Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Experience of Mosque Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Experience of Mosque - Assignment Example I visited the ICM on Friday and attended ‘Jumuah’ prayer at 1.30 pm. Besides, I went through the prayer calendar to find out the exact time of ‘Jumuah’ because my religious faith is different from Islam. Besides, this helped me to attend the congregational prayer that started at 2.00 pm. One can see that mosques are flooded by believers on Fridays. So, I parked my car at Lot ST8 and walked to the ICM. Entering the mosque, I noticed that most of the visitors are students. Besides, the only noticeable difference in dress is the cap or ‘Taqiyah’. But most of the visitors were not wearing ‘Taqiyah’. Besides, pants and t-shirt/shirt is the common dress among the visitors. So, one can see that there is no strict dress code implemented by the authorities because most of the believers are students. The mosque’s exterior is not so different from other buildings in the neighborhood. To be specific, the exterior does not represent the traditional mosques in the Middle East. Entering the mosque, I noticed that the main hall used for prayer purpose is symbolic of modern construction because there are fewer symbols or images that signify Islamic architecture. But the only difference is that there is a separate facility for womenfolk to pray. Besides, the noticeable symbol of Islamic architecture within ICM is the ‘minaret’ type protrusion on the bu ilding. As the believers are aware of the rules within mosque premises, there are no strict rules to be followed at ICM. Besides, silence during prayer time, proper dressing, ‘hijab’ (say, for womenfolk) are general rules. My conversation with an African American and an Indonesian student proves that they feel satisfied with the prayer services at the ICM. Still the conversation shed light into the differences between Islamic and Christian faiths. Renard (2011) states that, â€Å"In fact, a Christian attending services on Sunday could
Monday, October 28, 2019
Romeo and Juliet act 1 scene 5 Director Notes Essay Example for Free
Romeo and Juliet act 1 scene 5 Director Notes Essay You will be playing the part of Romeo in my adaptation of Act 1 scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet. In order to play the part effectively it is vital that you understand a number of things about Romeos character and the play and how I wish you to act the role. To summarise the narrative so far you need to understand the themes presented to the audience in the first Act of the play. The themes have been tragedy, fate and love. Throughout the first act the audience have explored the setting of the play which is in Verona, a romantic, catholic city that strongly reflects many of the key themes in the play. Information regarding the characters, location, period of time and family life necessary to effectively understand the play in its true context. Shakespeares England was Elizabethan England and therefore the audience should be aware that the play will be reflective of the period of time it was written in. Women in Elizabethan times were often unattainable and withdrawn from the men and marriage was not commonly about love. Therefore Juliet is justly concerned when the nurse tells her Romeo who she loves is The son of your great enemy. Juliets concerns are not only because of the feud between the Montagues and Capulets it is also because women had little control over who they married. Courtship was the process commonly practised in Elizabethan times between noble men and women at a time when people rarely married for love. Marriage was viewed as a business proposition as great fortunes could be at stake through inheritance. The economics of marriage were ingrained into society so emotional and physical desires of a man or women were less important this was reinforced by religion at the time as it was thought people should have control over their desires. The church had a significant impact on the behaviour of people at that time. People were expected to be restrained, moral and to be seen to do the right thing at the time. Women were especially repressed through a male oriented church. Young women were expected to be submissive and primarily concerned with domestic life. Women were not commonly educated formally and any education they did receive would revolve around domestic tasks and proper manners, so they could not dishonour their families. Family honour was regarded very important especially among wealthy, noble families as it was seen as essential maintaining their security and that of future generations. The emphasis on family honour explains why Tybalt is so quick to react angrily at Romeos presence at the masque: Now by the stock and honour of my kin, To strike him dead I hold it not a sin. You gain access to the Capulet celebration by disguising yourself as a pilgrim. Pilgrims, to show their faith made long journeys to the shrines of the Holy Land. They brought back palm leaves as proof of their visits, and so were known as palmers. When acting the role of Romeo you should explore his responses to the circumstances of the play, which will give you an insight into his character and motivations. Romeo is a young member of the Montagues a noble family who are in high social standing therefore you would have good manners and a good education. Romeo has a dramatic response to his feelings towards Juliet when he first sees her and his language is an example of hyperbole which demonstrates the passionate and impulsive side of his character which I would lie you to portray when acting the role. The hyperbole of the language should be reflected when you speak the lines O she doth teach the torches to burn bright in an exaggerated and passionate way. Romeos romantic nature is also a key factor you should consider when developing this character his response to her beauty is to exclaim: Did my heart love till now. It would be appropriate for you to speak this with your hand on your heart which would symbolize to the audience that your words are heartfelt. You should also think about the response of other characters to Romeo and their descriptions of him. Verona brags of him to be a virtuous and well governed youth therefore though the character can be at times reckless this should not be over emphasised. Romeo appears to demonstrate a strong belief in the role of fate his life He that hath the steerage of my course direct my sail. Shakespeare uses Romeo to develop the theme of fate throughout the narrative and therefore you should present Romeo as having a strong respect for fate and its role in his life. You compare Juliet to a shrine and saint. Religious imagery runs thought your conversation.. I want you to play the role as a knight in shining armour, self assured, loyal, impulsive and passionate and at times hasty. You come from a wealthy, Roman Catholic background and your family is in a feud with the Capulets. . You are a member of the Montagues a high standing aristocratic family. You family is in a quarrel with the Capulets, a noble family which has been going on for generations. You dont want anything to do with the quarrel and keep out of the battles. You are depressed by your unrequited love for Rosaline. You think of Rosaline as a swan beautiful, graceful, and elegant but Benvolio can see the other side of her as a swan haughty, aggressive and arrogant and beyond your reach. When we look at the language Romeo uses talking about Rosaline we can tell that he is acting how he thinks a courtly lover should, it lacks depth and uses lots of oxymorons loving/ hate, heavy/ lightness, sick/health and so on so. He is confused and being artificial. You go to the masque hoping to see Rosaline In scene 1 act 5 when you meet Juliet your conversation is written as a sonnet that were popular and highly esteemed activity in the Queen Elizabeths court.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Immigration Policy :: essays research papers
American Immigration Policy Immigration has held a major role in shaping our country. Immigrants have provided many things such as customs, manufacturing, inventions, and entertainment. Many people today don't realize how greatly we have been affected by immigration. A survey was given to ten people. The survey contained a list of people who were all immigrants. When asked how many actually were, only one person got the question right. Old Immigration occurred between 1840-1890. Immigrants during this time period came from countries such as Ireland, Germany, and Scandinavian countries (Norway, Denmark, Sweden, and Finland). Next came the period of New Immigration. These newcomers came from Italy, Russia, Poland, Lithuania, Greece, Austria, etc., most of whom were peasants who couldn't speak English. The people who migrated during the period of Old Immigration disliked these aliens because it meant lower wages for themselves and the new immigrants had greater advantages including poor and political machines. These people also were not willing to adapt to American ways of life, created their own little towns that resemble their homeland. They were treated as outcasts. New Immigration ended with World War I when the immigrant boats were being sunk. Immigration is still continuing today. Current Immigration includes people from Latin America, the Philippines, and Asia. Laws regarding immigration are constantly changing to fit the needs of society. In 1854, the Know-Nothing Party declared the need for strict limits on Immigration. Members of this party felt it was necessary that immigrants must be residents of the United States for 21 years before being granted citizenship. The campaign ended in 1860 during the time of the Civil War due to the demand of immigrants needed to enlist in the Union Army. Ten years later, the Naturalization Act is passed. This states that only "white persons and persons of African descent, " are able to become citizens. This excludes all Asians. This trend continues for several decades. In 1921, Congress decides to pass immigration restrictions, first establishing a quota of 350,000 immigrants. The quota is increased as times change. In 1995, it was passed that the total number of legal immigrants allowed to enter the United States be limited to 650, 000 a year. Immigrants were given visas, which allowed them to come to this country. Visas were distributed for family and employment-based immigrants, and persons from "adversely affected" countries. Strict regulations have also been made due to the large amount of people entering the country illegally. The nation is on the right track.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Fashion Channel
