Wednesday, November 27, 2019
All That Glitters Isn’t Gold Essays
All That Glitters Isn’t Gold Essays All That Glitters Isn’t Gold Essay All That Glitters Isn’t Gold Essay As worlds. we all have a desire to hold things that are beyond what we can afford. As a consequence. we start to hold strong feelings of enviousness and green-eyed monster towards that people who possess what it is that we can non hold. In the short narrative The Gilded Six Bits by Zora Neale Hurston. Joe rapidly became fascinated with a large speaker from Chicago named Otis D. Slemmons. Otis claimed that adult females gave him money and adored him. This involvement that Joe had with the gold accoutrements that Otis owned lead to jobs in Joe’s matrimony with Missy May. Joe and Missy May will recognize that everything that glisters isn’t gold. and that they should be content with what they already possessed. When Joes tells his married woman Missy May about all the gold and adult females that Otis has. she feels as if she would do her hubby a happier adult male if she could supply for Joe what adult females provided for Otis. Missy May wanted to give Joe gold to turn out her love for him. Unfortunately. Missy May did non understand how much Joe cherished her even after he told her Don’t be so desirous ’bout me. Ah’m satisfied de manner Ah is. So long as Ah be yo’ hubby. Ah don’t keer ’bout nothin’ else. Missy May knew that the lone manner she could acquire any gold was to give herself to Otis and exchange for it. She told Joe Us might happen some goin’ long de route some clip. Us could. to perchance take him from any bad ideas that he may acquire if she did her obtain any gold. After several visits to the ice pick parlour that Otis owned. Joe came place from work early merely to happen his married woman in their bed with Otis. After the incident. Missy May calls and apologizes urgently. in order to acquire Joe to believe that she merely slept with Otis to acquire some of his money. Joe found the gold coin that Otis left behind. and noticed that it was merely a aureate coin. Joe carried the coin around with him. recognizing that he brought this state of affairs upon himself. which is likely why he did non take to go forth Missy May. Day by twenty-four hours. the twosome drifted further off from each other. Joe’s penalty towards Missy May was soundless intervention. Missy May suffered from great depression for months. but she refused to go forth Joe because she loved him excessively much. She no longer found it necessary to acquire out of bed to cook Joe breakfast or even rinse his apparels any longer. Missy May would non even acquire out of bed to acquire dressed until Joe was gone. Joe still felt the demand to penalize Missy May by go forthing the gold piece under her pillow. to demo that he can pay merely every bit good as Otis can for her love. After. carefully detecting the coin. Missy Mae realized that it was non echt. She had thrown away her felicity for a adult male who was a prevaricator and a deceiver. Joe was a merciful adult male. and allowed the trust between his married woman and himself to reconstruct once more. When Missy Mae founds out that she is pregnant. Joe shows honest concern for her and the babe when he comes place and sees her chopping wood. Knowing what Missy May hold done with Otis. he was cognizant that there was a possibility that the babe could non be his. After Missy May has the babe. Joe’s female parent confirms that the babe is his by stating You oughter be mighty proud cause he sho is de spittin’ image of yuh. boy. The Gilded Six Bits by Zora Neale Hurston. is a great illustration of the effects that can ensue from being absorbed in material things. Joe and Missy May were fooled by Otis Slemmon’s gilded pieces. Joe wanted what Otis had. and Missy May wanted to give it to him. They realized that money is does non vouch felicity. and their instance it about destroyed their matrimony. After Joe and Missy May understood that everything that glisters isn’t gold. they understand that they already possessed the existent hoarded wealth. which was the love that they showed for one another.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Political Violence During Reconstruction Essay Example
Political Violence During Reconstruction Essay Example Political Violence During Reconstruction Paper Political Violence During Reconstruction Paper Political Violence during Reconstruction; makes it obvious that in many ways the struggles of getting along were far from over. The relationship between the white man and black man was In constant turmoil, and the political problems In the South did not help either. Harsh feelings and an extensive struggle for power was the problems which the united States faced. Many often think of the United States as peaceful after the Civil War was over, but this is far from the truth. Hyde shows how evident it was that unity of this nation was far from being reached. The carpetbaggers were northerners who supposedly carried all their belongings in a satchel made of carpet material as they came south to exploit the defeated region of the South. The white Southerners gave them this degrading name to them because they wanted to maintain control in the South. The old ruling aristocracy believed that they were born to govern, without question, not only their slaves but the white people too. The local people who supported the Republican Party and what they were trying to accomplish were known as scalawags. Scalawags and arbitragers were the names given to those by the white people in the South that wanted to keep running things their way. They did not want things to change. They had a lot of power and control not wanting anything to happen to It. One can only imagine the harsh feelings In the middle of these translators after the Civil War. Along with these harsh feelings came the problems with the lower-class Louisianan in dealing with the planter elite. The lower-class Louisianan wanted to create equality between them and the planter elite in their state. They felt that wings were not fair and change was needed for the better of society. They were encouraged to reassess their fealty to these planters. Through newspapers and other ways these Louisianan felt that they needed to raise their own crops and be independent from working under these planters. However, these elite planters presented themselves as victims of tyrannical outsiders who sought not to create equality between them but to make the lower class more dominant In order to make them serve the lower classes needs. The lower class may have wanted to know what It was to be served, or they really did Just ant to have an equal opportunity at life. This proved unsuccessful because of the power and resources the elite planters had already obtained. Another struggle for power resulted in many Florida parishes along with other parts of the country almost immediately after the war was over. Freedmans Bureau agents under the federal government, Federal soldiers, and blacks all suffered attack after attack from anyone who wanted to. Shootings and stabbings were very frequent and almost nothing was done about them. Local law enforcement that tried o do anything about it resulted in utter failure, and many times it was laughed at. Insufficient manpower and a slow-moving bureaucracy were so slow to get a case together to prosecute somebody, many other Incidents had already occurred. People that were taken to court were usually