffic by injecting competitive information, and increment the revenue through advanced Application Program Interfaces options. BigDoor has hundreds of net publishers and millions of projects in Application program interfaces. In an attempt to analyze the available project tracker software, JIRA won the race. Currently, JIRA has facilitated a lightning fast, scalable business with compact codes and worthy code feedbacks. Banana Scrum transformed into a paid service and Bitbucket lacked some major project management tools needed at that time. Thus, it was justified to shift the project with issue trackers to JIRA. JIRA also consolidates code feedbacks and dynamic integrations through certain tools. Ranging from Confluence to code reviewing, JIRA focuses on advanced issue tracking and GreenHopper, prioritizes and schedules work for agile management support system. Hitting on a large assignment involves the formation of wiki paging in Google Docs, segmenting them into weekly work for the developers. Integrating the fragments, it is sent to JIRA. Thus, JIRA has facilitated the management support system of the projects and delivered a more integrated model for the scalable organizational demands. Constructing a decision support system for management of employee turnover risk Wang, X., Wang, H., Wang, H., Zhang, L. Cao, X. 2011. Constructing a decision support system for management of employee turnover risk. Information Technology and Management, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp.187-196. The technological improvements may just account for the development of the Management Support System which in turn has developed the Decision Support System. Unstructured or incompletely structured problems can be solved through the decision support systems. However, static DSS deals with predefined data; active DSS provide solutions to complicated and unstructured problem sets. DSSs of employees turnover management of risk, utilize human resource database and Knowledge data warehouses, to provide solutions to the inquiry. However, due to lack of standardized tools and models, problems faced are a comparison of solutions to each result and the corresponding algorithm, no method of judgment in the case of same restraints for results and databases, lack of practicality in transferring universal processes, and slow sharing of intermediate information of algorithm results in the databases. This continues week after week, with respective releases. JIRA is very important in the aspects of tracking the project and making it agile by adding or editing the flow of work for a particular project. The DSS model for this purpose comprises Database Management System, Model-based management system and dialogue management system. The components for this DSS are the different platforms, the database systems for all domain of data, data warehouses for risk related data, data mining for efficient information, algorithms as tools, knowledge warehouses for analytical methodologies along with Human-Computer interactive client Interfaces. The strategies achieved include strengthening of human resource data management, optimizing incentive planning, establish organization specific corporate and social cultures, and enhanced decision management and learning initiatives. Zavadskas, E., Vaininas, P., Turskis, Z. Tamosaitiene, J. 2012. Multiple Criteria Decision Support System For Assessment Of Projects Managers In Construction. Int. J. Info. Tech. Dec. Mak., Vol. 11, No. 02, pp.501-520. With the increasing needs of the technology for the MSS, DSS can be implemented for solutions throughout the project life cycle. The multiple criteria model for assessment comprises Identification process, Appraisal process and Assessment with the decision. The decision making model involves the following categories. These are the description of the internal and the external environmental factors, stakeholder requisites, followed by the identification and grouping of the criteria and the manager selection as per the criteria. The appraisal part includes two levels of the identifications of the assessments stakeholder requirements, and alternative. The assessment and the decision method involves the methodologies to develop the solution, the generic results, analyzing the generated solutions. If they are satisfying, then the overall result is published and if not, the process is repeated. The ranking of the managers is done by the COPRAS method, and the AHP process helps to assign weights to the attributes. Apart from these, the MCDM models have also been used for the effective ranking and the evaluation issues to be decided and also for developing the alternatives in the construction. The projects are dependent on the fundamental principles of time, scope, human resource and quality project consolidation and other parameters. This complicated decision process is represented by a tree that has the goal as the source node and the different parameters of the project as the child nodes. Lahutta, D. Wroski, P., 2014. Changes in Management Support/Information Systems and Barriers in Implementing These Methods: The Case of Poland and India. InHuman Capital without Borders: Knowledge and Learning for Quality of Life; Proceedings of the Management, Knowledge and Learning International Conference 2014(pp. 185-193). ToKnowPress. The management support systems evolve at a dynamic basis. The change is primarily triggered by the technological progress and the automation of the manufacturing procedures and management. The barriers that are faced in the advancement of the management support systems include the factors discussed in the following paragraph. The essential factors are the essentiality of the association of a huge amount of work regarding the implementation and data of the project, lack of plan executing and system operating competency, hurdles that re faced with the information collection, and the lack of interest from the employees due to their opposing decisions. The fundamental factors for the opposition of the employees and the lack of their engagement are the penalties for their failure, lack of related knowledge at times, the non-repudiation of their activities, and the lack of motivation from the management team. However the changed or the former systems may be compared with respect to the criteria, which include the complexities in the systems