How would you interpret the consumer and market data if you were Dana Wheeler? I would first try to see if I could classify the data into various segments. The fashion channel is very popular among women. Hence, I would differentiate between the women viewers based on age, spending capacity, fashion nerdiness, etc. These will become subsets of the superset â€Å"women viewers†. Once, I determine the segments I would look for any noticeable trends in the segments that will prove profitable for the business.For example, some of the trends in the provided market data were: 1. Approximately, 15% of the women viewers were Fashionistas who give lot of importance to fashion and follow the trends closely. These consumers will spend a lot of money on fashion because they care for it (about 50% have an income more than $100k). 2. About 35% of the women viewers were Fashionistas and Planners/Shoppers. This segment consists of a more diverse consumer base. Serving this segment will defini tely increase the ratings. Q 2) What is the expected outcome of each of the targeting scenarios? SCENARIO 1: Financial and Viewership: Since scenario 1 deals with a broader segment (Fashionistas, Planners & Shoppers, and Situationalists), the viewership is expected to increase. This increase in viewership will attract more advertisement deals. Hence, the overall ad revenue might increase as compared to 2006 (will depend on the rate of CPM). -SCENARIO 2: Financial and Viewership: Scenario 2 deals with a â€Å"laser†specific single segment. The risk associated with this segment is that there will fewer people comprising it.If this number is less than the last year’s viewership, the viewership rating will drop. However, this scenario will attract ad deals which are willing to pay more CPM rates, hence, the net revenue will increase depending on the rating (0. 8% as compared to 1% in 2006). -SCENARIO 3: Financial and Viewership: Scenario 3 is much more balanced than scena rio 1 and 2. Scenario 3 can be considered as the middle of the spectrum in which scenario 1 and 2 occupy the ends. Scenario 3 is neither â€Å"laser†specific nor includes a very wide consumer base.Hence, there are ample chances of increase in viewership (increased to 1. 2% from 1% in 2006). Together with the increase in viewership, it will attract more CPM for ad deals as compared to scenario 1 and hence the net revenue will be more than scenario 1. At the same time, this increase in net revenue might match the net revenue of scenario 3 if the increase in viewers match the deficit caused by the reduced CPM in case of scenario 3. Q 3) Develop a factual analysis of the segmentation options, and evaluate the pros and cons of each. SCENARIO 1: Ad revenue/year saw a marginal increase as compared 2007 base. Cost of programming is the lowest. Pros: Increase in the number of viewers since the channel is catering to a wider audience. Cons: Since, there is no real change in the TYPE o f viewers the ad deals will not have high CPM (thus reducing the net revenue). Also, this scenario will be most prone to the loss in market share when competitors can come up with better programs. -SCENARIO 2: Huge increase in ad revenue couple with increase in cost of programming, which brought down the profit margin.Pros: Segment consists of viewers who show high interest in fashion and hence will attract more CPM. Investing $15 million in improving the programs and related content will increase ratings. Cons: Smallest of the four segments. It is risky to target just this group since viewership depends heavily on novel and interesting programs. Money has to be invested consistently to improve program content. SCENARIO 3: Huge increase in ad revenue couple with increase in cost of programming, which brought down the profit margin.Pros: More wider audience and dual-targeting will ensure more viewership. The CPM is expected to increase from $1. 2 to $2. 5. Cons: Additional $20 millio n investment on program specialization. Q 4) If you were Dana Wheeler, what would you recommend and why? I would recommend scenario 3 for the following reasons: 1) Fashionistas have high interest in fashion and planners and Shoppers will ensure improve viewership. By incorporating both the segments the fashion channel can target both fashion-oriented and regular programming. ) Fashionistas will ensure CPM boost and planners and shoppers will ensure higher rating both of which will have positive influence on net income. 3) Although, additional $20 million was invested in creating new programs, the net income and profit margin was close to that of scenario 2. 4) Focusing on two segments will remove some possible risks associated with focusing on just one concentrate segment such as low ratings, etc. 5) By choosing scenario 3 it is easy convince the present leadership to make changes in the marketing strategy as compared to scenario 2.Q 5) Dana is filling the role of change agent in th is organization. How should she manage the discussion and meeting to be most effective in leading the group to make the right decision? I think Dana should choose scenario 3 over scenario 2. Although, the margins are almost the same for both the segments, it will be hard to convince the leadership to adopt scenario 2. This is because it will be a sudden change from the BROAD marketing strategy they got used to. Once, scenario 3 starts producing better results, it will be easier to convince the leadership to adopt scenario 2.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
A Modern Day Transcendentalist The story of Chris McCandless is an inspiring one. Transcendentalism is the act of finding inner peace and relaxing. David Henry Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson are two authors who are transcendentalists. The idea of transcendentalism was started in America in the 1850’s. Chris McCandless is a college student who decides to become a transcendentalist. Chris McCandless is an example of a modern day transcendentalist because he fits the ideals of Walden, Self Reliance, and Civil Disobedience.One of the big ideas of Walden is that a person needs to separate himself from society to inner peace. Thoreau writes â€Å"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life. †Chris McCandless fits this idea because he goes into the woods to find inner peace after college along with other adventures in the desert and Denali National Park. Another big idea of Walden is a person only needs to live with th e essentials. Thoreau writes â€Å"†¦ to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms. Chris McCandless fits this idea because he only brings a backpack, a gun, a bag of rice, and a sleeping bag into the woods. Nature has a lot to teach is also a big idea of Walden. Thoreau writes â€Å"†¦and see if I could not learn what it had to teach. †Chris McCandless fits this idea because he learns a lot of survival techniques while in nature and he lives and dies while in nature. One of the big ideas in Self Reliance is trust yourself. Emerson writes â€Å"Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string. Chris McCandless fits this idea because whenever he is offered help he declines it. Another big idea of Self Reliance is do not be afraid to be different and do not conform to others standards. Emerson writes â€Å"Whoso would be a man must be a nonconformist. †Chris McCandless fits this idea because he does not care what other people think about him and he did not conform to others expectations. For example his parents want him to go to college and he decides not to because he wants to go into the wild. Do not envy what others have is another big idea of Self Reliance.Emerson writes â€Å"There is a time in every man’s education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance. †Chris McCandless fits this idea because rejects supplies, his parents, his car, and help. One of the big ideas of Civil Disobedience is laws do not have to be followed because each person should make their own laws. Thoreau writes â€Å"That government is best which governs not at all. †Chris McCandless fits this idea because he goes to Mexico without a passport, he kayaks into Mexico, he burns his money, and he train hops.Another big idea of Civil Disobedience is the majority is not always right and that people should follow their own beliefs and thoughts. Thoreau writes â€Å"When the power is once in the hand s of the people, a majority are permitted, and for a long period continue, to rule, is not because they are most likely to be in the right, nor because this seems fairest to the minority, but because they are physically the strongest. †Chris McCandless fits this idea because people may not support his way of life because it is against how the majority live.He lives differently in a lot of people’s eyes because he lives out in the woods instead of being with society. Based on his belief in the ideals of Walden, Self Reliance, and Civil Disobedience, Chris McCandless is a modern day transcendentalist. This type of lifestyle is not all that abnormal. Many people in the world live just like Chris McCandless. They all want to get away of society and live peacefully. The story of Chris McCandless gained popularity in the late 1990’s. One reason people are drawn to this story is because McCandless is a young guy and lives such a different lifestyle.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Timeline of the Titanics First and Only Voyage
Timeline of the Titanic's First and Only Voyage From the time of its inception, the Titanic was meant to be gigantic, luxurious and safe. It was touted as being unsinkable because of its system of watertight compartments and doors, which of course proved to be just a myth. Follow the history of the Titanic, from its beginnings in a shipyard to its end at the bottom of the sea, in this timeline of the building of the ship through its maiden (and only) voyage. In the early morning hours of April 15, 1912, all but 705 of its 2,229 passengers and crew lost their lives in the icy Atlantic. The Building of the Titanic March 31, 1909: Construction of the Titanic begins with the building of the keel, the backbone of the ship, at Harland Wolffs shipyard in Belfast, Ireland. May 31, 1911: The unfinished Titanic is lathered up with soap and pushed into the water for fitting out. Fitting out is the installation of all the extras, some on the exterior, like the smokestacks and the propellers, and a lot on the inside, like the electrical systems, wall coverings, and furniture. June 14, 1911: The Olympic, sister ship to the Titanic, departs on its maiden voyage. April 2, 1912: The Titanic leaves the dock for sea trials, which include tests of speed, turns, and an emergency stop. At about 8 p.m., after the sea trials, the Titanic heads to Southampton, England. The Maiden Voyage Begins April 3 to 10, 1912: The Titanic is loaded with supplies and her crew is hired. April 10, 1912: From 9:30 a.m. until 11:30 a.m., passengers board the ship. Then at noon, the Titanic leaves the dock at Southhampton for its maiden voyage. First stop is in Cherbourg, France, where the Titanic arrives at 6:30 p.m. and leaves at 8:10 p.m, heading to Queenstown, Ireland (now known as Cobh). It is carrying 2,229 passengers and crew. April 11, 1912: At 1:30 p.m., the Titanic leaves Queenstown and begins its fated journey across the Atlantic for New York. April 12 and 13, 1912: The Titanic is at sea, continuing on her journey as passengers enjoy the pleasures of the luxurious ship. April 14, 1912 (9:20 p.m.): The Titanics captain, Edward Smith, retires to his room. April 14, 1912 (9:40 p.m.): The last of seven warnings about icebergs is received in the wireless room. This warning never makes it to the bridge. Last Hours of the Titanic April 14, 1912 (11:40 p.m.): Two hours after the last warning, ship lookout Frederick Fleet spotted an iceberg directly in the path of the Titanic. The first officer, Lt. William McMaster Murdoch, orders a hard starboard (left) turn, but the Titanics right side scrapes the iceberg. Only 37 seconds passed between the sighting of the iceberg and hitting it. April 14, 1912 (11:50 p.m.): Water had entered the front part of the ship and risen to a level of 14 feet. April 15, 1912 (12 a.m.): Captain Smith learns the ship can stay afloat for only two hours and gives orders to make first radio calls for help. April 15, 1912 (12:05 a.m.): Captain Smith orders the crew to prepare the lifeboats and get the passengers and crew up on deck. There is only room in the lifeboats for about half the passengers and crew onboard. Women and children were put into the lifeboats first. April 15, 1912 (12:45 a.m.): The first lifeboat is lowered into the freezing water. April 15, 1912 (2:05 a.m.) The last lifeboat is lowered into the Atlantic. More than 1,500 people are still on the Titanic, now sitting at a steep tilt. April 15, 1912 (2:18 a.m.): The last radio message is sent and the Titanic snaps in half. April 15, 1912 (2:20 a.m.): The Titanic sinks. Rescue of Survivors April 15, 1912 (4:10 a.m.): The Carpathia, which was about 58 miles southeast of the Titanic at the time it heard the distress call, picks up the first of the survivors. April 15, 1912 (8:50 a.m.): The Carpathia picks up survivors from the last lifeboat and heads for New York. April 17, 1912: The Mackay-Bennett is the first of several ships to travel to the area where the Titanic sank to search for bodies. April 18, 1912: The Carpathia arrives in New York with 705 survivors. Aftermath April 19 to May 25, 1912: The United States Senate holds hearings about the disaster; the Senate findings include questions about why there were not more lifeboats on the Titanic. May 2 to July 3, 1912: The British Board of Trade holds an inquiry into the Titanic disaster. It was discovered during this inquiry that the last ice message was the only one that warned of an iceberg directly in the path of the Titanic, and it was believed that if the captain had gotten the warning that he would have changed course in time for the disaster to be avoided. Sept. 1, 1985: Robert Ballards expedition team discovers the wreck of the Titanic.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Free Essays on Beowulf, A True Epic Hero