let off with absolutely no charges no matter what had happened. Federal authorities were not respected because It was literally a joke to take seriously. They could not enforce any laws because of its vast weakness. With the weakness and lack of any federal and local authorities, two independent ND separate white supremacy organizations were created. The UK Klux Klan and the Knights of the White Camellia were the two major white supremacy organizations. Each group functioned separately with its own set of methods and even purposes. Reports of these groups started to circulate in the late asses. Members of the UK Klux Klan were so obsessively secret that nobody knew for sure if they even existed in some places. Members of the White Camellia openly admitted their existence and even denied any knowledge of the UK Klux Klan. Both of these organizations believed they needed to preserve the superiority of the white race. The purposes of these organizations did differ greatly. Members of the Knights of the White Camellia committed their lives to defending the social and political superiority of the white and in all places to observe a marked distinction between the white and African races. The UK Klux Klan believed that they must not only make a distinction, but also meet any problems with the black race with death as a traitor. The Klan was more violent than the White Camellia. The White Camellias members ere usually looking to keep leadership in the hands of whites. They controlled a lot of political seats and made up much of the business and professional class. The Klan was mostly younger men who were known as characters who drink and do what they want. Through all of the fighting and struggles that had been going on since the Civil War, many were starting to get used to the idea of fighting as a means to solve their problems. They did not necessarily cause an increase in the amount of fighting internally as a whole for the future, but did cause certain aspects of life to be more seed to the fact of violence. The argument could go either way, but overall influence of fighting in the future did not affect it that much. Through the writings of Samuel C. Hyde a person really get a grasp of what went on after the Civil War. Problems that were thought to have been solved as soon as the war was over resumed for many years to come. The constant struggle of power mainly of the white men led to so many problems and even death in many cases. One can really get a grasp of the true struggles that went on shaping our nation into what it is today.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
African Americans and Dementia Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
African Americans and Dementia - Research Paper Example African Americans may have less knowledge about health care institutions that care for dementia patients. Awareness about the availability of health institutions and health services present in the society is crucial in providing care for dementia patients. Knowledge about assessment center is crucial in proving care for the African American elders, who suffer from the disease more than any other age group in society (Ethnic Elders Care Network, 2012). The availability of finances also affects the treatment of dementia. Lack of adequate financial resources has been attributed to poor dementia care in the African American community. In particular, African American elders are often uninsured or economically disadvantaged. They cannot afford to pay for the medical care needed to manage dementia symptoms (Ethnic Elders Care Network, 2012). Mistrust between the caregiver and the patient has also been reported as a major barrier to treatment. African Americans have avoided seeking medical h elp due to the lack of cultural diversity in medical teams. In addition, African Americans are dissatisfied with the formal health care available for them in their communities (Ethnic Elders Care Network, 2012). Consequently, racial discrimination has been attributed to a lack of treatment for patients suffering from dementia. In particular, bias against African Americans has been reported in medical institutions. Discriminatory admission practices; have led to few African American seeking medical help to counter the symptoms of dementia (Ethnic Elders Care Network, 2012). Effective treatment of dementia; demands establishment of a rapport within members of caregiver networks. Family members are advised to identify certain caregivers they can consult regularly to help the patient overcome the effects of dementia. In addition, proper communication with the caregivers is also crucial. Family members should ensure that they communicate all details to the caregiver. There are instances whereby family members may or may not want clearly labeled medication. They should communicate with the caregiver if they feel uneasy about the label of the medication.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Registerd nurse interview analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Registerd nurse interview analysis - Essay Example She said that this was tough when her children were still young because they rarely see each other due to her schedule. Sometimes, she cannot be with them on holidays because of her work. She said that she does not regard patients as difficult. Sometimes they can be demanding and grumpy but as a nurse, she has to understand the situation of the patient that they just want to feel better. The resource person narrated that nursing is not just an eight to five job where you punch in and get paid. It is a profession as well as a vocation because the job affects people’s lives. To be successful in this profession, one has to be genuinely concerned with people. A nurse has to understand that patients are already in pain and the least the nurse can do is to alleviate and make the pain bearable to the patient. Nurses also work long hours and they do not follow the Monday to Friday work routine nor the eight to five schedule. It is because illness do not follow schedule and hospitals are open throughout the year. There are also emergency cases where a nurse has to work
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Industry analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2
Industry analysis - Essay Example have serious impact on the profitability, competitiveness and growth as well as the satisfaction in using the product produced by a particular service provider or industry (Willett, 2010). An industry can therefore take advantage of the purchases by customers of the complementary products even if you do not offer them yourself by establishing multiple alliances with those that do not offer them. Our industry which is the cosmetic manufacturing that includes manufacture of products such as hair products, skin care, cosmetics, deodorants, perfumes, oral care and other products including baby items may benefit from complementary industry such as the hair dressing industry. Hairdressing and the cosmetic industry are closely intertwined and aligned and each has got the effect of affecting the profitability of the other in that the demand for the cosmetics will be dependent on the hairdressing and the beauty salon services. These two industries are competitive and the competition in the large number of salons in a particular area is likely to affect the uptake of the demand for these products (Willett, 2010). Further, the competition for sales of hair and beauty products increases with the increasing number of beauty parlors, beauty stores as well as salons showing that these two industries are complementary to each other. The success of our company which is dealing in the sale of cosmetic products and our competitive strategy will therefore depend on how we relate to the hair dressing service industry. This is so due to the fact that the rate and intensity of competition in an industry is dependent on the economics of the particular industry and the fact that each differs fundamentally from the other, and therefore the collective strength of the forces of competition is distinct. Therefore, as a manufacturer dealing in cosmetics products, it is important that to find a position that helps it cope best with hose providing hair dressing services and use the competitive
