Monday, September 30, 2019
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass Essay
In the autobiography, the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, there is an underlying theme of knowledge as the path to freedom. During Douglass’ time, slave owners deprived slaves of an education and as a result, the slaves were thus deprived of freedom. Knowledge among slaves is what the white men feared the most, as knowledge not only â€Å"spoiled†slaves, it also provided them with the insight that ultimately paved their road to freedom. Knowledge corrupts, or â€Å"spoils†slaves, as it happened with Frederick Douglass. Because uneducated slaves could not think for themselves, they were thus forced to obey their masters, or â€Å"thinkers†who made their decisions for them. After Douglass learned to read The Columbian Orator, a book that boldly denounced the immorality of slavery and the whites, he began to harbor such bitter resentment toward his masters that he â€Å"wishes [him]self dead.†Knowledge emboldened Douglass, and gave him the courage to rebel against his masters. As a result, Douglass vowed to â€Å"run away†from the â€Å"band of successful robbers †¦ that reduced him to slavery.†Indeed, wisdom had â€Å"spoiled†Douglass; he has now gained a keen insight that allowed him to fully articulate the inhumanities of his masters. Knowledge gave Douglass the ability to recognize the enormities of the corrupt white slave owners. Douglass, for instance, points out that it was the white man who â€Å"shut [Douglass’] mouth, and then ask why [he doesn’t] speak,†thus proving that slave owners neither allow slaves to think for themselves, nor do they allow the slaves a voice in that decision. Furthermore, slave owners had previously instilled in their slaves the idea that any man who is independent is doomed to fall; consequently, slaves were misled to believe that freedom is slavery. However, Douglass, an educated slave, was able to realize that he too was created equal, that he too had rights, and also that he was not a slave, but a free man. In this way, Douglass managed to set into motion the gears of his emancipation. For Frederick Douglass, education was his â€Å"pathway from slavery to freedom.†With his wisdom, he not only dispersed his experiences to other slaves but also stirred up sentiments within the white abolitionists as well. Unlike their ignorant fellows, educated slaves can band together and finally reach for freedom. Works Cited 1. Douglass, Frederick. â€Å"The Church and Prejudice.†Plymouth County Anti-Slavery Society. Massachusetts, Plymouth County. 14 Nov. 1841. 2. Douglass, Frederick, Houston A. Baker, and William Lloyd Garrison. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass : An American Slave. New York: Penguin Books, Limited, 1982.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Philosophy with Logic Essay
Philosophy has many questions- Asking the right questions†¦ From Greek word PHILO (Love) & SOPHIA (Wisdom) which means lover of wisdom * PHYTAGORAS, a Greek Philosopher, was the first to use the term Philosophy. * He noted that there are three types of man: a. lover of pleasure b. lover of success c. lover of wisdom * the last, according to him, is the SUPERIOR TYPE. * Wisdom here deals with the principles of things, the first cause of all beings. It deals with an understanding on the meaning of one’s existence and the importance of things around her/ him (Socio, 2007). The chief goal of wisdom is a fundamental understanding of reality as it relates to living a good life. * We might say then, that wisdom is good judgement about complex situations. Consequently, wisdom involves reflection, insight, a capacity to learn from experience and some plausible conception of the human condition (Buenaflor, 2009). Philosophy is a search for meaning and therefore intended only for the rational beings. He who has the why of things can bear almost any how†¦- Victor Frankyl Philosophy uses reason to attain its object. Whatever is one’s state in life, whenever she is and whatever she does she will always be left philosophizing. Therefore philosophy is always present. Philosophy- The science of all things by their first causes as known by the light of reason Philosophy covered all aspects of human knowledge. The early philosophers believed that philosophy is the foundation of all learning in the possibility of a total world picture and in the unity of all truths- whether scientific, ethical, religious or aesthetic. Philosophy as subject sought to provide if not all the answers the, the answers to at least the most ultimate and fundamental questions. Why study Philosophy? The study of Philosophy is very important because it offers students a chance to explore the fundamental questions about human existence and to see exactly what thinkers in different periods have had about the essence of human being. Philosophy can help clarify our thoughts. The clearer a person thinks the more she/he expresses himself/herself and more accurate way of examining and making decisions about life. It is philosophy that digs into the root causes of man’s problems and discovers the true solutions and remedies to human ills. Plato- The Philosopher King Why study Philosophy? Philosophy is one of the best ways of enriching your life, even as it prepares you for life. Philosophy’s critical skills offer the best defense against foolishness and falsehoods. Philosophy is one of the most practical subjects in college. Logic helps the students in the following areas: * Interpretation & Analysis * Abstract Reasoning * Research & Synthesis * Communications Branches of Philosophy. * Logic- the science of correct reasoning * Epistemology- it deals with the origin and validity of human knowledge * Metaphysics- it deals with the study of beings and the origin of things. * Theodicy- the study of God in the light of natural reason. (Philosophy of Religion) * Cosmology- the study of the universe from a philosophical viewpoint * Philosophical or Rational Psychology- the study of man not only as a thinking or sensing being but as compose of body and soul * Ethics- a philosophical study that deals with how life should be lived and the means of attaining a meaningful existence. * Aesthetics or Philosophy of Arts- deals with the philosophical study of arts and beauty. It answers the question like What is beauty? Philosophy can also be divided into the following branches called Philosophies of Discipline * Philosophy of Persons- it deals with the study about the dignity of man, truth, freedom, justice, love, death and his relationship with others and with God. * Social Philosophy- it deals with the philosophical study of a society and its institutions. It is concerned in determining the features of the best society as it deals with the study of relationships of the human person. * Philosophy of Science- This deals with the justification and objectivity of scientific knowledge. * Philosophy of mathematics- The aim of philosophy of mathematics is to provide an account of the nature and methodology of mathematics and its importance. * Philosophy of Law- This branch of philosophy deals with the why’s of the law. It also aims to guide people’s actions in political community and thereby protect basic interests or rights. * Philosophy of Education- This branch of philosophy provides a philosophical understanding of the issues in education. It deals with the different methods of education and its effects in the learning of the human person. * Philosophy of Psychology- it deals with everyday reflections on ones thoughts and deeds and on the behavior of others * Philosophy of Religion- Study of God from a philosophical viewpoint * Philosophy of History- This branch of Philosophy is an attempt to answer substantive questions dealing with such matters as the significance or possible purpose of the historical processes and the factors fundamentally responsible for historical development and change. * Philosophy of Love- this branch deals with