Beowulf, a True Epic Hero Beowulf is an epic poem set in 500 A.D. Over the centuries the poem has been passed on by word of mouth, and later written in Old English. Beowulf, the main character, shines over other characters in the poem. Exemplifying the characteristics of a perfect hero, Beowulf battles the dreadful Grendal, Grendel’s enraged mother, and the fire breathing dragon. Encountering various problems throughout the poem, Beowulf stays mighty. Beowulf epitomizes an epic hero showing bravery, loyalty and pride. Throughout the poem, Beowulf shows what bravery stands for. Although he gets caught in numerous problems, he stays fearless. Beowulf very seldom uses weapons to overthrow his enemies. He uses his bare hands and his masculine ways. Beowulf states: I’d use no sword, no weapon, if the beast could Be killed without it, crushed to death like Grendal, Gripped in my hands and torn Limb from limb. But his breath will be burning hot, poison will pour From his tongue. I feel no shame, with shield and sword And armor, against the monster: when he comes to me I mean to stand, not run from his shooting flames, Stand till fate decides which of us wins. (630-639) Even in Beowulf’s old age he was still ready to take action and battle the fire-breathing dragon. He won’t back down from the dragon, even if it he is winning the battle. His bravery shines through in doing this. Not only is Beowulf brave, but he is extremely loyal too. Loyalty is being devoted to a motive, ideal, or regimen. Beowulf shows loyalty by being devoted to his fellow geats, and being loyal to himself. When he starts something, he never gives up. The loyal Beowulf never lets his people down. Nothing stands in Beowulf’s way, despite his age. Beowulf uttered in his final boast: I’ve never known fear, as a youth I fought in endless battles. I am old now, But I will fight again, seek fame s... Free Essays on Beowulf, A True Epic Hero Free Essays on Beowulf, A True Epic Hero Beowulf, a True Epic Hero Beowulf is an epic poem set in 500 A.D. Over the centuries the poem has been passed on by word of mouth, and later written in Old English. Beowulf, the main character, shines over other characters in the poem. Exemplifying the characteristics of a perfect hero, Beowulf battles the dreadful Grendal, Grendel’s enraged mother, and the fire breathing dragon. Encountering various problems throughout the poem, Beowulf stays mighty. Beowulf epitomizes an epic hero showing bravery, loyalty and pride. Throughout the poem, Beowulf shows what bravery stands for. Although he gets caught in numerous problems, he stays fearless. Beowulf very seldom uses weapons to overthrow his enemies. He uses his bare hands and his masculine ways. Beowulf states: I’d use no sword, no weapon, if the beast could Be killed without it, crushed to death like Grendal, Gripped in my hands and torn Limb from limb. But his breath will be burning hot, poison will pour From his tongue. I feel no shame, with shield and sword And armor, against the monster: when he comes to me I mean to stand, not run from his shooting flames, Stand till fate decides which of us wins. (630-639) Even in Beowulf’s old age he was still ready to take action and battle the fire-breathing dragon. He won’t back down from the dragon, even if it he is winning the battle. His bravery shines through in doing this. Not only is Beowulf brave, but he is extremely loyal too. Loyalty is being devoted to a motive, ideal, or regimen. Beowulf shows loyalty by being devoted to his fellow geats, and being loyal to himself. When he starts something, he never gives up. The loyal Beowulf never lets his people down. Nothing stands in Beowulf’s way, despite his age. Beowulf uttered in his final boast: I’ve never known fear, as a youth I fought in endless battles. I am old now, But I will fight again, seek fame s...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Conjugating German Verbs (A-Z)
Conjugating German Verbs (A-Z) This alphabetical index lists over 500 common German verbs, some with a complete conjugation in all tenses. SYMBOL KEY: D  Dative verb, M  Modal verb, .s sich Reflexive verb, S  Strong verb (irregular verb), C  Stem-changing verb (in pres. tense), an|fangen  Verb with separable prefix German Verbs A-K A-D E-G H-K Aachten to pay attention to, respectan|erkennen S to recognize, acknowledgean|fangen C/S to begin See Verb prefixes (an-, aus- )angeln to fish, anglean|kommen S to arrivendern to change, alteran|greifen S to attackan|haben S to have on, wearan|nehmen S to accept; assumean|rufen S to call up (tel)antworten D to answers. an|ziehen S to get dressedarbeiten to workrgern to annoy, irritateatmen to breatheauf|fallen S to stand out, attract attentionaus|kommen S to come out, have enough of, make do, get along withaus|machen - 10 meanings!aus|stellen to exhibits. aus|ziehen to undressBbacken S to bakebaden to bathe, swimbauen to buildbeben to quake, tremblebedeuten to means. bedienen to serve oneselfbefehlen S to commands. befinden S to be, find oneselfbefreien to set freebegegnen D to meetbeginnen S to beginbegleiten to accompanybehalten S to keepbeissen S to bitebekommen S to get, receivebeleben to enliven, cheerbeleidigen to insultbellen to barkbelohnen to rewardbergen S to recover, salva geberichten to reportbersten S to burstbesitzen S to ownbestellen to orderbesuchen to visitbeten to praybetrgen S to deceive, cheatbewegen to movebezahlen to paybiegen S to bendbieten to offer, bidbinden S to tiebitten S to request, ask forblasen C/S to blowbleiben S to stayblicken to look, glanceblitzen to flashblhen to bloombluten to bleedbraten C/S to fry, roastbrauchen to needbrauen to brewbrausen to shower; roarbrechen C/S to breakbrennen S to burnbringen S to bringbrllen to roar, shoutbrsten to brushDdarf See drfendmmen to dam, check, curbdmmern to dawn, fall (dusk); dozedampfen to steamdmpfen to muffle, dampdanken D to thankdar|stellen to show, portraydmmen to dam, check, curbdauern to last, enduredecken to cover, set (table)dehnen to stretchdemonstrieren to demonstratedenken S to thinkdeuten to point, indicatedichten to caulk; write poetrydienen to servedringen S to urge, piercedrucken to printdrcken to push, press; oppressducken to stoop, duck; humbledrfen to be permitted, allowdrsten to thirst, be thirsty Eehren to honorein|atmen to breathe inein|bauen to install, put ins. ein|bilden to imagine, get the ideaempfangen C/S to receiveempfehlen C/S to recommendempfinden to feel, senseentbehren to do without; lack, miss See Verb prefixes (emp-, ent- )entdecken to discoverentfernen to removeentfhren to abduct, kidnapentgegenen to reply, retortenthalten C/S to containentkommen to escape, get awayentschuldigen to excuse, apologizeerfinden to inventerhalten C/S to obtain, receive, preserves. erinnern to remembers. erklten to catch a colderklren to explain, declareerlschen to be extinguished, dimerrichten to erect, establisherschpfen to exhaust, drainerschrecken S to be frightenedersticken to choke, smothererwgen to consider, pondererwhnen to mentionerzhlen to tell, recount, relate S to eat Ffahren S to travel, drivefallen S to fallfllen to cut downfalten to foldfangen S to catch, capturefassen to grasp, seize, conceivefechten to fence, fightfeststellen to ascertain, establishfinden S to findfl icken to patch, repairfliegen S to flyfliehen S to flee, avoidflieen S to flow, runfluchen to curse, swearfluten to flood, overflowfolgen D to followfragen to askfressen C/S to eat, feed, devours. freuen to be glad, rejoicefrieren S to freeze, feel coldfrhstcken to eat breakfastfhlen to feel, perceivefhren to leadfllen to fillfrchten to fearGghnen to yawngren to fermentgebren to give birth togeben C/S to givegebrauchen to usegedeihen S to thrive, prospergefallen C/S to be pleasing, likegehen S to gogelingen S to succeedgelten S to be validgenesen to recover, convalesces. genieren to feel embarrassed/awkwardgenieen S to enjoygeraten to get into, fall intogeschehen C/S to happengewinnen S to win, gains. gewhnen to get used to, accustomed togieen S to pour, castglnzen to glitter, shineglauben to believegleichen S to be like, resemblegleiten to glideglotzen to gape, stareglhen to glowgraben S to diggreifen S to grasp, grab, seizegrollen to be angry, grumblegren to greetgucken to look, p eep Hhaben S to havehalten C/S to hold, stop, keephmmern to hammer, poundhandeln to act, trade, dealhngen to hanghassen to hatehauen to hit, hewheben S to lift, raiseheiraten to marryheien S to be namedheilen to healheizen to heathelfen C/S to helpheraus|bekommen S to get out; find out, figure outheraus|fordern to challengehetzen to rush about, inciteheulen to howl, bawlhindern to hamper, impedehoffen to hopehren to hearhpfen to hop, jumphusten to coughIidentifizieren to identifyimmatrikulieren to register (univ)impfen to vaccinate, inoculateimponieren to impress, make an impressionimportieren to importinformieren to informs. interessieren to be interested (in)irren to wander, stray; be mistakenirritieren to confuse; irritateisolieren to insulate; isolateJjagen to hunt; chase, drivejammern to wail, moan, yammerjauchzen to rejoice, cheerjaulen to howljobben to work, have a jobjodeln to yodeljoggen to jogjucken to itchjustieren to adjust, justify (typeKkmmen to combkmpfen to fight, struggl ekauen to chewkaufen to buykehren to turn; sweepkennen S to know, be familiar withkennenlernen to get to know, become acquainted withklagen to lament, complainkleben to paste, stickklingen S to ring, soundklopfen to knock, beatkneifen S to pinch, squeeze, crimpknpfen to tie, knot, fastenkochen to cook, boil, seethekommen S to comeknnen M to be able, cankosten to costkotzen to vomit, pukekrchzen to caw, croakkratzen to scratch, scrape, clawkriechen S to crawl, creepkriegen to get, obtainkhlen to cool, refreshkrzen to shorten, abbreviate Conjugating German Verbs (L-Z) L-R S-T U-Z Llcheln to smilelachen to laughladen C / S to loadlassen C / S to let, leave, allowlaufen C / S to run, walklauschen to eavesdrop, listenleben to livelecken to lick; leaklegen to lay, put, place See liegenlehren to teachleiden S to sufferleihen S to lend, borrow, hirelernen to learn, studylesen C / S to readleuchten to light up, shine, gleamlichten to thin out, lightenlieben to loveliegen S to lie, recline, be situatedloben to praiselocken to lure, attract, enticelohnen to reward, recompenses. lohnen to be worth (doing)lsen to solve, dissolve; loosenlgen to lie (not tell the truth)lutschen to suck (on)Mmachen to make, domahlen to mill, grindmalen to paint, drawmanagen to managemeiden S to avoid, shunmeinen to mean, be of the opinion, thinkmerken to notice, mark, perceivemessen C / S to measuremieten to rent, hiremgen M to like (to)mssen M to have to, mustNnagen to gnaw, nibblenhren to nourish; sucklenaschen to snack, nibble, noshnecken to teasenehmen C / S to takenennen S to name, ca llnicken to nod, dozentzen to use; be usefulOffnen to openoperieren to operate (med.)opfern to sacrificeordnen to organize, put in order Ppachten to lease, rentpacken to pack; grabpassen to fit, be suitablepassieren to happenpfeifen S to whistlepflanzen to plantplagen to plague, annoypreisen to praise, commendputzen to clean, groomQqulen to torture, tormentqualmen to give off smokequellen S to gush, spring fromquetschen to squeeze, crushquietschen to squeak, squealRrchen to avengeRad fahren to ride a bike (VP)raten to advise, guessrauchen to smokerumen to clear away, evacuaterauschen to rustle, murmurrechnen to calculate, reckonreien S to tear, ripreiten S to ride (horse)rennen S to runreichen to reach; passreisen to travel, journeyreinigen to clean, refinereizen to excite, charmrichten to set right, adjustriechen S to smellringen to struggle, wrestlerollen to rollrsten to roastrcken to move, bring nearerrufen S to callruhen to restrhren