evaluation, the employees opposition and non-engagement in the evolution operations, the lack of the knowledge regarding the advancements that the new decision can bring, the sky-high costs at times, inappropriate knowledge of the management support system implementations, the bad attitude of the managers and the other macro factors. References Agile Gamification, A. (2014). Agile Gamification. [online] Agile Gamification., B. (2016). Successfully Embracing JIRA in the whole Project Lifecycle - JIRA beyond Bug Tracking, Part 1 MGM technology blog. Bonczek, R.H., Holsapple, C.W. and Whinston, A.B., 2014.Foundations of decision support systems. Academic Press. Demirkan, H. and Delen, D., 2013. Leveraging the capabilities of service-oriented decision support systems: Putting analytics and big data in the cloud.Decision Support Systems,Vol. 55, No. 1, pp.412-421. Hashemkhani Zolfani, S. and Bahrami, M., 2014. Investment was prioritizing in high-tech industries based on SWARA-COPRAS approach.Technological and Economic Development of Economy,Vol. 20, No. 3, pp.534-553. Malik, J., 2013.Agile Project Management with GreenHopper 6 Blueprints. Packt Publishing Ltd. The Next Generation Library. (2013). The importance of Management Support Systems for Business Enterprises.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Sex Linked Diseases free essay sample
Acid Maltase Deficiency: It is an autosomal recessive disorder, in which the defect is in the gene for the acid maltase enzyme, which leads to accumulation of glycogen stored in muscles. Glycogen build up, weakens the muscles of a patient suffering from this disorder. This may affect respiratory muscles resulting in respiratory failure. It is also known as the Pompe Disease. Although, in childhood and adolescence the symptoms show slow progress and are less severe, infantile forms cause death within first year, if not treated on time. Albinism: Albinism is a congenital disorder in which there is little or completely no production of melanin in hair, skin and iris of the eyes. Hence albinos (people suffering from albinism) have light colored skin, hair and eyes. It is caused due to inheritance of recessive alleles from parents. This disorder cant be cured. However, the symptoms can be alleviated with the help of surgical treatment, vision aids and using device that provide protection from sun. We will write a custom essay sample on Sex Linked Diseases or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Alzheimers Disease: Alzheimers disease is the most common form of dementia which is characterized by gradual memory loss, irritability, mood swings, confusion and language breakdown. Although, scientists are not unequivocal about the cause of this disease, the most widely accepted reason is the amyloid cascade hypothesis, that suggests excess production of a small protein fragment called ABeta (A? ). Also known as Senile Dementia of the Alzheimer Type (SDAT) or simply Alzheimers, this is a degenerative disease and scientists are yet to find its cure. However, balanced diet, mental exercises and stimulation are often suggested for prevention and managing of the disease. Angelman syndrome: It is a neurological disorder that was first described by a British pediatrician, Dr. Harry Angelman, in 1965. This disorder is marked by intellectual and developmental delays, severe speech impairment and problems in movement and balance, recurrent seizures and small heads. Children with Angelman syndrome typically have a happy demeanor. They are hyperactive with short attention span and show jerky hand movements. These children appear normal at birth. This genetic disorder in human is a classical case of genetic imprinting, in which the disorder is caused due to deletion or activation of the maternally inherited chromosome 15. Its sister syndrome is the Prader-Willi syndrome in which there is a similar loss or inactivation of the paternally inherited chromosome 15. Bardet-Biedl Syndrome: It is a pleiotropic recessive genetic disorder that is characterized by obesity, polydactyly, deterioration of rod and cone cells, mental retardation and defect in the gonads and kidney disease. It is difficult to diagnose Bardet-Biedl Syndrome, specially in the young. As no cure is yet known for the disorder, treatment is concentrated on specific organs and systems. Barth Syndrome: A rare but serious sex linked genetic disorder, the Barth syndrome is caused due to mutations or alterations in the BTHS gene. The gene is located on the long arm of X chromosome. This disorder primarily affects the heart. Besides heart defects, Barth syndrome results in poor skeletal musculature, short stature, mitochondrial abnormalities and deficiency of white blood cells. There is no cure for this disorder. Treatment focuses on managing the symptoms and preventing infections. Bipolar Disorder: Also known as manic depressive disorder or bipolar affective disorder, individuals suffering from bipolar disorder suffer from highly elevated moods, referred to as mania or episodes of severe depression. Research shows that both genetic as well as environmental factors are responsible for this disorder. Medicines as well as psychotherapy is found to be useful in dealing with the severe mood swings associated with the disorder. Jackson-Weiss Syndrome: It is an autosomal dominant genetic disorder in which there are foot abnormalities, and premature fusion of bones in the skull lead to deformations of the facial features (widely spaced eyes, bulging forehead) and the skull. In this syndrome, the great toes are short and wide and turn away from the rest of the toes. Some toes may be fused or have some other abnormalities. The mutation is caused in the FGFR2 gene which is located in chromosome 10. Treatment involves corrective surgery for deformed bones in face and foot. Klinefelter Syndrome: It is the most common sex linked genetic disorder. In which males have an extra X chromosome. Hence ,this disorder is also known as 47, XXY or XXY syndrome. The most common symptom is infertility. Besides this, males with the XXY syndrome have impaired physical, language and social developments. As these individuals produce less testosterone than other males, such teenagers may be less muscular and have less facial hair than their peers. The presence of the extra X chromosome cant be undone.
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