the meaning and value of love in the human person. * Philosophy of Culture- This is the philosophical study of all aspects of human life. Its aim is to interpret and transmit to future generations the system of values. * Philosophy of Women- This is also called philosophy of feminism, which refers to the study of the legal and political rights of women, as well as the relationship between the sexes in terms of inequality, subordination, or oppression. What is the basic requirement of becoming a Philosopher? – The faculty of wonder. – philosophy asks the question WHY? Where did Philosophy originates? West- Greece East- China and India Factors that contribute to the development of Philosophy in Greece * Geography * Invention of Games * Invention of coins * Myths Logic Etymologically, Logic is deduced from the Greek word Logike denoting a treatise on matters pertaining to thought. The term was coined by Zeno the Stoic. St. Thomas Aquinas defines Logic as the art that directs the reasoning process so that man may attain knowledge of truth in an orderly way, with ease and without error. As art, Logic is the tool of all sciences. The Scholastics considered it as â€Å"the art of all other arts†because it is used in every science and in every practical endeavor. As science, Logic studies the logical properties involved in the act of knowledge such as the logic of notions or concepts, the logic of judgement, the logic of reasoning and the logic of science. As science, Logic is a systematized body of logical truths and principles governing the habit of critical thinking and reasoning. History of Logic Zeno the Stoic coined the actual name Logic. He established the rules of argumentation to clarify the nature of concepts by using the Prior and Posterior analytics of Aristotle’s logical works. This endeavor degenerated because of the clever rhetoric and subtle persuasion of the Sophists. Socrates refuted the error by vindicating the value concepts in knowing reality. Plato, the most distinguished student of Socrates, philosophized that truth is the same as the ultimate, ideal reality. Aristotle corrected this error. He wrote six treatises on Logic known as the â€Å"Organon†He stated that ideas are mental operations that exist only in the mind. He is considered as the founder of science. Porphyrius wrote the categories of Aristotle known as â€Å"Isagoge’ Boethius translated Aristotle’s Organon and wrote commentaries on the Isagoge. Avicenna and Averroes wrote commentaries of Aristotle’s Organon Thomas Aquinas wrote commentaries on the logical works of Aristotle Francis Bacon wrote the â€Å"Novum Organon†. He introduced the Theory of Induction. John Stuart Mill developed Bacon’s â€Å"Novum Organon†Recently, George Boole founded the New Symbolic Logic . Because of its limited scope of application its popularity declined. Methods of Reasoning. * Inductive method- where we can obtain universal knowledge by considering the particular ex. Repeated experience of seeing falling bodies towards the ground. We may induce that this is common to all bodies. * Deductive- When we proceed from universal knowledge to particular cases ex. Logic is divided according to the three acts of the mind. * Apprehension * Judgement * Reasoning Simple Apprehension It is the basic operation of the mind or â€Å"the mental processes by which we grasp the general meaning of the thing without affirming or denying anything about it. It is the basic operation of the mind that leads to a concept; ex. â€Å"man†â€Å"dog†Judgment It is the act of the mind by which we compare two concepts, either they agree or not. If we put concepts together, the end result is called judgement or proposition. Ex. Man Laughs Reasoning It is the act of the mind by which we derive new truths from previously assumed truth. The mind combines several judgments or propositions in order to arrive at a previously unknown judgment; it is called syllogism. Ex. All men are walking Cyrus is a man. Therefore Cyrus is walking. Mental Act External Sign Apprehension Term Judgement Proposition Reasoning Syllogism Terms. The term deduced from the Latin â€Å"terminus†is the extramental symbol of an idea. A term is an external expression of an idea. Ideas are mental expressions of external objects. Logical properties of terms * Comprehension of a term- It is the sum total of all the qualities / elements that comprise the meaning of the term; A manifestation of the essence of the object. It is also known as connotation. The comprehension of animal is â€Å"sentient living material substance†. * The Extension of a Term- It is the sum total of the particulars to which the comprehension of a term can be applied. It is also known as denotation e. g. The extension of the comprehension â€Å"sentient living material substance(animal) is birds, mammals, reptiles, birds, mammals etc.. The comprehension and extension of terms are inversely related. The greater the comprehension the lesser the extension and vice-versa | Comprehension| Extension| Substance| substance| Spirits, minerals, plants, brutes,men| Body| Material substance| Minerals, plants, brutes, men| Organism| Living material substance| plants, brutes, men| Animal| Sentient living material substance| brutes, men| Man| Rational sentient living material substance| Men| Classification of Terms I. According to Extension Extension of Terms- is defined as property of a term by which such a term is applied to other things. Terms have three extensions namely Singular, Particular and Universal * Singular Term is an extension of term that stands for a single definite individual or group. It is used to specify the individual or group. It is quantified by: * Demonstrative pronouns- This, That e. g. this book, that boy * The article â€Å"the†connotes a single idea e. g. the cup, the umbrella * Personal Pronouns- I, You, He, my, yours , he ,she. * Collective nouns- flock, clan, team * Particular Terms-stand for a definite part of the absolute extension. This is applied to a given part of a given group. Particular terms have the following quantifiers 1. ) Indefinite Pronouns and Adjectives- Some, few, many, most, several, not all, etc. e. g. some people, most roads 2. ) Use of Numbers- seven candidates 3. ) Articles â€Å"A†and â€Å"AN†give a particular idea e. g. a saucer, an umbrella Universal terms- stands for every subject signified. This is when meaning is extended to each and every member of the group. The signs of universality are: 1.) Universal Expression/Quantifiers- all, every, each, whatever, whoever, which ever, without exception, everything, no, no one etc. e. g. Ex. No man is an island; All students of Rogationist College will wear their uniform 2. ) Universal Ideas- e. g. Tomorrow is a new day; Dogs are not cats 3. ) Articles in the Universal idea- e. g. The book has pages; A snake is a dangerous creature II. According to Meaning * Univocal- it signifies the same concept or essence, in (at least) two occurrences of the term e. g. Gloria Arroyo became the President of the Republic of the Philippines; Benigno Aquino the president of the Republic of the Philippines * Equivocal Term- The term is outwardly or apparently the same but it signifies different concepts or essences. E. g. left (left hand); left ( gone); right (right hand) right (correct) * Analogous term- it expresses partly the same and partly different in meanings ex. Head does not have the same meaning in head of the family and head of a man. III. According to Quality * Positive in form, positive in meaning e. g. life, justice, truth, * Positive in form, negative in meaning e. g. murder, massacre, famine * Negative in form, negative in meaning e. g.immature, incompetent, dishonest * Negative in form, positive in meaning e. g. immortal, unblemished IV. According to Relation * Compatible- those that can co- exist in a subject examples: wise and good; beauty and brain; rich and famous; tall, dark and handsome; * Incompatible- those that cannot co-exist in a subject. They exclude each other. There