to stir, touchrsten to arm Ssagen to say, tellsaufen S to drink to excesssaugen to suck, absorb Staub saugen to vacuum (VP)schaden to damage, hurtschaffen S to createschaffen to do, make, accomplishschalten to switch, shift (gears)schtzen to value, estimateschauen to see, lookscheiden S to separate, divides. scheiden lassen S to divorcescheinen S to shine, seemscherzen to joke, kidschicken to sendschieben S to push, shoveschieen S to shootschlachten to slaughter, butcherschlafen C / S to sleepschlagen S to hit, beatschleichen S to sneak, creepschleifen S to grind, polishschlieen to close; concludeschmecken to tasteschmeien S to throw, tossschmelzen S to meltschmerzen to hurt, smartschmieren to grease; bribeschneiden S to cut, sliceschneien to snowschreiben S to writeschreien S to scream, yellschreiten S to step, strideschweben to soar, hover, floatschweigen S to be silentschwimmen S to swimschwitzen to sweatschwren to swearsegnen to blesssehen C / S to seesein S to besenden to send, broadcasts. setzen to sit d ownseufzen to sighsieden to boil, simmersiegen to conquer, triumphsingen S to singsinken S to sinksitzen S to sitsollen M should, ought to, supposed tospalten to split, dividesparen to savespazieren to stroll, walkspielen to playspinnen to spin; be nutssprechen S to speak, talkspringen S to jumpspritzen to spray, squirtsprhen to spray; sparklespucken to spitsplen to rinse, flushspren to feel, detectstatt|finden S to take place, happenStaub saugen to vacuum (VP)staunen to be amazedstechen C / S to stab, sting, prickstecken to set, be locatedstehen to standstehlen to stealsteigen to climb, risestinken to stinksthnen to groan, moanstopfen to stuff, cramstren to disturb, upsetstoen to push, bumpstrahlen to beam, radiatestreben to strivestrecken to stretch, extendstreichen to strike, cancel; paintstreiten to quarrel, arguestricken to knitstudieren to study (univ)strzen to plunge, fall, crashsuchen to look for, seekTtanken to get gas/petrol, refueltanzen to dancetaugen to be of use/valuet oben to storm, ravetten to killtragen C/S to wear, carrytrauen to trust, believe in; marrytrumen to dreamtreffen C / S to meet, hittreiben S to drive, propeltreten C / S to step, walktrinken S to drinktrocknen to drytropfen to drip, droptun S to do, make, put Uben to exercise, practiceberraschen to surpriseberwinden S to overcomeumstellen to change over, shiftunterbrechen S to interrupts. unterhalten S to converse, entertain oneselfVverachten to despiseverderben S to ruin, spoilverdienen to earn, deservevereinigen to uniteverfhren to seducevergessen S to forgetvergewaltigen to rapes. verhalten S to behave, actverhandeln to negotiateverkaufen to sellverkehren to trade, traffic; frequentverklagen to complain, sueverkommen S to decay, go bads. verlieben to fall in loveverlieren S to losevermehren to increasevernichten to annihilate, exterminateverraten S to betrayversagen to failverschlafen C / S to oversleepverstehen S to understandversuchen to attempt, tryvertreten to represent, stand in forverwalten to administer, manageverwechseln to confuse, mix upverweigern to refuseverweilen to linger, while awayverzeihen S to pardon, forgivevor|kommen S to occur, happenvor|stellen to introduce, presents. vor|stellen to imagineWwachen to be awake; kee p watchwachsen C / S to growwagen to darewhlen to choose, votewhren to last, hold outwlzen to rollwandern to hike, wanderwaschen C / S to washwechseln to change, exchangewecken to wake, rousewehren to restrain; prevents. wehren to defend oneselfweichen to yieldweihen to consecrate, devoteweinen to cry, weepwenden to turnwerben to recruit, court, woo, advertisewerden S to becomewerfen C / S to throwwetzen to sharpen, grindwidmen to dedicate, devotewiederholen to repeatwiegen S to weighwissen S to knowwohnen to reside, livewollen M to want (to)wnschen to wish, desirewrzen to season, spiceZzahlen to payzhlen to countzhmen to tamezapfen to tap (beer)zaubern to do magic, enchantzeichnen to draw, signzeigen to show, indicatezelten to campzerschlagen C/S to shatter, smashzerstren to destroyziehen S to pull, drawzielen to aim, targetzitieren to cite, quotezittern to shake, tremblezgern to hesitatezchten to breed, culivateznden to ignitezurck|nehmen C/S to take backzwingen S to force, compel
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Challenges Using the AQHR Reseac Paradigm at an Outpatient VA Menral Essay
Challenges Using the AQHR Reseac Paradigm at an Outpatient VA Menral Health - Essay Example (WHO, 2007).Other benefits are; reduced stigma, better access to health care since the patient will be treated for co-morbid conditions such as Hiv /Aids , cancer and diabetes. Using this model enhances easier communication with practitioners and better follow-up of mental health disorders. Integrating of mental health care in primary care systems ensures early detection and prevention of mental health disorders (WHO, 2007). There are a number of challenges in using ARHQ recommendations. Time availability is a major challenge and it leads to overworking of the health care workers due to diverse health care programs. Increasing the number of health care providers can help in solving this challenge. The primary health care providers can also feel uncomfortable when dealing with mental disorders. Reluctance when working with mental disorders is also expected (WHO, 2007). Absence of a good referral system between primary health care and secondary care institutions is another challenge as it reduces the effectiveness of mental health care offered at primary care level (WHO, 2007).Another challenge is organization barriers which include lack of administrative support and appreciation of such research paradigm (Cook and Grant, 2002). Therefore, implementing of this research paradigm may be prevented by bad administrative policies. Organizational barriers are in the form of resistance to change and addition of new responsibilities. Lack of enough infrastructure and staff is another challenge and strengthening of the existing health care institutions can help in solving this challenge. This will involve enabling primary health care centers to offer mental health care services. More medical staff should be trained and recruited to increase competence and quality of services offered, Training of human resource ensures easy identification and treatment of mental disorders. However, this requires more resources which may not be available. Lack of sufficient funding is a
Foreign Policy Decision-making Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Foreign Policy Decision-making Process - Essay Example Mr. Lerman deputy of the National Security Council made the announcements. The decision was on political agenda for improving ties between Israel and Turkey and among all members of NATO at large. The person involved, are officials from NATO, Turkey and Israel and Turkey, Israel countries (Newsom 15). On the other hand, OPEC news recognizes the survival of Israel which celebrates its birthday annually on 25-26 of April despite facing a lot of criticism from members of the United Nations and in particular from Iran. This announcement was by a person who recognized the rejection the nation had been through though the Arabs considered this as irony. Making the decision to recognize Israel had been its ability to prove survival in tough times which leads to its recognition as a perfect destination for people due to its friendly environment even on pressure. The decision was on national agenda which aims to promote the positive aspect to enhance Israel recognition by UN members. The nations involved are USA, Palestine with Arabian people. Part two The first opium war took place from 1839 to 1842 and it was between the Great Britain and China. Treaty making before the governments of China and GB began in 1842 after the British defeated the Chinese at the first opium war that led to the signing of the treaty of Nanking. Chinese negotiated treaties using the thirteen hongs before 1839. Country merchants were the middlemen used by the Chinese government to communicate with the British officials in any issue between the two governments. BEIC exploitation angered in George 11 who decided to go against the will of his father. The Chinese meaning of "Yi" was mainly expressed as family name coming first and personal name coming second and this was a believe that origin owes the greatest respect compared to personal status though in British interpretation of the word "Yi" was different. It meant that; personal name is more significant than family name (Newsom 22) The diplomatic place of Lord Napier has been significant to the Chinese an d mostly, lord Napier William who his renowned for initiating a war in China after failing in his mission that involved making settlement with China which for expanding the British deals to interior China. Lord Napier William is a person who fought for his country interest involving expansion of British east India company in China till his death thus he is a nationalist. Most of the countries that would have faced with a situation like of china would have reacted no differently as from the Chinese due to nationalism to protect their resources under all costs. These people were known as nationalists for the role they played during the opium war; Lin Zexu, Charles Elliot, William Ewart. The word â€Å"Yimu" means a barbarian eye while in Chinese the same word meant foreign principal. Lord Napier reacted to the Chinese repository by circulating leaflets in Chinese language to all Chinese in canton announcing about the British superiority that later led to a fight between British and C hinese officials though the British lost in 1834. This use of words like great is powerful and showed the power of British monarch and strength to conquer all nations. It sounded like a threat to Chinese after it denied the British settlements (Newsom 32). Bocca Tigris; was a tactical situation as a nautical gateway to Guangzhou were several important first
Friday, October 18, 2019
Drugs and Alcohol in Mass Media Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Drugs and Alcohol in Mass Media - Term Paper Example Movies of the mid-twentieth century and later of the American origin showed individual characters as heavy drunkards and social destroyers. Many of them had the protagonists play the role of alcoholics who had to conceal their psychological traits for some untold reasons. Some of the observations suggest that, films from the American, German and Canadian culture exposed male characters as alcoholics and barmen with a view to tell the evil sides liquor as it is a destroyer of personal and social life of individuals; while in French movies, alcohol consumption was treated as a family routine (Blocker, Fahey & Tyrrell, 2003, p.238). The debate on how movies and other popular culture demonstrate the role of both men and women as stakeholders in the world of alcohol invites great attention. Not only that a scene involving alcohol consumption gains concentration of the audience, but also it encourages their internal urge for making such light moments. The presentation of violence in visual media through gang wars hired assassinations and communal issues etc present in movies and video clips are also associated with a drinking background. This kind of exposure to alcohol-motivated stimulation of courage grabs the attention of the teenagers who normally make a sense to imitate some of the things they obtain from the source videos. Narcotic drugs are generally considered as an addictive substance; therefore its consumption is observed as a challenge beyond the individual boundaries. Unlike alcohol, drugs of different kinds have varying ranges of influence on their users. Regular use of narcotic drugs causes irresistible addiction which makes the users mentally unstable and physically discouraged from carrying out their daily activities. According to a report by Sacramento-El Dorado Medical Society (1990), addiction is redefined as the compulsory and uncontrolled abuse of psychoactive materials by individuals irrespective of their harmful impacts. Some of the drugs can even generate violent behavior traits in them, which may prove harmful to their families and other members of the society.