Friday, November 15, 2019
The Human Impact On Environment
The Human Impact On Environment In many peoples opinions mans impact on the environment is a big issue in our life which is easily neglected, as humans are responsible for a staggering amount of damage on the earth. Nature manages its own components. Since the outbreak of technology and industrialisation humans have greatly had a negative impact on the environment, such as; air pollution, habitat destruction, water pollution, the burning of rainforests and land pollution. In this essay I intend to give facts and discuss the effects and causes on these topics and discuss the solutions being carried out to improve the conditions. Air pollution effects people in areas of emission sources, such as, power plants, local industry and major roads. Humans contribute to pollution by the use of machinery in industry causing pollution to the environment. More effects of air pollution on the environment involve using diesel fuel for vehicles and coal for power along with the lack of emission controls for vehicles and industry. Another cause of air pollution is the greenhouse gas CO2, this gas warms the earth through living things as they emit CO2 when breathing which contributes to humans also, as we add to this statistic through breathing also. CO2 is usually thought to be involved with cars, aeroplanes and power plants, in the past 150 years , CO2 has been polluting our atmosphere through the sources mentioned, this is the highest CO2 emissions recorded for a long time. More causes of air pollution is methane gas which comes from swamps which are contributed to man through flooding. Cfcs are another major cause of air pollution by man through the use of fridges and deodorants (aerosols) which harms the earths ozone layer. Solutions to Air Pollution Solutions to air pollution include driving and flying less, recycling, and conservation. Governmentsare limitting emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases through the Kyoto Protocol;this is an agreement between countries that they will cut back on carbon dioxide emissions. Another method being put into practice is to put taxes on carbon emissions or higher taxes on gasoline. ( ) Acid Rain Acid rain has a big effect on the environment and is caused through men by the emission if nitrogen oxides through road transport, power stations and industry, over 2000 tonnes of nitrogen oxide was polluted into the air in 1990 along with over 3000 tonnes of sulphur dioxide through power stations and industry. Sulfur dioxide is known primarily as a cause of acid rain. But they also reflect light when released in the atmosphere, which keeps sunlight out and causes Earth to cool. Another adverse effect of these gases being emitted into the atmosphere by humans is the weathering of buildings, particularly those made from limestone, marble and sandstone. For example sulphate-rich precipitation reacts with limestone and is easily eroded. Many method have been used to reduce the effects of acid rain, one is to add powdered limestone to lakes to increase their pH values, however the only real effective and practical solution is to reduce fossil fuel consumption by using alternate energy so urces that do not produce nitrate or sulphate gases (hydropower or nuclear power). Water Pollution Asian rivers are the most polluted in the world. They have three times as many bacteria from human waste as the global average and 20 times more lead than rivers in industrialized countries. Thirty percent of Irelands rivers are polluted with sewage or fertilizer. The King River is Australias most polluted river, suffering from a severe acidic condition related to mining operations.100, 000 marine mammals, 1 million sea birds and other aquatic lives are killed due to plastic waste in water and coastal area. Bangladesh has some of the most polluted groundwater in the world. In this case, the contaminant is arsenic, which occurs naturally in the sediments. Around 85% of the total area of the country has contaminated groundwater, with at least 1.2 million Bangladeshis exposed to arsenic poisoning and with millions more at risk. Pollution of freshwater is a problem for about half of the worlds population. Each year there are about 250 million cases of water-related diseases, with roughly 5 to 10 million deaths. The main problem of water pollution is that it kills life; Dead fish, birds, dolphins, and many other animals often wind up on beaches, killed by pollutants. Pollution disrupts the natural food chain as well. Pollutants such as lead and cadmium are eaten by tiny animals. Later, these animals are consumed by fish and shellfish, and the food chain continues to be disrupted at all higher levels. humans are affected by this process as well. People can get diseases such as hepatitis by eating seafood that has been poisoned. Ecosystems can be severely changed or destroyed by water pollution. Many areas are now being affected by careless human pollution, Solutions to Water Pollution  · stabilising wetlands to act as a buffer zone to runoff and to assist in filtering pollutants  · Drive less to reduce the amount of air pollution being emitted into the environment and minimize the amount of nitrogen deposition.  · Improve the sewage treatment system to stop the leaks in the pipes.  · Conserve water  · Improve storm water management.  · Monitor watershed  · Stop deforestation to soak up the rain water and prevent runoff from occurring. Land Pollution The human impacts related with land pollution involves the Increase in urbanization as Construction uses up forestland. More constructions means increase in demand for raw materials like timber. This leads to the exploitation and destruction of forests, the Increase in agricultural land As the human population grew there was a greater demand for food. This caused more land allocated to agriculture. Forests were cut down for this purpose, Agricultural activities Besides domestic waste, pesticides and herbicides used by farmers to increase crop yields also pollute the land when they are washed into the soil and Industrial activities are also a contributing factor to land pollution. For example, in open cast mining, huge holes are dug in the ground and these form dangerously deep mining pools. Heaps of mining waste are left behind and these waste often contain several poisonous substances that will contaminate the soil. The effects on humans is that the Pollution is likely to affect over a billion people around the world, with millions poisoned and killed each year.The World Health Organization estimates that 25 percent of all deaths in the developing world are directly