are four kinds of incompatible Ideas: * Contradictory- those that express a positive and negative concept. Contradictories are mutually exclusive such that the affirmation of one is the denial of the other. Between them, there is no third (middle) possibility. Examples: legal-illegal; patient-impatient; literate-illiterate; valid-invalid * Contrary- those that express extremes belonging to the same class. Between these ideas, there is a third (middle) ground. Examples: rich-poor; hot-cold; kind-cruel; high-low; beautiful-ugly * Privative- two opposed ideas, one of which expresses perfection, and the other its lack which ought to be possessed. Examples: sight-blindness; truth-error; hearing-deafness; good-evil * Correlative- two opposed ideas that bear mutual relation to one another such that one can’t be understood without the other. They imply each other because one depends the other. Examples: cause-effect; whole-part; husband wife; parent-child According to Object 1. ) Real- it expresses something that has existential actuality, whether positive or negative. Examples: clarity, temperance, scandal, unemployment, chair, table 2. ) Logical- it is used as a conceptual device to facilitate learning. Examples: subject, predicate, classification, division, phyla, genera 3. ) Imaginary- it has no correspondence in reality but is merely a concoction of the mind. Examples: Spider man, flying carpet, darna, talking tree According to Comprehension * Concrete- the term is used to express concrete concepts such as those perceivable by the senses or whose referent is tangible. Example: ball, desk, table,brilliant lawyer * Abstract- The term is used to express abstract concepts such as those understood by the mind or whose referent is intangible. The term denotes being, quality, quantity or relationship. It denotes the property of a thing regarded as an entity by itself. Examples: humanity, dullness.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
American Dream And The Civil Rights English Literature Essay
American Dream And The Civil Rights English Literature Essay As a continuation of the African-American quest for their racial pride and the creation of African-American political and cultural institutions in the United States of America, the role of dream was significant to the African-American people. It was not only a motif that was very much a part of the American phenomenon157, but was as a part of African culture as well. Dream had a reverence in the African-American community. African-Americans dealt with dreams as â€Å"part of their reality, and the course it’s related to the spiritual†.158 They believed, that was how God communicated to them. African Americans had a traditional way with dreams. Dreams were used all over Africa as part of â€Å"the healing process†, â€Å"if they [Africans] don’t dream, I [healer] cannot heal them†.159 That was from Zulu culture.160 Africans trusted dreams. They believed, in dreams their spirits came in touch with ancestors, or with the spirits of their living person s, or with higher spiritual being. Sometimes, dreams were used as a means of witchcraft, or they were sent by deceitful spirits. Other dreams might convey wisdom and interests of the departed. People, therefore, watched their dreams and talked about them, and they often took them to experts for interpretation. Traditionally, the interpreters of dreams included herbalists, sorcerers, diviners, and priests.161 Such beliefs (connecting dreams with ancestors) led Westerns to suppose mistakenly, that Africans worshiped their ancestors. However, the founder of Kwanzaa, 162 affirmed that Africans worshiped only God, the Creator, in his many manifestations. Ancestors were merely â€Å"spiritual intercessors between human[s] and the Creator†.163 These traditional dream beliefs were part of a broad enhancement of African-Americans’ identity in the United States of America. They represented the survival of African dream culture in Northern America.164 The cultural survival was mo re than just a useful concept. It was a deep article of faith for many of those whose forebears were torn from their native ground, scattered, and deliberately stripped of their cultures. In his play Going to Meet the Light, interviewee, Daniel Wideman linked between cultural survival, personal survival, and dreams. A character repeated what her grandmother taught her: She told me, the only thing that kept black folk going, through slavery and ever since, was that we got the power to remember what we never knew. That power is what kept our culture alive through the dark timesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦But, no matter how dark it gets, we still rise. We rise because, together we can always remember a story we never knew, a dream we never dreamed and we can ride that dream out and up into the light.165 In an old short story, Paul Laurence Dunbar (1872-1906) had called attention to dreams as one device by which a slave kept going. â€Å"To [a slave,] slavery was [a] deep night. What a wonder, then , that he should dream, and that through the ivory gate should come to him the forbidden vision of freedom†.166 The general point was, however, the meaning of â€Å"survival†meant â€Å"dreaming†, which was one of the sophisticated coping devices by which African-Americans had â€Å"survived so well†through slavery to the present. This was what Darry Burrow stated, â€Å"It was a way to keep going and be a normal person, despite things that are designed to make [African American] not a normal person†.167 African-Americans’ endurance and survival during slavery were recognized by dream.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Human Resources in Probank Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5250 words
Human Resources in Probank - Case Study Example Granted this is conducted in a fashion that suits the conventional research methodology, it becomes relatively easier to assign a research method that generates evidence for the research findings (Sato, 2000). At this juncture the findings and outcomes triggers the development of an obvious logic essential to make my hypothesis worth the expected consideration. Probank, a medium-sized Greek bank which started operations in 2001, has been growing at a remarkably fast pace, and is on track to get listed on the Athens Stock Exchange within 2008. The bank's Human Resources strategy is notable by its absence, but this could be viewed as not very surprising, insofar as the rise of the bank has been meteoric, the whole sector has been growing and operational issues were higher up on the agenda. As the organisation is maturing, this report will attempt to understand the mechanics of HR within Probank, including the obligatory devolution of personnel activities to line/branch managers, and evaluate the bank's performance in a number of key HR areas, namely knowledge management, performance management, employee satisfaction/retention, and the recruitment and development of managers/executives. Even though Probank do have a personnel department, it is very small (3 employees) and distinctively non-strategic, almost confining itself to purely administ rative matters. While there has been a lot of discussion about the devolution of HR to line management, there remains a very clearly identifiable gap in the published academic literature in that only Thornhill and Saunders (1998) have attempted to analyse a sizable organisation lacking a human resources department. On the strength of the (relatively) tiny size of the department and the impression conveyed by Probank managers during our conversations at the start of this project, it is felt that the "absentee specialist" paradigm effectively holds true for Probank, and, where applicable, parallels will be attempted with the Thornhill and Saunders (1998) study, in an attempt to evaluate the personnel situation at the bank, identify strong points in the current policy as well as its weaknesses, highlight areas for improvement and suggest ways for it to take place, considering both the "absentee specialist" scenario as well as one of more formal HR involvement. Cardinal to this report is the desire to identify a reconciling gap that will fill the existent void between academic literature and direct policy inclusions that have an intricate bearing on the justification, either covertly or overtly on the backseat role assigned to conventional human resource practice. It should be noted that, the depth of research carried out on this topic is very limited and where it is available is very scanty and vague. In this report, the practicality of the policy is explored from all angles using Probank as the main case in point. Suffice to explicitly state at this point that my report seeks to highlight and answer a number of pertinent questions that are directly related to the research goal. Measured by the overall performance of the bank since its inception, it should be asked