The level of skills in contributing to the development of Human Dissertation
The level of skills in contributing to the development of Human Resource Management (HRM) practice in public sector in the Kingd - Dissertation Example Saudi Arabia is one of the biggest countries of Middle East earning mainly from the export of petroleum products (Ramady, 2010). Despite being rich in natural resources the country is facing a paradox of high wealth and a human resource base that is challenged in terms of skills. Saudi Arabia is facing significant shortage of skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled labor (Ramady, 2010). Part of the reason is the influence of religious and cultural values resulting in an educational system that focuses less on a structured vocational or professional training who can meet the demands of the thriving economy (Oxford Business Group, 2008). Moreover, female population constitutes a minor portion of the total workforce due to which the country has to rely on the foreign/overseas employees to fill the demand & supply gap of the workforce (Oxford Business Group, 2008). According to a study by Al-Masnad in 1999, about sixty percent of the population of Saudi Arabia is under the age of eighteen. T he youth is living under social stereotypes due to which they refuse to accept technical and manual jobs and prefer working in managerial positions. As a result, the country is depending on expatriates and third country nationals especially in the fields of engineering and information technology. Apart from this, there is a weak connection between the Saudi educational system output and the requirement of the industry. The system of education is inadequate for the training and development of the future employees in technical and managerial skills needed for the development of human resource management. The country is producing more graduates in the fields of religious studies and humanities (Achoui, 2009). According to a report by World Economic Forum in 2007, the major obstacle in the development of human resources in Arab countries is the uneducated local workforce. Human Resource Management (HRM) is an emerging field in Saudi Arabia (Ali, 2008). Therefore, it is important to see that impact of employee skills of the HR practices of public sector so that companies can gain a clear image of the contribution of their employees in the achievement of their organizational goals. Clearly, the level of skills of the Saudi people affect and are affected by the practice of human resource management in the Kingdom. This is because it is apparent that every HRM system must work hand-in-hand with the people in the area within which it is to operate. Thus, the state of the Saudi human resource base will definitely have an effect on the human resource management system. On the other hand, the human resource management system will attempt to modify the human resource base through events like appraisal, promotion and motivation. Thus the push and pull factors shape and define the human resource system of the country. The purpose of this research proposal is to find out the influence of the changes in the level of skills the public sector of Saudi Arabia on the development o f HRM practices and policies. The importance of this research is that it is an unprecedented exercise that seeks to build the foundation for for future research and development of human resource management in Saudi Arabia. LITERATURE REVIEW: Fitzsimons (1999) stated that education and training are fundamental elements of the concept of human capital which determines the economy of a given nation. In terms of
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Numbering Technique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Numbering Technique - Essay Example The author portrays science as a source of fascination, in this essay. In addition, he also believes that science possesses potential powers in liberating people's minds where its method and rationality can be applied to reality. In Brecht's opinion, nature is a resource for scientific and technological experiments to be exploited for the benefit of the whole human society, rather than being a tool to promote the interests of certain social classes that control the resources of science. This idealism reflects an affinity to Marxism, and it is clear that Brecht's political view becomes apparent in his usage of words such as 'bourgeoisie' and 'proletariat'. The numbering technique, or, in other words, the form used by Brecht, serves as a device to further support his central idea-his goal in letting the audience to be able to 'alienate' from acting (Are you using the words in the context of pretending If so, please replace 'acting' with 'pretending') and encouraging them to change their habits and assumptions about the society. The way the author numbers each paragraphs, to separate one from the other, allows readers brief pauses to ponder over the content. Instead of being influenced by the author, the readers receive the opportunity to think and remain detached of the author's arguments. In comparison, Brechian theater's estrangement effect appeals to reasoning, as it uses various methods to produce a critical attitude in audience. This concept departs from the traditional "empathy" that prevents audience from thinking freely, in order for them to see the real message that lies hidden in the play that may be socially unquestioned. It appears that such an intention of trying to force the audience to 'think' is Brecht's answer to transform the society through the changes made in theatre. There are several points in which the characteristics of alienation effect align with the changes in theatre, and as a consequence, achieve Brecht's goal of changing the audience of the scientific age. One characteristic is that Brecht wants his play to be separated into parts rather than be a continual piece. Brecht suggests: "As we cannot invite the audience to fling itself into the story as if it were a river and let itself be carried vaguely hither and thither, the individual episodes have to be knotted together in such a way that the knots are easily noticed. The episodes must not succeed one another indistinguishably but must give us a chance to interpose our judgment." (201) This may be done through having the orchestra play on stage rather than off-stage, or having a narrator to talk to the audience through out the play, or adding social point in between titles, etc. These techniques create the same alienation effect, similar Brecht's use of numbers to separate his ideas in "A Short Organum for the Theatre." Likewise is his technique of segregating his essay into smaller paragraphs by numbering them, so as to allow readers enough time to re-read each paragraph and ponder over it before proceeding to the
Gardners Art Through The Ages Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Gardners Art Through The Ages - Essay Example Most of the artistic works in the book try to show that those who requested some artistic works wanted to separate themselves from the poor. In our world today, human beings do everything to separate themselves from the poor and associate themselves with the rich. It is ironical that those who made some of the luxurious art works that cost a lot of money were poor. Those who managed to order artistic works were people who were wealthy. From the building of pope’s palace by pope Paul, it clearly shows that it is all about wealth. This is because he ordered a luxurious palace. Thus, from the beginning, human beings do things in order to separate themselves from the poor. Some even do things not because they like it but because they want to show to the world that they are wealthy. In the current era of civilization, it is also inevitable to talk about wealth and poverty. This is because there is increasing gap between the wealthy and the poor. Rich always do things that separate them from the poor. They will rather buy meal in an expensive hotel than mix with the poor in an ordinary hotel. Expensive cars, expensive mobile phones, expensive jewelry and other expensive materials aim at separating the rich from the poor. In the current civilization, it is evident that the poor have no place. All that people do in the current era of civilization closely relate with money.... He even hired Bramante, a renowned artist and architect, to design it. This portrays the theme of wealth. This is because Pope Julius did not want to portray Rome as poor, but rich, and that is why he aimed at beautifying Rome. He even went further to design his own tomb, which took a lot of artistic work. All this was because of wealth since wealth ensured that artistic works of such caliber went to completion (Gardner and Kleiner 259). Another artistic work is the construction of lavish palace called Palazzo Farnese by Michelangelo. This was after Pope Paul III requested its creation. This was a sophisticated design to match the standard of the pope. Pope wanted to make Rome a splendid place and that is why he sought architectural prowess from recognized artists. The palace was three-dimensional mass just to show how lavish it was. It also constituted overlapping pilasters just to make it lavish and sophisticated. This splendid artwork was the one that set the pace for Italian pala ce. This showed an extent people could go to make earth their heaven. It is evident from the description of this artwork that wealth played a crucial role. Wealth ensured that the beautiful pope palace reached its completion. Thus, this artistic work depicts theme of wealth and poverty. The other artistic work is the building of Villa Rotonda by Palladio. This artistic work involved constructing the building at the top of the hill. This aimed at providing a beautiful view. It contained four identical facades resembling the four compass planes. Each porch provided a different view. It closely resembled the roman ionic temple. This artwork is splendid in that it enables one to have different views of the
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Numbering Technique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Numbering Technique - Essay Example The author portrays science as a source of fascination, in this essay. In addition, he also believes that science possesses potential powers in liberating people's minds where its method and rationality can be applied to reality. In Brecht's opinion, nature is a resource for scientific and technological experiments to be exploited for the benefit of the whole human society, rather than being a tool to promote the interests of certain social classes that control the resources of science. This idealism reflects an affinity to Marxism, and it is clear that Brecht's political view becomes apparent in his usage of words such as 'bourgeoisie' and 'proletariat'. The numbering technique, or, in other words, the form used by Brecht, serves as a device to further support his central idea-his goal in letting the audience to be able to 'alienate' from acting (Are you using the words in the context of pretending If so, please replace 'acting' with 'pretending') and encouraging them to change their habits and assumptions about the society. The way the author numbers each paragraphs, to separate one from the other, allows readers brief pauses to ponder over the content. Instead of being influenced by the author, the readers receive the opportunity to think and remain detached of the author's arguments. In comparison, Brechian theater's estrangement effect appeals to reasoning, as it uses various methods to produce a critical attitude in audience. This concept departs from the traditional "empathy" that prevents audience from thinking freely, in order for them to see the real message that lies hidden in the play that may be socially unquestioned. It appears that such an intention of trying to force the audience to 'think' is Brecht's answer to transform the society through the changes made in theatre. There are several points in which the characteristics of alienation effect align with the changes in theatre, and as a consequence, achieve Brecht's goal of changing the audience of the scientific age. One characteristic is that Brecht wants his play to be separated into parts rather than be a continual piece. Brecht suggests: "As we cannot invite the audience to fling itself into the story as if it were a river and let itself be carried vaguely hither and thither, the individual episodes have to be knotted together in such a way that the knots are easily noticed. The episodes must not succeed one another indistinguishably but must give us a chance to interpose our judgment." (201) This may be done through having the orchestra play on stage rather than off-stage, or having a narrator to talk to the audience through out the play, or adding social point in between titles, etc. These techniques create the same alienation effect, similar Brecht's use of numbers to separate his ideas in "A Short Organum for the Theatre." Likewise is his technique of segregating his essay into smaller paragraphs by numbering them, so as to allow readers enough time to re-read each paragraph and ponder over it before proceeding to the