attributable to environmental factor. Some researchers estimate that exposure to pollution causes 40 percent of deaths annually. Many people are not aware of the impact that such industrial pollution can have on the earth. By helping to make it known, you can be one of the voices that will draw attention to the issue thus helping to inspire change. Solutions to Land Pollution New laws and regulations such as, reduce use of plastic, recycle and reuse have greatly reduced the amount of commercial and industrial pollution, Habitat Destruction/Deforestation Habitat destruction is happening all over the world and closer to your home than you might think. Tropical rain forests in Central and South America and in Southeast Asia and Oceania are being threatened. Rainforests now occupy less then  ½ of the land that they did 100 years ago (thats less than 2% of the earths surface). Humans are a major cause of habitat destruction. The causes include, logging, agriculture, the building of roads and cities, and forest fires. Logging involves Humans cutting down the forests and rain forests for wood and wood products. Usually, only large prime trees are cut down, such as mahogany. However, smaller trees can be destroyed in the process and never replaced. Logging can cause soil erosion, and the logging roads that are built can damage rivers and streams. Agriculture involves Wild lands being cleared for crops and domestic animals. The single biggest cause of deforestation is farming. Animals that are used to living in a biodiverse habitat cannot survive in an area with one crop. Humans impact on habitat destruction is majorly involved in the building of roads and cities, although essential for life, this still causes a problem for biodiversity as Humans are clearing trees and wild lands to make room for roads and cities. Cities replace the natural habitat of many species of plants and animals. Highways and freeways can destroy plants and also keep animals from safely travelling through their natural habitat. Recent effects of humans on the environment Humans have recently had a massive impact on the environment with the nuclear power plant disaster in Japan following the biggest earthquake/tsunami ever recorded cooling systems failures that led to radiation escaping from a reactor at one location. The emergency declarations, which include five reactors at the two plants, followed Fridays 8.9-magnitude earthquake off the countrys northeast coast. In a troubling announcement, Japan Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency official Ryohei Shiomi said a monitoring device outside the plant detected radiation that is eight times higher than normal and an evacuation zone has been expanded from three kilometres around the plant to 10 kilometres. ( ) The impact this had on the environment was really frightening as fears of people being exposed with radiation which was life threatening and people were even evacuated from their homes and told not to go outside, there is now fears that the food produced there may be contaminated with radiation and they are stopping all exports. This radiation from Japan has the potential to cause worldwide biological disruption Referencing/Sources Buz/ed Causes and effects of land pollution [Online] Available: (accessed 20th march 2011) Biodiversity lectures [Online] Available: National Geographic Air pollution [Online] Available: (accessed 20th march 2011) Goudie, A. and Viles, H.(1997) The Earth Transformed An introduction to human impacts on the environment Images Radioactive waste [Online] Available: Picture (accessed 20th march) Air pollution [Online] Available: (accessed 20th march 2011) Land Pollution [Online] Available: (accessed 20th march 2011 Water Pollution [Online] Available: (accessed 20th march 2011) Image [Online] Available: (accessed 20th march 2011) Water Pollution [Online] Available: (accessed 20th march 2011) Habitat Destruction [Online] Available: (accessed 20th march 2011) Japan Earth Quake [Online] Available: (accessed 21th march 2011) Water Pollution [Online] Available: (accessed 22nd march 2011) University of the West of Scotland (n.d.) Student Services Mini Guide: Hamilton Campus. s.l.: UWS
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Battle of the Woods: Nollywood Versus Hollywood
The Battle of the Woods: Hollywood and Nollywood Cinema of the United States has played an undeniable role in the transmission and interpretation of many values that we hold today. We perceive real life situations based on what Hollywood has taught us. Some ninety years after the first huge success of American cinema, â€Å"The Great Train robbery†was released, we were introduced to a new brand of films. The cult classic â€Å"Living in Bondage†was distributed. This low- budget film produced in Onitsha, Nigeria set the scene for what would become an explosion. So impressed were the filmmakers and actors by their work, they coined the term Nollywood- the Nigerian Hollywood. The different environments and practices have resulted in obvious differences and a few similarities between Hollywood and Nollywood. The most noticeable characteristic of motion pictures produced in North America is their potential cost. In Hollywood today, a blockbuster that grosses $70 million could be considered a flop. Most major movies have production expenses that routinely top the $100 million mark. According to the Variety box office revenue chart, the total revenue for the U. S. box office in 2006 was $9. 49 billion. Spiderman 3 cost over $ 250 million to produce, and Titanic earned a remarkable $1,848,813,795 worldwide. With these huge costs, the number of Hollywood movies produced yearly is relatively low. On the average, 603 movies are released every year. In contrast, the average Nollywood film costs between N2,040,000 and N2,760,000 ( $17,000- $23,000) to produce. Most Nollywood movies are produced in rented-out hotels, homes, offices and not complex studios. With this, filmmakers have lower start-up and maintenance costs. Usofia in London cost a modest N 2. million to produce and distribute. These relatively low costs act as an incentive for many to produce movies. According to Hala Gorani and Jeff Koinange, the Nollywood industry churns out approximately 200 videos for the home video market every month. Furthermore, differences exist in the marketing and distribution of films in the two industries. Hollywood movies employ creative and bold methods to market their movies. A good deal of promotion and advertising is targeted to getting people into theatres. Media blitzes are launched to tout the movies weeks before its release. Posters on buses, billboards, designed T-shirts, websites are used to promote Hollywood films. These films are then distributed to a diverse audience. Unless they are extremely unsuccessful, Hollywood movies are always first shown in cinemas across the world, before they are released on DVD. Nollywood films, on the other hand, do not put in a lot of money and effort on the marketing of their films. Other than the movie posters which are usually seen at the selling point of the films, not much advertising is employed. As all Nollywood films go straight to DVD and VCD discs, the industry thrives on direct-to-video marketing. As many as thirty new titles are delivered to Nigerian stores and market stalls every week. Producers rely on the fact that with this outpour of releases, their movies would most certainly be picked up among the crowd; hence, employing