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Equal Opportunity and the Law in the United Research Paper
Equal Opportunity and the Law in the United - Research Paper Example Every institution should set in place remedies to challenges that may impede learners of English language in educational institutions. Hillberry, 2008, identifies and a number of other provisions of law as in the education sector that aim at promoting equity among learners. Embracing models that ensure English Learner programs forms some of the common strategies to ensure equality in learning institutions. Equal opportunity laws condemn any conduct that shows discrimination against employees (Alaska Job Center Network, 2012). The labor department, in attempts to discourage discrimination, has set standards for fulfillment by employers and organizations to guarantee equal opportunity provision. There are diverse policy provisions in the United States including the Workforce Investment Act (WIA), passed in 1998. As a measure of ensuring equality and provision of basic human rights, the legislation cushions beneficiaries of diverse programs provided by the state. The law provides that t he beneficiaries of programs should not be subject to prejudice based on their status. In view of the law, beneficiaries of programs have equals opportunities that are free from discrimination. Opportunity provision to citizen of the United States should be guided by principles that contradict considerations based on the beneficiary’s gender, national origin, sex, age and religion. Mahagan and Sylvia, 2002, identify the role of WIA in ensuring equality in service provision to dislocated workers. This is among the measures in place to attain equality in service provision across the citizens of the United States. Any favor credited to a party based on color, religious affiliation and state regarding disability is illegal. Equality should be a core value of that tops among the various considerations concerning decision-making processes and protocols and participation of various parties in administration. The department of labor, in the United States, is keen to ensure fairness t hrough the different departments set to monitor the application of the laws related to the provision of equal opportunities (DOL, 2012). The civil rights center bears the mandate to supervise and monitor diverse programs supported by the finances from the federal assistance. In addition, the center plays a critical role of ascertaining equality regarding the allocation of assistance to applicants. To strengthen the realization of equal opportunity, monitoring of compliance to provisions of contracts using set programs is of sound importance. The commission, set to oversee equal opportunity provision in the United States, is independent and enjoys exclusive power to ensure equality in judicial proceedings. This ensures that judicial processes that promote the enforcement of individuals and organizations’ civil rights are set in place. Besides the provision technical awareness, the commission makes an immense contribution to enforcing equality through awareness provision. The c ivil rights act passed in the United States in 1964 provides a clear provision that anchors the enforcement of equal opportunities in the United States (EEOC, 2012). Title VII of the legislation condemns any form of discrimination on any person regarding the provision of employment. Any form of violation by any party against the provisions of the law
Conservation of state and national parks Research Paper
Conservation of state and national parks - Research Paper Example are under the National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA). This association has remained on the lead as the voice representing the American people since 1919; they focus mainly on the protection and the enhancement of the nation’s National Park System which is in place11. They are responsible in ensuring that the natural, historic and the cultural resource are not interfered with so that it can remain intact for the future generations. This is possible since the association works together with its partners, and members towards this common goal. NPCA greatly depends on the research done by its Center for State of the Parks (CSOTP). Lately, (CSOTP) mainly focuses on the general issues that affect the National Park System. As a result, its name was changed into the Center for Park Research (CPR). The key role of the Center for Park Research is to provide scientific information concerning various systematic issues that affects the national parks and the appropriate sol utions. The rich national heritage of the United State is symbolized by various majestic national parks; the rugged Maine shores and the active volcanoes which are located in the Hawaiian Islands. All this have inspired the rest of the world to establish protected zones. In 2016, the U.S. national park service will be celebrating its 100th anniversary. The National Park Service (NPS) in the US has expanded rapidly. The country began with the Yosemite in 1864 and Yellowstone in 1872. Today there are several parks in the country with the units of park system being approximated to be over 390 in whole nation. Its coverage is estimated to be 83 million acres. Today, the national park system in America has much to share with countries who want to establish system of parks that are unified. However, the national parks in the US face a greater challenge of erosion of their unique and world class resource values in the coming century. It requires an appropriate policy to be implemented in o rder to prioritize on the various places that has to be preserved for the generations to come. Regardless of the superior image of the US national parks, they still face various challenges which include that of constant flow of anthropogenic works. This mostly is brought about by different visitors who want the park experiences to be commercialized to wide range of exciting recreation sports which can be destructive. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) clearly states that the national parks remain to be its category II type in the classification of its protected areas. IUCN highlights that the Northeast Greenland National Park remains to be the largest national park worldwide. It was founded in 1974. IUCN estimates the national parks to be close to 7000 all over the world. In 1969, national parks were declared by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN), to be a fairly extensive area with specific characteristics used to define it. It was considered to be a place comprising of a number of ecosystems which are not interfered with by different human development and livelihood. A place with scientific benefits and interests that is educative and recreative. All these can be gained from the species of plants and animals and from the geomorphological sites. In addition to these, it was also described as a beautiful natural landscape. Secondly, it was defined to be an area where individuals with the most effective