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Identity Theft Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Identity Theft - Essay Example The main focus is on the theft of identity using computer. The next section aims at explaining what Identity theft means furthering which the problems are touched upon. The loss and misuse of personal identification information is called Identity theft. Personal identification information like a social security number, name, place of birth, mother’s maiden name, phone number, etc. act as the only information that identify an individual. This information is used for different purposes like opening a bank account, stealing money, pension payouts or to gain any other benefits. The loss of any of the information can help the id thieves to use this and create a new id for themselves. The thieves become the accused and the person whose id is stolen becomes the victim. A victim can face major consequences with the loss of identity. The misuse of identity of an individual can lead the individual to suffer from bad credits, incorrect criminal acquisitions (Consumer Report, 2008). With the constant improvements in technology, there has also been an increase in the mis-utilisation of the available technology to steal people’s identities or other types of frauds. One of the biggest issues has been that of the influence of Internet over the increase of the frauds. With the increased usage of the Internet, it has been noted that there have been an increase fraudulent activities over the Internet as well. There is a lot of information that flows around the Internet at any given point in time, with the increased usage of the Internet for different facilities like payments of bills, online bookings, e- shopping, etc (Chad, 2004). All these activities involve a lot of personal information floating all over the Internet. The Internet identity theft differs from the normal form of identity theft in a number of ways. In this form of theft the victim will not be
Monday, October 14, 2019
Cultural Influences in Children Essay Example for Free
Cultural Influences in Children Essay The negative influences for video games: children are always playing it or wanting to play their xbox, wii or playstation, not wanting to go to school. Children will want to be on the game for several hours or all day. Children or adults can have seizures from the movement of all the changing lights and from the lights flashing especially in the dark. Children can have nightmares from playing a game called Call of Duty it has a zombies part. Children can also shoot zombies and people with guns and might act this out in real life even shoot at people. These games are violent, and gory. Children can play Grand Theft Auto they are playing as a gang member and your boss tells you to do crimes and get away with it. The police try to catch him but he can get away with whatever it is he does. When children get old enough they might try to steal cars, run people over, and beat up people and cops for no reason. The children might not know in real life they will get caught. They cannot hide from the cops. Grand Theft Auto can make children more aggressive, more violent at school and at home. Children can also talk on these games to other children or even adults online. They can hear cussing and talk about other things not needed for this game. Video Games can make children socially isolated, doing less homework, less hanging out with friends, can make children obese, less exercise, less going out, and less spending time with family. Interest children in different activities: soccer, football, baseball, tennis, volleyball. These sports would be a good exercise so the children will not be obese, just sitting in front of the television playing games. Encourage your child to get involved in other outdoor activities with other children in the neighborhood such as bike riding, or just childhood games outside can help tag, hid and seek or at a YMCA swimming, basketball. Get the child to play with his toys for a few hours out of the day. Go to the park for a day have a picnic, go hiking and go sightseeing. By telling Child to go outside and playing a sport or get involved in child activities will get them away from the video games. Tell the child to go bike riding around the block and get their mind off of wanting to play Grand Theft Auto would be better than them thinking of steal cars and beating up people. Another negative cultural influence is television. It has television shows children should not be watching, not much learning. Television is not always great it has a few channels that are learning channels but most are not teaching children anything. Some channels like Disney or nickelodeon have some learning shows but that is only in the early morning or way late at night and only for children that are in the younger ages. Cartoon network changes to adult swim after a certain hour. Children should not be watching these shows to name a few Family Guy, American Dad, and Robot Chicken. Family Guy has a talking dog, lots of cussing and is violent and also has sexual content. Robot Chicken is a show that does some parodies of other shows with cussing and violence as well. Children like to always watch television, but it is not educating children and is a waste of time for them when they can be doing other educated activities. Getting children educated is a better idea than watching television they will need to be educated for school. So having them read chapter books or read other books or magazines for a while will get them away from the television. Have children write a story or a few sentences to a paragraph depending on how old they are about what they have read or would want to read or learn about. Have children go outside and start a garden, plant vegetables and fruit. Learn how to grow a garden to pick fruit and vegetables when they are ready to be eaten. Children can always stay inside and play a board game there are a few games to play monopoly, trouble, and cards are really fun games. Boggle and scrabble would be also good to use their brains.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Application of Positivist Theory in Criminology
Application of Positivist Theory in Criminology Positivist Theory and its Implications on the James Holmes Case Over the years, various theoretical frameworks have been proposed to explain the nature and causation of crimes. This includes the collective positivist theory, particularly the biological and psychological trait theories as explanations on why individuals commit certain crimes. The positivist tradition in criminology suggests that psychological, biological, and even social forces determine a person’s criminal behavior, hence noting that the criminal act is beyond the control of the person. To examine this theory and its implications to crime, one may analyze the case of James Holmes, the suspect of mass shooting at the Century movie house in Aurora, Colorado, killing 12 people on July 20, 2012. Investigations revealed that the alleged perpetrator had history of mental consultations, which strongly affirmed issues with his mental well-being. Considering that Holmes exhibited substantial signs and symptoms indicative of mental illness, prompt diagnosis and treatment might have prevented the fatal Aurora shooting; true to the goals of a positivist psychology, it is also best to manage Holmes through a treatment in a mental health facility, rather than a criminal punishment. Before examining how a psychological diagnosis and treatment might have prevented Holmes’ criminal act, it would be imperative to briefly discuss a specific sub-theory of the positivist psychology: the trait theory. The trait theory is an umbrella term that encompasses a combination of various biological, psychological, and social factors that predispose an individual to develop and exhibit criminal behavior (van Gelder de Vries, 2012). These factors can be present at birth and may continually influence a person’s social functioning over his or her life course. Biologically, criminal behaviors may be attributed to factors such as genetics, hormones, metabolism, and neuro-physiological conditions. The trait theory also turns to the psychodynamics of a person to determine underlying mood disorders, personality traits, and cognitive patterns that result to criminal behavior. The theory likewise integrates social factors including social learning and environmental constrai nts as potential causes of criminal behavior or delinquency. As will be explained in the succeeding parts of this essay, Holmes had mental health issues that feature a combination of these factors. There are several indicators and clinical pathways that would have prevented Holmes from committing the mass shooting in Aurora, beginning with his prior psychological assessments. Reports note that the accused gunman had appointments with three mental health practitioners before the violent rampage. These experts include Dr. Lynne Fenton, the head psychiatrist of the mental health services of University of Colorado (Denver) (BBC, 2013). Dr. Fenton sent a report to the university’s threat assessment team regarding Holmes’ risk for homicidal behavior, but final diagnosis and follow-up evaluations were not carried out (Rosenberg, 2014). There were also other indicators of the gunman’s psychological disturbance, including a â€Å"bizarre guttural, freakish†personal voicemail message (BBC, 2013). While the results of Holmes’ post-arrest mental health assessment remain confidential, psychologists believe that the gunman might be suffering from schizoph renia and psychopathy (Solty, 2012). These conditions could explain Holmes’ impaired ideation or sense of reality as well as his propensity to commit violence. Nonetheless, issues about his mental well-being were not promptly diagnosed and treated. Psychotherapy would have â€Å"contained†and managed his hallucinations and impaired thought processes, hence the prevention of the fatal shooting. As noted earlier, the trait theory also includes biological factors that combine with psychological factors that, when promptly addressed, could have prevented Holmes from attacking and killing civilians. Similar to his psychological assessment, published evidences of a neurobiological trauma or head injury were absent. However, one may add the possibility of brain trauma or brain tumor as an underlying or aggravating factors for his mental health issue. The planning and execution of mass killing itself attest to the gunman’s lack of empathy and reasonable judgment. These traits are characteristic of damage in the orbitofrontal cortex part of the brain (Burke, 2014). In other words, brain imaging studies such as a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) scanning can help validate or rule out the aforementioned conditions. The quantification and measurement offered by these diagnostic tests are central to the positivist psychology. In any case, it would ha ve added to an effective clinical management to prevent Holmes from exhibiting violence. Moreover, the trait theory also provides an explanation for the social dimensions that might have influenced Holmes’ criminal behavior. One may begin by looking at the following analysis of Solty (2012): It is clear that Holmes seems to have felt himself to be in a hopeless situation. And as a man he didn’t have the increasingly popular option of female students in North America of becoming an entrepreneur of one’s own youthful†¦ [and] in his obvious desperation Holmes anticipated his suspension [from the University of Colorado]. He prepared and pursued his own de-matriculation. In his state, he must have realized that he would probably no longer be a top performer. (p.10) The above description highlights that there are constraining social factors that might have led to Holmes’ frustrations. Media reports note that Holmes never had a romantic relationship prior to the shooting incident; he was also rejected by the women whom he contacted at a casual dating website (BBC, 2013). A consistent achiever, Holmes might have been affected by a decline in his academic performance, which led to his plan to withdraw from the university. Thus, feelings of social rejection also add another angle to Holmes’ criminal behavior. Experts also found a link between Holmes’ fondness for video games, relative to the popular vigilante figure- Batman, and aggression. Simply put, the gunman’s violent tendencies might also be reinforced