further marketing practices is unnecessary. Currently, the available cinemas in Nigeria do not exhibit any Nollywood movies. The costs, methods of distribution, and themes of Hollywood and Nollywood films reflect strongly their target audiences; how the target audience affects the production of a film and how the production of a movie is designed to capture a specific target audience. Hollywood movies are designed to capture a specific audience. Critics have proposed that they use beautiful actresses and hunky actors to capture that audience – the teenage population of the entire world. Hip, youthful plots drive the teenagers- the ones with the willingness and ability to spend money for entertainment purposes- to the cinemas. Even the movies with more elements of drama, and less action are still made to appeal to these teenagers. Halle Berry was able to win an Academy Award as well as completely amaze millions of boys who had just hit puberty for her racy role in Monster’s Ball. The lack of detail that is characteristic of a Nollywood film from its conception to the time it is released on video is a cause to the effect that the target audience of the movies is generally the lower class and educated Nigerians. This stagnant market would seem to be what Nigerian movie producers want, as it is much easier to please this kind of consumers than a 16 year old geek that knows the meaning of CGI. Famous Nigerian filmmaker Chico Ejiro boasts that he can make a movie in three days. All he has to do is make a movie with the same plot as thousands before it albeit with different actors, put a title on it, and distribute it. Nigerians will always buy it. His target audience therefore does not influence his movies because they are always there; they will always buy and this gives him no incentive for creativity. However, with all the differences between the two industries, similarities do exist. Just like Hollywood, the primary purpose of Nollywood films is to entertain viewers. In their quest to entertain, the two industries may employ different procedures, but Hollywood and Nollywood filmmakers both share the burning desire to refresh the minds of audiences. The two industries can both be credited for producing many untouchable stars from mere mortals. Marilyn Monroe will be worshipped till the end of time, and Richard Mofe Damijo would forever be the ultimate sex icon in the minds of all Nigerian women above 18. King Joe Okechukwu would always be the pastor who speaks in tongues, and John Wayne is our idol in a cowboy hat that we will tell our children about.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Trade and Finance Eco372
International Trade and Finance Speech ECO/ 372 March 21, 2013 Good evening everyone! It is a pleasure to be here. This evening I will first briefly review the International trade and Financial state of our economy†¦.. What happens when there is a surplus of imports brought into the U. S Domestic producers competing with imports suffer from lower prices and fewer sales. They have less revenue and resource owners doing the production have less income. However, Domestic consumers enjoy lower prices! Whenever there is a surplus of products, regardless of origin, the price drops.Even to the point of selling at a loss, the holder has already paid the invoice and taxes, but still has to pay storage, the longer it holds the product the more money it costs, selling at a loss moves the product out of storage and clears the store front for another product. Take the case of car sales, do you really think that cutting $10,000 of the price of a $40K car makes sense if you can sell it for $40 K. * What are the effects of international trade to GDP, domestic markets and university student’s. International Trade to GDPIn order to understand international trade it is important to recognize what the effects of international trade have on the GDP, domestic markets and university students. International trade is essentially when two or more countries exchange goods and services. Many countries export their goods and services to other countries and in turn may also import goods and services from other countries into their own. There have been exceptional achievements with technology, which have made it much easier to trade on an international level.The communication, as a result of these technology advancements, has improved exponentially and it has truly simplified this process. With that being said it can be confirmed that international trade has a profound effect on the GDP, domestic markets and even university students like me. There are many countries that are rich in technology, like China and Japan, and others that have bountiful natural resources, like Iraq, that have a weighty impact on us specifically. The U. S. s one of the largest contributors to international trade and in fact our GDP is overwhelmingly impacted because we are huge import consumers. We rely heavily on products from other countries and import much more than what we export. This not only impact our GDP, thus lowering it since we are importing more than exporting, and also has an impact on our domestic markets because we. How do government choices in regards to tariffs and quotas affect international relations and trades?The government certainly makes many choices particularly when it comes to economics. The big question is how do government choices in regards to tariffs and quotas affect international relations and trade? First and foremost it is important to understand that tariffs and quotas are in place to encourage the government to make choices on how much quantity t hey will agree to have imported and exported and additionally the amount of taxes that will be collected in order to avoid discarding of those goods or services.Foreign investors are encourages to play a role in international trade by having exchange rates in place. There are also government policies in place that aid to avert certain goods and services from entering our country. In essence the main objective of the government and the choices that they make regarding tariffs and quotas is to do what is best for our economy to keep it stable and lucrative. What are foreign exchange rates? How are they determined? In order to understand foreign exchange rates we must ask the question of what are they and how are they determined?Because economic growth within a country is important, the government makes certain that fiscal and monetary policies are in place to ensure that this growth continues. Because there are goods and services which are traded between different countries around the world, there are foreign exchange rate payments that are required to be paid for those exchanges. This foreign exchange rate will differ from country to country. Why doesn’t the US simply restrict all goods coming in from China?Why can’t the US just minimize the amount of imports coming in from all other countries? Naturally there are many people that have asked the question of why the U. S. does not simply restrict all goods coming in from China, as an example? Why can’t the U. S. just minimize the amount of imports coming in from all other countries as well? It is difficult to restrict imports from other countries particularly in the U. S where there is a large group of consumers who are demanding goods and services from other countries.In order to satisfy the demands of people who want these goods or services from other countries the government allows for this easy trading and does earn revenue from duties and taxes on these imports. This helps to boost our own countries economy. References Colander, D. C. (2010). Macroeconomics. (8th ed. ). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. United States Department of Labor. (n. d. ). Bureau of Labor Statistics. Retrieved from http://www. bls. gov/eag/eag. us. htm. Trading Economics. (2012). United States Consumer Confidence.Retrieved from http://www. tradingeconomics. com/united-states/consumer-confidence. CBS NEWS. (n. d. ). US Consumer Spending Up, but Income Lags. Retrieved from http://www. cbsnews. com/8301-500395_162-57406993/us-consumer-spending-up-but-income-lags/. Appelbaum, B. (March 2012). The New York Times: As Fed Officials Prepare to Meet, They Await Clearer Economic Signals. Retrieved from http://www. nytimes. com/2012/03/12/business/as-fed-meeting-nears-it-awaits-clearer-economic-signals. html? ref=interestrates.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Eppleton Colliery essays