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
CASE-CONTROL RESEARCH STUDY Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
CASE-CONTROL RESEARCH STUDY - Article Example of Interest: The subjects recruited for the case study were exposed to trihalomethane, a by-product produced during the chlorination of water, which is done for the purpose of disinfection. Patients who were histologically confirmed to have primary bladder cancer were recruited as the case population for the study and they were identified with the help of urologic services. The other inclusion criteria’s for the recruitment of the case population were: age group between 20 and 80 years and they must reside within the geographical area surrounding the hospital. The study was a multi-center case-control study conducted in Spain and the subjects were recruited from 18 participating hospitals located at five different geographic regions in and around Spain. The cases were recruited through regular reviews of the discharge and pathology records in hospitals at by the research staffs who were involved in the study. The number of cases who participated in the study was 338 out of the 1,457 eligible cases who were interviewed. However the article does not provide any information about the eligible subjects who were not part of the subjects. The reason for their non-participation has not been mentioned. The control population was chosen from the same hospitals where the case subjects were recruited. The control group included patients who suffered from problems like hernias, orthopedic problems, circulatory disorders, and who were admitted to the hospital. Those who had problems that were related to the study were not chosen as controls. About 582 controls from 1,465 eligible controls were selected. Signed informed consents were obtained from both the case and control participants before onset of the study. During the initial interview demographic information and familial, medical, including smoking history, and occupational history of all the eligible participants were collected using computer assisted software. The short listed case and control population were
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
'In company reporting, the measurement of the amount of impairment of Essay
'In company reporting, the measurement of the amount of impairment of many types of assets is so subjective as to be meaningless - Essay Example For that financial activity, they are totally free to judge, determine and allocate their impairment estimation. The International Financial Reporting Standards, which are commonly known as IFRS, are unable to provide any guidance for the purpose of having an authorised and agreed way of judging and assigning the level of fixed assets impairment. After determining and issuing the International Accounting Standards number 36, in short IAS 36, the management of IFRS has become satisfied that they have successfully played and performed their job in the most positive way. Unfortunately, this level of contribution from the management of IFRS has only increased the use of subjectivity for the purpose of determining and assigning impairment for fixed assets. A huge amount of possible implications cannot be avoided. Many companies use this type of freedom to determine and allocate that level of impairment that may only support the interests of management at the cost of real owners-the shareh olders. By determining the level of impairment for different types of assets, many companies become successful in engineering the type of financial statements that they want to show and declare in the public. Multiple impacts can be appeared on the financial statements. For example, for the statement of comprehensive income, the impact of impairment would be that it would show less net profit than it could have shown in case of no loss of impairment. Furthermore, this would directly and negatively show its effects on dividends of the company as well. Due to the occurrence of the impairment loss, the company is required to reduce the amount of profit. Consequently, less amount of dividend would be announced and given to the shareholders of the company. The shareholders could have given more dividends if the company had not shown the occurrence of the impairment loss. Additionally, if the amount of impairment is substantial and material, then undoubtedly, this would negatively impact on the valuation of the business of the company; aggregately, company may experience a reduced level of confidence by shareholders, individual and institutional investors as well. In the same context, the announcement of material impairment could impact on a share price of the company. And this impact would show its presence by forcing the share price to reduce its current level of price to the level of reduced amount. All in all, the use of subjectivity for the purpose of determining a particular amount of impairment has put a considerable amount of impact on the financial statements, share price, reduced amount of dividends, tax saving, and other short term and long term impacts. International Accounting Standard 36: Impairment of assets The main and fundamental aim of this standard is to ensure that the long term fixed assets are carried and incorporated into the financial statements at no more than their recoverable amount. Before going to further understand and analyse the conc ept and application of impairment, it is highly important to define and understand the meaning of assets which come directly under the ambit of impairment loss. International Accounting Standards Board has defined the concept of asset as â€Å" an asset of an entity is (a) cash held by the entity; (b) a present right of the entity to cash; or
Monday, September 23, 2019
'Level of processing' model of memory Math Problem
'Level of processing' model of memory - Math Problem Example Eysenck tested this model to see if it could explain reported differences between young and old people in their ability to recall verbal material. Eysenck predicted that there would be an interaction between age and recall condition, more specifically that younger participants would recall more words when using deeper levels of processing. 30 subjects between 55 and 65 years of age, and 30 subjects between 18 and 30 years of age were allocated to one of three groups - two incidental learning groups and one intentional group. Each group was presented with a list of 27 words and their recall was tested later. One group was asked to count the letters in each word; one group had to read each word and think of a word that rhymed with it. Neither of these two groups was told that they would later have to recall these words. Finally, the intentional learning group was asked to read through the list and memorize it for later recall. The aims of this study are to investigate whether different learning or age groups have an effect on recall ability and whether there is an interaction between the two groups (age and learning). You must use appropriate ANOVA techniques to investigate and interpret the given information and to complete the tasks given on the following page. From the table above, it is evident that the young are able to recall many words than the old. The young can recall some 11 words with a standard deviation of 6.077 while the old can recall some 8 words with a standard deviation of 2.5. The ability to recall among the young people is a bit varying than the recalling ability of the old people. Table 2: Total number of words recalled per Group Level of processing Mean N Std. Deviation Counting 6.65 20 1.182 Rhyming 7.00 20 1.170 Intentional 15.15 20 4.511 Total 9.60 60 4.809 Intentional group has the highest recalling ability than the other groups. Participants in this group can recall 15 words with a standard deviation of 4.5. Rhyming groups recalls 7 words with a standard deviation of 1.1 while counting group recalls 7 words with a standard deviation of 1.2. On variation, the intentional group has the most variations in terms of recalling than the other groups. Table 3: Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Corrected Model 1254.600 5 250.920 123.403 .000 Intercept 5529.600 1 5529.600 2719.475 .000 AGE 112.067 1 112.067 55.115 .000 GROUP 925.300 2 462.650 227.533 .000 AGE * GROUP 217.233 2 108.617 53.418 .000 Error 109.800 54 2.033 Total 6894.000 60 Corrected Total 1364.400 59 R Squared = .920 (Adjusted R Squared = .912) Both the age and the group are significant in determining the number of words one can recall at 95% level of significance. Further, age and group have significant interaction with each other. Figure 1 From figure 1 above, it is evident that the young had the least ability to recall among the counting group than the old age. However, both Rhyming and intentional had the highest recalling capability than the same groups of old the age. Among the old, both counting and rhyming have the same recalling capacity. Table 4: ANOVA of total number of words recalled per Age Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups 112.067 1 112.067