through social learning. Considerations for these social factors could have also solidified any psychiatric diagnosis and determine appropriate clinical interventions to address Holmes’ mental health issues. Convinced that Holmes’ criminal behavior was a result of biological and psychosocial factors beyond his control, it is reasonable to insist that the appropriate intervention would be confinement and treatment to a mental health facility. This view also conforms to the core tradition of criminological positivism in that it places emphasis on therapy or rehabilitation, rather than punishment exemplified by incarceration or death penalty. It must be re-emphasized that Holmes was and continues to have substantial psychological issues that impair his judgment and sense of reality. While in jail, he even committed suicide attempts (BBC, 2013). Without psychotherapy and other treatment modalities to manage his mental health condition, containing and incarcerating Holmes would only be futile. In particular, studies note that the rate of recidivism among mentally-ill inmates could be as high as 80% because they receive lack or insufficient psychiatric treatments inside the prison (Burk e, 2014). The ability of the trait theory to sufficiently explain the host of factors for Holmes’ criminal behavior only indicates that the final resolution to this case would be an intervention that follows a positivist approach. Overall, Holmes provides a case in point as to how various factors may work to develop a criminal mind among people who are susceptible to violence. This gunman shows that personality traits and the elements of these traits could eventually reach its maximum tolerance, depriving a person of any remaining rationality and sense of reality. Psychological and criminological positivism suggests that such criminal behavior could have been prevented or managed through prompt diagnosis and treatment. Now that damage was already done, the only way forward is to treat and rehabilitate the psychologically unstable gunman. References BBC. (2013, April 1). Profile: Aurora cinema shooting suspect James Holmes. Retrieved from Burke, R. H. (2014). An introduction to criminological theory (4th ed.). New York: Routledge. Rosenberg, J. (2014). Mass shootings and mental health policy. Journal of Sociology Social Welfare, 41(1), 107-121. Solty, I. (2012). Dear Left: The NRA is right – The mass shooter as high-achiever: Historical-materialist considerations on the resistible fall of James Holmes and the pathologization and culturalization of the cinema massacre in Aurora, Colorado. Socialism Democracy, 26(3), 1-13. Retrieved from 10.1080/08854300.2012.722372 van Gelder, J.-L., de Vries, R. E. (2012). Traits and states: Integrating personality and affect into a model of criminal decision making* traits and states. Criminology, 50(3), 637-671. doi:10.1111/j.1745-9125.2012.00276.x
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Sir Gawain Speaks :: Essays Papers
Sir Gawain Speaks This monologue represents an exercise in creative writing. It was created to convey something that Sir Gawain might say: Sir Gawain I am, and I am very pleased to meet you. I've just returned from the Green Chapel where I suffered the most humiliating experience at the hands of the Green Knight. I did my best to uphold the code of chivalry by being courteous, truthful and loyal. Somehow I let my guard down and failed. And yet, the Green Knight and my companions of the Round Table laughed at my situation. For some reason they do not see that I've failed; instead they seem to think that I've just been human. But I still feel that is no excuse... You see, the Green Knight showed up at Uncle Arthur's New Year's celebration and offered a challenge. Uncle Arthur was going to take it. But I, being the weakest, thought the loss of my life would be less great. I took the challenge to uphold the honor of the Round Table. I struck the Green Knight and off his head rolled. But he just picked up his head and rode out of the hall. I guess it was then I knew I was in trouble. A year passed quickly, and it was time I set out to meet the Knight to receive the return blow. On Christmas Eve I found myself a welcomed guest at the castle of Sir Bercilak. The whole time I was there I was unable to put my impending death at The Green Chapel out of my mind. Bercilak and I had a deal that whatever we won each day, we would turn over to the other. He hunted furiously while I rested at the castle. Each night he offered me the fruits of the hunt while I offered him no more than the kisses I received from his wife, which leads me to my next point. Bercilak's wife was so insistent! I was constantly conscious of her feelings, and I tried to rebuff her with the utmost courtesy. After all, I did not want to be rude.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Wolf Motors Success Story
John Wolf, president of Wolf Motors, had just returned to his office after visiting the company’s newly acquired automotive dealership. It was the fourth Wolf Motors’ dealership in a network that served a metropolitan area of 400,000 people. Beyond the metropolitan area, but within a 45-minute drive, were another 500,000 people. Each of the dealerships in the network marketed a different make of automobile and historically had operated autonomously. Wolf was particularly excited about this new dealership because it was the first â€Å"auto supermarket†in the network.Auto supermarkets differ from traditional auto dealerships in that they sold multiple makes of automobiles at the same location. The new dealership sold a full line of Chevrolets, Nissans, and Volkswagens. Starting 15 years ago with the purchase of a bankrupt Dodge dealership, Wolf Motors had grown steadily in size and in reputation. Wolf attributed this success to three highly interdependent factors . The first was volume. By maintaining a high volume of sales and turning over inventory rapidly, economies of scale could be achieved, which reduced costs and provided customers with a large selection.The second factor was a marketing approach called the â€Å"hassle-free buying experience. †Listed on each automobile was the â€Å"one price–lowest price. †Customers came in, browsed, and compared prices without being approached by pushy salespeople. If they had questions or were ready to buy, a walk to a customer service desk produced a knowledgeable salesperson to assist them. Finally, and Wolf thought perhaps most important, was the after-sale service. Wolf Motors had established a solid reputation for servicing, diagnosing, and repairing vehicles correctly and in a timely mannerâ€â€the first time.High-quality service after the sale depended on three essential components. First was the presence of a highly qualified, well-trained staff of service technic ians. Second was the use of the latest tools and technologies to support diagnosis and repair activities. And third was the availability of the full range of parts and materials necessary to complete the service and repairs without delay. Wolf invested in training and equipment to ensure that the trained personnel and technology were provided. What he worried about, as Wolf Motors grew, was the continued availability of the right parts and materials.This concern caused him to focus on the purchasing process and management of the service parts and materials flows in the supply chain. Wolf thought back on the stories in the newspaper’s business pages describing the failure of companies that had not planned appropriately for growth. These companies outgrew their existing policies, procedures, and control systems. Lacking a plan to update their systems, the companies experienced myriad problems that led to inefficiencies and an inability to compete effectively.He did not want tha t to happen to Wolf Motors. Each of the four dealerships purchased its own service parts and materials. Purchases were based on forecasts derived from historical demand data, which accounted for factors such as seasonality. Batteries and alternators had a high failure rate in the winter, and air-conditioner parts were in great demand during the summer. Similarly, coolant was needed in the spring to service air conditioners for the summer months, whereas antifreeze was needed in the fall to winterize automobiles.Forecasts also were adjusted for special vehicle sales and service promotions, which increased the need for materials used to prep new cars and service other cars. One thing that made the purchase of service parts and materials so difficult was the tremendous number of different parts that had to be kept on hand. Some of these parts would be used to service customer automobiles, and others would be sold over the counter. Some had to be purchased from the automobile manufactur ers or their certified wholesalers, and to support, for example, the â€Å"guaranteed GM parts†promotion.Still other parts and materials such as oils, lubricants, and fan belts could be purchased from any number of suppliers. The purchasing department had to remember that the success of the dealership depended on (1) lowering costs to support the hassle-free, one price–lowest price concept and (2) providing the right parts at the right time to support fast, reliable after-sale service. As Wolf thought about the purchasing of parts and materials, two things kept going through his mind: the amount of space available for parts storage and the level of financial resources available to invest in parts and materials.The acquisition of the auto supermarket dealership put an increased strain on both finances and space, with the need to support three different automobile lines at the same facility. Investment dollars were becoming scarce, and space was at a premium. Wolf wonde red what could be done in the purchasing area to address some of these concerns and alleviate some of the pressures. How can supply-chain management concepts help John Wolf reduce investment and space requirements while maintaining adequate service levels?
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Nehemiah’s Upset and Relationship with Money
Anemia Is upset because In the midst of alluding the wall of Jerusalem and dealing with those outside of the people of God, he dealt with the morality of the people of God. Men could not feed their families. They mortgaged their property to get money to feed their families. They took loans to pay the taxes on the property. Some had to sell their children In to slavery. They were not able to get their children back because they could not pay the taxes on the property. All were descendants of Jacob, so they were forbidden by law to charge taxes to other Jews.The Jews were not following the law of how to treat fellow Jews. Instead of helping each other they were taking advantage of the people. They sought gain at the loss of others. Anemia became angry that the people were taking advantage of each other that he intercedes before God for each of them. He would pray to God passionately because he loved them so. Anemia was trying to teach the people that if they didn't handle their money w ith the right heart it will affect the will of God in their lives. We should all be givers to the will of God.Corinthians 16:1-4 states â€Å"now regarding your question about the money being collected for God's people in Jerusalem. You should follow the same procedure I gave to the churches in Galatia. 2 On the first day of each week; you should each put aside a portion of the money you have earned. Don't wait until I get there and then try to collect it all at once. 3 When I come, I will write letters of recommendation for the messengers you choose to deliver your gift to Jerusalem. 4 And if it seems appropriate for me to go along, they can travel with me. †.Corinthians 9:9 says As the Scriptures say, â€Å"They share freely and give generously to the poor. Their good deeds will be remembered forever. †Which Is private, regular, thoughtful, generous and freely given per the above scriptures. Our money problems per Anemia chapter 5 are based on how we glorify God, p utting our own needs first. The greed that we all have to profit off the problems of our brothers Is detestable. Amnesia's Upset and Relationship with Money By muzzle Why is Anemia so upset? Explain should Amnesia's example change the way we Vernon and begins to rebuild.The wall was built in 52 days with money and that did not want Jerusalem rebuilt. Anemia is upset because in the midst of building the wall of Jerusalem and dealing with those outside of the people of God, he dealt with the morality of the people of God. Men could not feed their families. Pay the taxes on the property. Some had to sell their children in to slavery. They were will be remembered forever. †Which is private, regular, thoughtful, generous and have to profit off the problems of our brothers is detestable.