Eppleton Colliery essays When it closed in 1986 Eppleton Colliery was one of the oldest coal mines left in Europe. Work on a shaft at the site at Hetton Downs, in Hetton-le-Hole, was started in 1825. The mine was owned by the Hetton Coal Company, which also owned Elemore Colliery in Easington Lane. It took 8 years to finally finish this first shaft, called The Caroline pit. It took so long because soon after digging down, the miners found lots of sand and water. The work was very dangerous because the mine often caved in and flooded. Many people did not believe it was possible to have a pit there. There was 30 meters of sand and water flooded in at a rate of 1200 gallons per minute, but the Main coal seam was reached 270 metres underground on August 1st 1833. A second shaft, the Jane pit, was sunk in 1837 and reached the Busty coal seam. It was at this time that the terraced houses in Hetton Downs were built where the Eppleton miners and their families lived. A third shaft the Lindsay pit was sunk in 1874 to connect with the Hutton coal seam. Over time Eppleton Colliery changed ownership from the Hetton Coal Company to the Lambton By the end of the 19th century, Eppleton Colliery was one of the most modern in the Durham Coalfield. It employed 1100 men and boys underground and 300 on the surface. The coal seams were fairly thick and could be easily worked. The three shafts at Eppleton were ventilated by furnaces and coal fire boilers which pumped air to the underground coal faces. The daily production for coal was 3000 tons per day, making it a one of the most efficient in the country. The National Coal Board (NCB) took control of Eppleton Colliery when the pits were nationalised in 1947. Investment was increased and the latest cutting machinery was installed underground meaning that the coal no longer had to be removed by hand. In the 1950 ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
United States House of Representatives
United States House of Representatives Introduction In comparing and contrasting two house of representative members in the state of Pennsylvania, there are two members whose contributions to their respective districts and to the state are significant. Thompson Glen and Mike Kelly have the experience to work with people across all age groups and gender.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on United States House of Representatives specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In this regard, they strive to improve economic growth through formulation of policies and implementation of programs to this regard. They have developed various approaches in their service to the people. Like their counterparts in the House of Representatives, they have experiences and their share of criticism. But, that has not deterred their commitment to serve the people of Pennsylvania. Personal backgrounds and Districts Mike Kelly is the U.S representative for Pennsylvania’s third District. Mike is sixty three years old, a former Butler City Council member. He attended University of Notre Dame on a football scholarship but left because of injury (Cabalena). A car dealer by profession, he is a newcomer elected on the republican platform. Kelly Mike committees’ projects include Education and the Workforce, Foreign Affairs, Oversight and Government Reform. Thompson Glen, who is fifty two years old, is also a republican representing the fifth district in his second term in office. Thompson attended both Pennsylvania State University and Temple University. Thompson Glen is involved with Agriculture, Education and the Workforce, and the Natural Resources committee (Cabalena). Thompson Glen has the reputation of a hardworking representative and a down-to-earth lawmaker. Thompson represents the largest district in Pennsylvania, the 5th Congressional District. As noted in Centre For Responsive Politics, it has a population of 646,397 where 96.5% of this are whites, 1.1% are Asian 0.8%, Hispanic 1.3% Black and 0.2% are Native Americans (Centre For Responsive Politics). Its Median income is $33,254.In 2010, Thompson won the elections gaining 125,740 votes 68.6 % of the total 182,972 votes. His victory is attributed to the grassroots campaigns. On the other hand, Mike is a newcomer as the 3rd district representative which has a population of 646,311. This represented as 94.4% are white, 0.5% are Asian, 3.5% Black, 1.3% Hispanic, 0.1% are Native Americans and 0.1% others. Its Median income is $35,884. Mike gained 109,909 votes which was 55.7% of all votes against Democrat Kathy Dahlkemper in the 2010 elections (Politicians and Elections).Advertising Looking for essay on government? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The 3rd district has an approximately 88% high school graduates, while for Bachelor’s degree or higher graduates range around 26% as the 5th district high school drops out is around 15% making graduates range at around 85%, for Bachelor’s degree is around 19% (Centre For Responsive Politics). Legislation and Responsibilities Mike has sponsored these legislation among others: State and Local Funding Flexibility Act, Empowering Parents through Quality Charter Schools Act, Setting New Priorities in Education Spending Act, Family Health Care Accessibility Act of 2011, Congressional Retirement Age Act of 2011, Congressional Retirement Age Act of 2011, Referred to House committee, House Committee on Energy and Commerce. While Thompson sponsored bills like Educating Entrepreneurs through Todays Technology Act, Tax Relief Certainty Act, Small Business Paperwork Mandate Elimination Act, Amendment of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to modify special rules relating to coverage of abortion services under such Act. Unlike Mike Kelly who is a newcomer, Thompson Glen won h is second two-year term with 68 percent of the vote. In his first term he voted 93percent with his republican party but he voted with Democrats on several issues, like children’s health insurance reauthorization, federally funded community service and volunteer programs. This has brought criticism on him from his party members. With his background as a therapist, he believes health care should be expanded for veterans and service members. He proposed an amendment on health policy to aid medical providers to provide and treat patients using the telephone and the internet. According to the Centre For Responsive Politics, Mike Kelly is serving in his first