Saturday, September 21, 2019
The Psychological Effects of Marijuana Essay Example for Free
The Psychological Effects of Marijuana Essay Cannabis sativa, a plant characterized with the psychoactive principle tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the main component of marijuana. Cannabis or cannabinoids has a varied class of identified substances. Over 420 substances are known composing cannabinoids and over 60 of which are the class which contains some viable psychotropic effects of the plant. Tetrahydrocannabinol is the main active ingredients comprising 15 percent of marijuana. Marijuana, as a substance containing such active ingredient acts on the individual psyche that correlates to several psychological dysfunctions. Marijuana is considered as one of the most popular group of cannabis known as the psychodysleptic drugs of hallucinogens. In analyzing several peer reviews of the effects of marijuana use in reproduction, questions are raised on the appropriate methods by which causal inferences can be made. Acute and chronic adverse effects of the substance on the health and psychological functions of humans is highly dependent on the time and amount of marijuana consumption. In a literature supporting this claim, Wayne Hall explained in his paper entitled â€Å"A simplified logic of causal interference†, there lays several measurements taken to explain the association between adverse health conditions with marijuana use. It is very difficult to set criteria to analyze this phenomenon. Most scholarly journals has pointed out the effects of cannabis use, in the form of marijuana significantly effects the concentration of testosterone, estrogen and prolactin in plasma based on experiments conducted on animals. Clinical tests on humans still need to validate this claim. It is also important to note that marijuana use in women would have lower levels of follicle-stimulating hormone or FSH and luteinizing hormone (LH). These changes in hormonal levels significantly affects the menstrual cycle, although it is noted that this could immediately stop once drug use is discontinued. Marijuana possessing the substance cannabinoid elicits its effects on body mechanisms through the endocannabinoid system. Gorzalka and Hill (2006) mentions that â€Å"largely consistent results reveal that both man and woman exhibit adverse effects on sexual behavior depending on the dose and specific sex†. (Gorzalka Hill, 2006) This entails that there is a significant role played by the endocannabinoid system in human reproductive system. The agents of the substance distributed in the body system greatly affects that hypothalamus, testes and ovaries of humans as tested primarily on animals. In recent literature, according to the review, â€Å"presence of cannabinoid receptors in the sperm within the uterus constitutes the potential role of the endocannabinoid system in the reproductive system and the maintenance of sexual activity.. †. (Gorzalka Hill, 2006) The ability of the substance to affect changes in the reproductive mechanisms of humans can become a potential source of treatments for sexual related dysfunctions. On the other hand, researches on the effects of marijuana in women suggest that there is a consistent finding on its effects on the sexual behavior of women including other species. From Kolodny et al. (1974) findings of women have increased sexual enjoyment because of marijuana and other related substances, due to increase in physical sensitivity and responsiveness. Focusing on reproduction, mainly in pregnancy among marijuana users, the cannabinoids component of marijuana has good lipid solubility allows the substance to affect the placenta with ease. In a study of 12,000 women, 11 percent marijuana users have shorter gestation periods. This consequently affects longer deliveries, lower birth rates and higher rates of deformities in their offspring. It is also known based on scholarly journals that the behavior and cognitive functions of marijuana users and their child are affected by the substance cannabinoids. Cannabinoids compromise pregnancy among marijuana users because the reduction in the gonadotropins and ovarian steroids are compromised once the active ingredients infiltrate the uterus of the woman. The substance has a relatively high soluble ability which regulates for absorpotion in the entire body system. The cannabinoid receptor, inherent in the uterus exhibits the ability to function in the reproductive organ and synthesis of the AEA to levels comparable to the brain as in studies on the psychological effects of marijuana as a hallucinogen. This has been verified by Guo et al., (2005) following subsequent conclusions relating to this. Park et al., (2004) mentions that â€Å"the adverse effects of cannabinoids on gestation.. raise the question of the natural role of the receptor in the system during pregnancy.†(Park et al., 2004) Supported by genetic experimentation and molecular findings, the system is said to â€Å"undergo changes during the progression of gestation in manner that is conducive to normal pregnancy†. (Gorzalka Hill, 2006) Findings of such research suggest that the environment with the cannabinoid receptor, in the endocannabinoid system, may determine the success rate of the gestation period. Maccarone et al., (2000, 2002) focused on this findings to determine the level of association between the success rate of a pregnancy and the influence of the endocannabinoid system. The findings of the research are a determinant in a possible treatment to infertility as such recommendations entail provisions for a high level of efficient endocannabinoid system shall entail an unsuccessful pregnancy for hopeful women. As a conclusion with these researches, both cannabinoids and the endocannabinoids system is â€Å"detrimental to the reproductive process in females.†(Gorzalka Hill, 2006) To be able to achieve successful pregnancy, â€Å"drugs which acts to increase FAAH activity through low concentration of the AEA levels, may be potentially used to improve fertility among women†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Gorzalka Hill, 2006) In a study to analyze marijuana effect on female sex hormones, some subjects observed yielded lowered prolactin levels in short durations and concentration that is not significantly lower than the normal level. Recent findings concludes that cannabis, have no significant effect on women in the general population. The effects of the substance even is concluded having significant effects on sex hormones and sex drives of users.         In previous research, several attempts to validate the findings of Kolodny et al. in 1974 were made to asses the effects of marijuana use in the decrease of testosterone levels. Subsequently a supporting finding claimed that there is such temporary reduction to testosterone level immediately after marijuana use. It is important to note that numerous studies after which proved no reduction in testosterone levels even in high dosage of cannabinoids, studies generally about the male reproductive system also failed to validate the reduction of testosterone levels associated with marijuana use.            