Old habits die hard Essay
When I heard that one of the quotes for today’s essay was â€Å"old habits die hard †some of Mick Jagger’s lyrics came to mind â€Å"I’m not an addict ,it’s just a habit†. It takes a long time to develop a bad habit and as much or longer to stay away from it . We start developing bad habits at an early age because of inexperience .We reinforce those habits day by day and step by step in our everyday life by repetition. Old habits die hard because us as people allow ourselves to get into bad habits sometimes socially and sometimes unintentionally. One of the bad habits that people in general have is nail biting . I see people biting their nails all the time .I would love to say that I am not one of those people but I would be lying .If I am waiting on line at a store for a long time ,I start to get frustrated and I bite my nails. Another reason I fall into the habit of biting my nails is nervousness. Once I was waiting for a job interview , I noticed that my nails where getting shorter and shorter without my intention. In general as people we are programmed from young age to do things .We do not realize that some of those things can be bad until they have happened repetitiously. I have worked on ways to stop biting my nails ,and it is working for now .I noticed that I can break this old habit by painting my nails with a base coat nail polish that taste very bad if I bite my nails . In this essay I would like to bring to the reader’s attention two bad habits that influence our health such smoking ,drinking. When someone smokes he/she is inhaling approximately 7000 chemicals inside their lungs , 250 of which are poisonous and 70 carcinogenic. These chemicals are not only damaging the lungs, but also traveling through the body and causing several diseases . Smoking increases the chance of COPD, Coronary heart disease, stroke and lung cancer ( is very present in today’s society .Having class of wine once in a while is acceptable and healthy some might say ,but too many glasses can affect your judgment and direct you to bad decision making . Alcohol abuse can lead to alcoholism ,or alcohol addiction ,to a point which a person becomes physically and psychologically dependent to it so much that people cannot function without it .Alcohol abuse can lead to disruptive behavior such as driving under the influence and domestic violence . Both smoking and drinking are addictive but also habits that could be broken . Gambling is also a habit that is very hard to overcome .It is a compulsion and the end result can be very devastating for the gambler and also for their family. Gambling can have a big impact on someone’s economical state . For example a gambler can lose all their saving in one night .They borrow money to play more hoping to win back what they lost. The person who is the gambler is not the only person that suffer from this situation ,their families are too. Often times the family has to deal with threading phone calls from creditors and bill collectors. Most of the time relationships and marriages fail do to gambling .When disgusting about gambling it is important to realize the affect it can have on people economically ,socially ,physically and psychologically. Gambling can lead to loss of job ,depression ,anti-social personality disorder, and direction towards alcohol and drug use. Gambling is one of the worst habits to break but it can be accomplished with determination and support by the their families. I would like to conclude this essay with another verse in the from Mick Jaggers’ lyrics †You walk through my walls like a ghost â€Å".It is true that we all have bad habits ,for some it is easy to stay from them because of the way their lifestyle is .But for other’s bad habits are always on the back of their mind as they struggle to stay away from the ghost on their wall.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Defining Data Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Defining Data - Assignment Example (Edwards, 2011) Teradata has transformed a lot of business organizations by aiding in the heavy lifting associated with data management and analysis by providing prebuilt solutions such as analytic data solutions which dramatically reduce effort and risks. Teradata enables business organizations to simplify business intelligence by providing services that allow business access and actionable information. Teradata avails current data to business organizations that are in turn used in business decision. The data and information provided by Teradata to business organizations is decision ready thus allowing the business to analyze current and long term trends while providing instant alerts on problems and opportunity.(Edwards, 2011) Teradata is one of the leading data warehousing corporations there is. It is capable of managing its systems for maximum and all round throughput while catering for various organizational demands effectively. The company is contemplating on dynamically adopting workload mix in order to ensure fast response time and high throughput in addition to visualizing the current and long term trends given the evolving
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Case 5.1 MERCK ACQUISITION OF MEDCO - Research Paper Example avings, whereby a company paying higher taxes because of high income can acquire another firm with accumulated losses, which after the acquisition will reduce the overall taxable income and tax liability. The other advantage of acquisition is that it allows the company to achieve short term growth. The target would benefit from the predator since, in most cases, predators are well-established companies; thus fasten the growth of the target (Finkelstein, 2010). Asset backing is another merit behind the acquisition. For instance, Merck would benefit from the well-established database set up by Medco and would allow Merck to achieve its objectives by using these valuable resources, which would be acquired from the target company Medco. Therefore, the decision to buy Medco Containment Services by Merck, and Company should be driven by the above factors. One of the major forces driving the acquisition of Medco Containment Services by Merck and Company is the growth in the managed health care, which has been contracted by the managed health care organization to Medco Containment Services. Managed health care is a new phenomenon in the health care industry and the health expert (Kolassa & Greg, 2012) predicts that by the end of the current century, at least 90% of the Americans will have the cost of their drugs included in some managed health care plan. Besides, at least 60% of all the outpatient medicine will be able to be purchased by the managed health care programs (Merck and Company Inc., 2002). Therefore, the planned acquisition of Medco Containment Services by Merck and Company would be timely since it would allow the predator to benefit from these lucrative business deals being enjoyed by the Medco Containment Services. As such, a substantial beneficial synergy would be created since Merck and Company is the manufacturer of dr ugs and Medco Containment Services manages the insurance claims, hence will encourage patients to utilize cheap generic substitute drugs
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Are virtual organisations Multinational Enterprises (MNE) Assignment
Are virtual organisations Multinational Enterprises (MNE) - Assignment Example According to Preston (n.d), there are four key characteristics of virtual organizations as a process. Virtual organisations involve developing relationships with a wide range of partners each having a core competence that complements the others. It capitalises on the ability of telecommunications technology to overcome distance and time related problems. Furthermore, it involves trust between parties. Virtual organisations are also motivated by specific opportunities. As soon as these opportunities are exploited enterprises move on to form new partnerships and alliances. 2.0 Description of MNEs A multinational enterprise (MNE) or corporation (MNC) is an entity that operates in more than one tax jurisdiction whether as a single tax payer entity or as a group of such entities (Fernandez and Pope 2002). MNEs have their headquarters in one country (the parent/home country) and operate subsidiaries in several other countries known as host countries. There are a number of enterprises world wide that operate in this way. MNEs continue to grow and expand their operations because of WTO trade rules which facilitate globalisation as well as the growth of electronic commerce and information technology. Some MNEs have budgets that are larger than some countries and this indicates the extent of their power and influence as it relates to the setting of trade rules and regulations by international bodies. Multinational enterprises have many dimensions to them and can be viewed from several perspectives. These dimensions include and are not limited to management, ownership, strategy and structure. In terms of ownership, it may be argued that an enterprise is multinational if it is owned by nationals of more than one country. Companies that fit this particular criterion include Shell and Unilever which is owned by both British and Dutch interests. Many multinational enterprises do not meet this test as most of them originated in one country. In terms of the management criterion the managers are from different nationalities according to the countries in which they operate. However, as a starting point most multinational enterprises use persons from their home country to lead the management team in the initial stages of their operations in host countries. In terms of strategy, multinational enterprises seek to maximise their profits globally by entering new markets. The structure of these companies is such that the head office which is located in the home country controls the operations of the subsidiaries and assists in the direction and coordination of their activities. According to Moran (2007) MNE investments in the developing world occurs in four distinct forms. They are Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in extractive industries, FDI in infrastructure, FDI in manufacturing and assembly, and FDI in services. However, multinationals operate in not just developing countries but also developed countries. In addition to FDIs they also provide licenses and mana gement agreements in the fast food and hotel sectors. Therefore, FDI and licensing are the two ways in which MNEs
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Improving Poor Quality and Performance Case Study
Improving Poor Quality and Performance - Case Study Example This will be tackled through a systematic plan aimed at refining its work station system with the help of scientific management basically aimed at the productivity of line managers. This is due to the fact that the company is basically a factory that depends on the effectiveness of its line managers. The company that will be dealt with in this paper is the Anukul Group. This company basically manufactures exclusive designer furniture, stained glass and patchwork linen. It is a company owned by Dipti Mahapatra in India and has been in the business for close to two decades. Having started in the year 1988, this company started out as a small unit with four tailors and has now gone ahead to become one of the most prestigious names in interior decoration in the state of Orissa. The demand for Dipti's products grew and there was a market for interior decoration. By 1993, Dipti was busy undertaking several turnkey projects for complete furnishing of guest houses, hotels, as well as the Governor's residences in the state of Orissa. Developed by Frederick W Taylor in the early 20th century, Scientific Management is a science based system of organizing the operational areas of the organization so as to ensure the existence of and implement the following elements: (Wrege, 1995) To create room for four to eight functional foremen who will take care of various aspects of the overall task, so as to ensure that each sub task is carried out as regards minimum motion and cost per worker. (Taylor, 1947) These were the broad underlying principles upon which F W Taylor fashioned scientific management. This school of management thought followed experimentation and scientific rigor to demonstrate various findings. One of these, as will be tested below, adheres to the fact that through mediums like assembly line, it is possible for a group of people doing a few tasks, to out produce those doing all the tasks. Improvement of Quality and Performance Anukul Designs is a company that has been in the business of manufacturing exclusive patchwork linen, for the last 20 years. The assembly line followed in this
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