term. He is a strong advocate of government, cutting cost on its spending by removing duplicate programs, which are not necessary. In doing so, the committee on Government Oversight and Government Reform Committee which he serves on have not been spared from criticism (Centre For Responsive Politics) . His background as a businessman plays a major role in his contributions in the lower chamber to advocate for practical ways of budgeting in an effort to reduce taxpayers’ burden. Although most newcomers to the political arena are assigned to serve in two committees, he serves in three of them. In comparing and contrasting the roles of these two representatives, it is important to identify theirAdvertising We will write a custom essay sample on United States House of Representatives specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Values, and beliefs on different issues that include education, job creation, trade, natural resources and government spending. In addition, they have the duty to understand the roles they play to represent the people of Pennsylvania in the representative committees they serve in. Thompson Glen and Mike Kelly on Issues Both have had a lot of experiences working with youth in the Pennsy lvania state despite, their ages in the attempt to reach out to all their constituents. Thompson’s appointment to the House Committee on Education and Workforce in 2008 was as a result of his experience to work with young people. Previously, he served as a member of the Bald Eagle Area School Board as well as a past vice-chair of the private industry council of the Central Corridor, a volunteer fire fighter and as a scoutmaster. As noted by US Census Bureau, Thompson has been at the forefront advocating for students’ education as a future investment (US Census Bureau). He serves on the Higher Education committee and a vigorous supporter of inclusive education that advocates the pursuit for both science and arts. In the lower chamber he has been aggressively advocating for a sustainable economic growth and job creation (US Census Bureau). Therefore, the nation should focus on retooling the education system towards a positive transition t o the workforce. Thompson also supports school voucher system that allows parents or guardians to send their children to any schools. Thompson, like Kelly, believes that the federal government has a significant role to play in not only policies but also public education funding and other program. U.S. Representative Mike Kelly is also very vocal on the importance of education for all including funding both urban and rural school districts. His funding formula by the federal government which should be inclusive, away from the current structures that advocate funding for largest school districts and instead, redirect resources to smaller urban and rural district schools to improve education, especially, for disadvantaged students. Job Creation and Trade As a businessman, Kelly’s concerns on cutting jobs are justified. Trade polices should impact positively on the ability for American businessmen to compete in the global market with other international trading partners. According to Centre For Responsive Politics, Mike Kelly as the vice-Chair of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific, is mandated to spearhead policy formulation (Centre For Responsive Politics). These include focusing on trade and security-related policies that impact on U.S. and the region including the Asia-Pacific region.Advertising Looking for essay on government? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It includes the enforcement of good global partnership. In the efforts to advance stability and security throughout the region, there is greater access, meaning job creation and increased exports. They both attempt to overcome economic challenges that throughout history have been contributing factors that have continued to compromise the nation’s future. This is through formulation of policies and programs that encourage job creation a major factor to economical growth. Natural Resources According to both Thompson and Kelly, improving existing natural resources an important feature. Simply, because in Pennsylvania has a history with management and conservation of its natural resources, which is a crucial aspect to its growth. These natural resources include the Allegheny National Forest; Pennsylvania’s only national forest, the Marcellus Shale Natural Gas Play and agriculture (Pennsylvania Politics). Although Kelly has voted with his Republican party on many issues on energy and agriculture, they have proved productive and to the advantage of his own state. Although, they both serve in different committees they share a sense of commitment to serve the state of Pennsylvania, and have been very vocal on issues in the lower chamber. According to US Census Bureau Congressman Thompson has over three decades of experience as a community leader this has been instrumental in his contribution to the agriculture committee which Pennsylvania is very significant to the rural industry. Its jurisdiction is over agriculture-related fields that include forestry, resource and water conservation, agriculture and nutrition (US Census Bureau). Pennsylvania has a long history with the timber industry; therefore, need to identify proper timber harvesting mechanisms that recognize water and resource conservation. Glen’s office has been instrumental in obtaining loa ns and grants for the community by working with the constituents, community based organizations and the local governments. He believes in supporting appropriate legislation which is responsible for the expansion of alternative and renewable forms of energy, increase conservation to increase energy efficiency and supply as a way of saving the consumer both money energy. On the contrary, Kelly believes the solution to the energy dependence is for congress to put in place policies that encourage the development of natural gas and coal. Another way is also to concentrate on emerging industries, like the shale industry to provide affordable energy to all citizens. Government spending Most freshmen Congressmen assignments to committees involve serving on the third committee of Government Oversight and Government Reform Committee. They have strong belief in the need for the government to reduce spending. This committee has been ac cused of duplicating programs that contribute to wasting taxpayers’ money, who are already overstretched. In reversing the accumulated staggering national debt, the United States good business sense is required. To create employment, a conducive entrepreneur’s environment is necessary. Glen’s approach is to give every opportunity for effective and healthy competition in the work. Contributors and the Role of the Media The top contributors in Mike Kelly’s campaign include Honey International, National Community Action Foundation, Alpha Natural Resources, and Automotive Free International Trade PAC. Glen Thompson’s received 68 percent ($165,403) of his contributions from individuals; PAC contributed 32 percent amounting to $78,600. Pennsylvania Politics notes that the media is an integral part of the electoral process. Social media are interactive reaching to more constitute (Pennsylvania Politics). Simply because they are friend- driven, emails, blogs, tweets, and digital public spaces are powerful means of obtaining public opinions. Mike Kelly and Thompson Glen recognized that during their respective campaigns is effective in connecting with the voters. Both Glen and Thompson’s campaigners used social network not only to fund raise but train volunteers (Pennsylvania Politics). Conclusion Thompson Glen and Mike Kelly, as representatives of the state of Pennsylvania, play major roles in the lower chamber. It is not only in their voting patterns but their strong belief and opinion that is evident in their proactive approaches in addressing positive change that impact economical growth in the entire nation. Both congressmen acknowledge that for sustainable growth and relevance of the policies; accountability and flexibility are key factors. They only differ in their respective approaches on issues in their respective responsibilies. Their past involvement with the community makes b oth Kelly and Glen to easily relate more to the importance issues affecting ordinary citizens. Cabalena Juan. Information on Representative Mike Kelly of Congressional District September, 2011. 27th September, 2011 Centre For Responsive Politics. Get Local. 2011. Web. Pennsylvania Politics. Pennsylvania Politics National News, Statehouse Updates Elections Coverage.2011.Web. Politicians and Elections. 112th Congress Legislation. 2011. Web. US Census Bureau. State County Quick Facts. 2011. Web. September, 2011
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Projects, Processes & Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Projects, Processes & Systems - Essay Example It also deals with motivating and managing all the people involved. The ultimate aim of project management is to complete the assigned project within the agreed time, cost and performance (KNUTSON, Joan and Bitz, Ira, 1991). The key players of a project include the client, the users, the project control groups, the project manager(s) and the stake holders (HEALY, Patrick L., 1997). The client is the person who pays for the project from the beginning till its end. It is the client for whom the project is being conducted. The users are those which will the run the project after the completion. For example, after the completion of a new product facility, those who will be running it, will be its users. These users are required to be considered during the project and some of them should be represented during the project so that they can contribute their skills. The project control group is a committee which usually has a number of representatives from various sections. The contractor is one who conducts the project management task for the client. There stakeholders are all the persons who are affected by the project. The Project Manager is the person who manages the whole project. His ultimate duty is to successfully complete the project as per the requirement of the customer. ... The Project Manager constitutes a team at the start, which should have all the required members for doing various tasks included in the Project. For example, when the state appoints a Project Manager for establishing a fire service in a new town, the Project Manager should have labor for infrastructure construction, finance department to keep check and balance, logistic department to bring necessary materials for construction, administrative department to see who is working to what extent and assigning tasks, engineering persons to design the infrastructure, decide on what vehicles to be bought for the service and IT persons to develop the network for complaint receiving. To constitute the team members and to work smoothly and efficiently on project, project managers need the full support of functional managers. The functional mangers are those which are working on the actual operations of the organization and are appointed for longer period of time. Project managers are appointed fo r specific tasks, after completion of which, their duties are no longer required. Functional managers expect their departments to exist indefinitely and they need resources for full-time while project exist for definite period and needs resources for a temporary period of time (HAYNES, Marion E., 2002, p.3). The importance of collaboration between functional and project managers can be elaborated with the example of expanding an airport services. Project managers might need people from functional managers who can tell the different locations of the airport. He might require info about the idle timing so that he can carry construction work so that flights are
Friday, November 1, 2019
Business to Business Marketing Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Business to Business Marketing - Case Study Example Storage Open Market Modified Rebuy /New Task Toys and sporting Barbie Lego Fisher Price Bratz HotWheels Straight Rebuy Women's wear Contempo Girl Express Secret Love Bonds Solutions Sports Now Bub2b Beachley Straight Rebuy 2.0 NETWORK SURROUNDING KMART 3 Overview of Products acquired from Upstream Supplier: The supply chain of a company contains three parts: 1) The upstream that which includes suppliers and their sub-suppliers and their sub-suppliers etc. 2) The internal supply chain which includes all the processes used in transforming the inputs received from the above suppliers to the outputs, from the time the inputs enter an organization to the time that the product(s) go to distribution. 3) The downstream which includes all the activities involved in delivering the product to final customers, including the "afterlife" that is, where the product ends up after it has served its useful life - recycle, reuse, refuse, etc. K-MART is one of the largest retail networks of the world. In view of keeping the organizational purchasing process transparent and systematic, K-Mart utilizes a "Supplier Diversity Program" by Diversity They have completely outsourced their vendor management to Diversity K-Mart believed in Supplier Diversity and for this they have a specific Supplier Diversity Program. Supplier Diversity Mission Statement "Kmart is committed to improving the economic position of minority owned businesses. Our diverse store locations require that we go above and beyond to meet our customers' expectations. It is our goal to actively seek qualified, reliable, minority owned vendors that can provide a strategic advantage to Kmart." ( It... 2) The internal supply chain which includes all the processes used in transforming the inputs received from the above suppliers to the outputs, from the time the inputs enter an organization to the time that the product(s) go to distribution. 3) The downstream which includes all the activities involved in delivering the product to final customers, including the "afterlife" that is, where the product ends up after it has served its useful life - recycle, reuse, refuse, etc. K-MART is one of the largest retail networks of the world. In view of keeping the organizational purchasing process transparent and systematic, K-Mart utilizes a "Supplier Diversity Program" by Diversity They have completely outsourced their vendor management to Diversity "Kmart is committed to improving the economic position of minority owned businesses. Our diverse store locations require that we go above and beyond to meet our customers' expectations. It is our goal to actively seek qualified, reliable, minority owned vendors that can provide a strategic advantage to Kmart." ( It can be seen that it would be difficult to analyze which one of the numerous suppliers is more important for K Mart.
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