Kolodny’s and colleagues study in 1974 initiated following research on the reproductive components in male with regards to marijuana use. Then, it was concluded that frequent cannabis users had lower sperm counts that occasional users. However, lack of methodology is assessing the sexual activity of respondents were made prior to examination became one of the major criticism of the study. In a study testing the claim, observed men confined with high doses of cannabis have decreased sperm concentrations and sperm motility. However, the significant findings of the research have maintained that such levels are still within the normal sperm concentration and that slight difference can only be observed during the experiment. There still lacks the right evidence to conclude that marijuana use is related to infertility. In a study, more women who are marijuana users have approached experts to seek help with their infertility issues than non-users. However, when this hypothesis was tested, the difference between the two variables range from 61 to 53 percent and became lower when researchers imposed controlled lifestyle factors with infertility. There is also the common finding of no association between marijuana use and the risk of early pregnancy loss. Reviewed researches also indicated an association between rates of infertility and marijuana use, or there is such decrease in the reproductive capacity among men who are marijuana users. The attempt to associate reproduction inabilities with regards to marijuana use is still unsupported by evidence in the scientific community, and the attempt to associate regular marijuana use and its effects on reproductive hormones is still continued. Several prior researches suggest that doses of marijuana substance enhance sexual activity and behavior. The effects of cannabinoid receptors on male sexual behavior have been regarded as a significant factor in reducing ejaculatory threshold. Gorzalka Hill (2006) explained that as was observed in laboratory species, it â€Å"requires fewer intromissions and shorter latency to attain ejaculation once sexual activity is initiated†. This finding supports earlier assumptions made by some men that with marijuana use, sexual activity duration is increased. Although initial tests on the validity of such claims on the effects of marijuana substance in testicular function were made on laboratory species such as rats and mammals, the level of relationship between the specie and human relatedness is comparable in context of these results. Melis, Succu, Mascia and Argiolas (2004) suggest that findings on the cannabinoid receptors role in the reproductive system, its effect on the hypothalamus also proves an â€Å"induction of penile erection†. The research detailed the validity of other researches done in concluding that the receptor has an antagonistic property which in turn induce penile erections. Through these researches, data generated provides a background on how the endocannainoid system may have a profound role in regulating the processes associated with sexual response such as erection and ejaculation, consequently, that the system can also have a direct or indirect effect on specific sexual dysfunctions. In relation with this, following researches made by previous researchers, Wenger, Ledent, Csernus, and Gerendai (2001) tested previous claims of cannabinoid receptor activity in testis through demonstrating how cannabinoids regulates testosterone hiosynthesis. Gye, Kang, and Kang (2005) reviewed the former research and found cannabinoid receptor activity also â€Å"present in the luminal epithelium of seminiferous tubules†. (Gye et al., 2005)  Following the activities of the receptor in reproductive organs, Rossato, Ion, Popa, Ferigo, Clari and Foresta (2005) also attests to â€Å"the evidence of the sperm’s possession of a functional cannobinoid receptor†(Rossato et al., 2005) The authors of the study suggested that the human sperm consistent with this finding has reduced mitochondrial function and reduced sperm motility.            The diverse and recent reviews of experts on the psychological effects of marijuana use in reproduction suggest the strong correlation between the substances’ effect on the reproductive process and its physiology. The reviews made have increased the research thrust of the field and has been continuously evaluated for more than three decades. In the process, we learned that cannabis, the major substance influence marijuana’s effects is significantly detrimental to the reproductive system of both males and females. The use of marijuana interrupts normal bodily psychological processes because it inhibits a receptor that interferes with the â€Å"level of testosterone and fertility in men, and the ovulation and gestation in women.†(Gorzalka Hill, 2006) Reviewed literature until today still lacks evidence to support that sexual behavior is affected by marijuana use. As mentioned, men can either find benefit or compromise in sexual behavior when marijuana is used. Literature still lacks appropriate data to support the association because even with the possibility of increased sensitivity in terms of sexual arousal and responsiveness, marijuana can also adversely trigger the impairment of sexual motivation and drive that shall lead to sexual dysfunctions. Men are more sensitive to such changes in their hormones given the body’s reaction of cannabidon, but recent findings suggests that females find more benefits with marijuana use because of its inhibitory effect. This effect increases the â€Å"level of sexual arousal and desire that may facilitate and enhance sexual activity†as suggested by Gorzalka Hill (2006). (Gorzalka Hill, 2006). Although literature provides conclusions based on non-human testing, sampling non-human species gives a significant idea on how male react to the cannabinoid receptor and how women elicits sexual behavior after marijuana use.            Peer reviews on the topic has showed consistent trends and findings, however, to validate such claims, more research should be made to ensure the occurrence of such effects in the psychological behavior of individual that use marijuana. Researches should also determine the effects, if there is, of cannabinoid, the component of marijuana, in the fertility of both men and women. Knowing how the cannabinoid receptor reacts with other reproductive organs does not provide concrete proof as to how it affects the reproductive viability. It was also mentioned that there is proof that cannabinoid receptors impair the healthy function of the testicular system; however, more research should pursue to discover other possible receptors that can influence the reproductive process of humans.            It is important to know viable factors that contribute to different sexual dysfunctions in the body. This is not only to benefit people, but also those who have struggled to understand their reproductive process. The analysis on the psychological effects of marijuana can help determine appropriate treatments and medications in sexual dysfunctions. It is importance with this advocate to study the endocannabinoid system thoroughly and accurately. This knowledge and attempt is critical in analyzing the reproductive behavior of agents that either benefits or adversely antagonize the reproductive process. Reference Gye, M., Kang, H. H., Kang, H. J. (2005). Expression of cannabinoid receptor 1 in          mouse testes. Archives ofAndrology, 51, 247-255. Guo, Y., Wang, H., Okamoto, Y, Ueda, N., Kingsley, P. J., Mamett, L. J., et al. (2005). Nacylphosphatidylethanolamine- hydrolyzing phospholipase D is an important determinant of uterine anandamide levels during implantation. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 280, 23429-23432. Gorzalka, Boris B.; Hill, Matthew N. (2006). Cannabinoids, Reproduction and Sexual Behavior.  Annual Review of Sex Research, Vol. 17, p132-161 Hall, W. (1987). A simplified logic of causal inference. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 21, 507-513, 1987. Kolodny, R. C, Masters, W H., Kolodner, R. M., Toro, G. (1974). Depression of plasma            testosterone levels after chronic intensive marihuana use. New England Journal of            Medicine, 290, 872-874 Kolodny, R. C, Bauman, J. E., Biggs, M. A., Webster, S. K., Dornbush, R. L. (1977, July-August.). Endocrine and sexual effects of female chronic marihuana use. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Academy of Sex Research, Bloomington, IN. Maccarone, M., Valensise, H., Bari, M., Lazzarin, N., Romanini, C, Finazzi-Agro, A. (2000). Relation between decreased anandamide hydrolase concentrations in human lymphocytes and miscarriage. Lancet, 355, 1326-1329. Maccarone, M., Bisogno, T, Valensise, H., Lazzarin, N., Fezza, F, Manna, C, et al. (2002). Low fatty acid amide hydrolase and high anandamide levels are associated with failure to achieve an ongoing pregnancy after IVF and embryo transfer. Molecular Human Reproduction, 8, 188-195. Melis, M., Succu, S., Mascia, M., Sanna, F, Melis, T, Castelh, M., Argiolas, A. (2006). The cannabinoid receptor antagonist SR-141716A induces penile erection in male rats: Involvement of paraventricular glutamic acid and nitric oxide. Neuropharmacology, 50, 219-228. Park, B., McPartiand, J. M., Glass, M. (2004). Cannabis, cannabinoids and reproduction. Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids, 70, 189-197. Rossato, M., Ion Popa, F, Feriggio, M., Clari, G., Foresta, C. (2005). Human sperm express cannabinoid receptor Cbj, the activation of which inhibits motility, acrosome reaction, and mitochondrial function. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology Metabolism, 90, 984-991. Wenger, T, Ledent, C, Csernus, V., Gerendai, I. (2001). The central cannabinoid receptor inactivation suppresses endocrine reproductive functions. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 284, 363-368.
Friday, September 20, 2019
System to Control Cars Anti-lock Braking System
System to Control Cars Anti-lock Braking System Giving reasons for your answer based on the type of system being developed, suggest the most appropriate generic software process model that might be used as a basis for managing the development of the following systems: A system to control a cars anti-lock braking system You could use Incremental or Spiral process models as safety is critical so you need a method that a lot of checks and balances at each stage. Incremental development is broken down into increments with each increment delivering part of the required functionality, where the user requirements are prioritized and the highest priority requirements are included in early increments however once the development is started, the requirements are frozen but can be used in later increments. Spiral process is represented as a spiral rather than as a sequence of activities with backtracking where each loop in the spiral represents a phase in the process. There are no fixed phases such as specification or design but loops in the spiral are chosen depending on what is required. Both Incremental and Spiral would achieve the goal of managing development for the cars anti-lock braking system however incremental development would be the most suited since it takes the allows for checks and balances throughout the life of the development. A virtual reality system to support software maintenance An evolutionary model seems to be an ideal solution for a virtual reality system, as the development team has two methods first is the exploratory development which works well with customers and to evolve a final system from an initial outline specification. Second is the throw-away prototyping with this method the objective is to understand the system requirements if the requirements are not fully laid out. A university accounting system that replaces an existing system Waterfall has formal structure to manage the process however the drawback is that it is difficult to accommodate changes after starting. But in the waterfall model you would go through a series of step to manage the large requirements, design and implementation requirements. Requirements analysis and definition System and software design Implementation and unit testing Integration and system testing Operation and maintenance An interactive system, running in kiosks in train stations, for railway passengers that find train times In this scenario the best approach would be evolutionary model using a throw away prototyping to find the requirements then switching to a waterfall model for a structured design and implementation. References Ian Sommerville, (2010) Software Engineering (8th edition), Chapter 4, 5 Pearson Education Lecture Notes (2010) Laureate Online Education University of Liverpool Seminar 1 Introduction to Software Engineering Study Lecture 1 Software Engineering, à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ All right reserved, 2002-2010
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The Cause Of Being Unhappy :: essays research papers
People sometimes become unhappy. Although I spend pleasant time with my host family and friends, I also have something that makes angry, disappoint, and sad. There are three major causes which make people unhappy; the violation of their privacy, failure, and sickness. First of all, people become unhappy when their privacy is violated. It is very important for people to have their own privacy, so when it is intruded by others, they feel very uncomfortable and irritated. I have an experience that I was very angry and unhappy because of the violation of my privacy by one of my friends. One day, she visited me when I was out. There was a misunderstanding between her and me. I thought the promise was canceled, but she thought it still stood. She told my hot mother that she wanted wait for me in my room, and she entered my room and played my CD player while I had gone. I got very angry and uncomfortable, because she intruded my private space without asking me. People become very unhappy by the violation of their privacy. Secondly, when people fail to do something, they feel unhappy. Although it is meaningful for them, people are disappointed at their own helplessness and inability when they have a failure. For example, the other day, I tried to change my phone service because my bill was expensive. I called my telephone company and explain what I wanted to do. However, the staff of the company said, ?gI don?ft understand what you are talking about.?h After all, I could not make a change of my service, because I could not speak English very well. I was very disappointed at my poor English. When people fail to do something, they are discouraged at themselves. Finally, people feel unhappy because of disease. When people are sick, they always become unhappy. A week ago, I caught a bad cold. Suddenly, I had fever at night, and I took a
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Outsiders :: essays research papers
Chapter Five/Six/Seven 12. Ponyboy liked his hair so much because it looked like Soda's and it also made him look tuff. 13. Johnny thought that Dally was gallant because Dally just takes what comes his way. Like when Two Bit broke the school windows and the fuzz thought it was Dally, Dally just took the rap and never ratted on his friend. 14. Ponyboy understood the way Johnny felt and that was the best way to emphasize it. I think the poem ment everything must change and that good and bad doesn't last forever. 15. Ponyboy, Johnny and Soda were the only ones of the gang who understood things like that and appreciated them. 16. Dear Pony      I don't understand whats going on, but I miss you and I am very sorry about hitting you the other night. The fuzz is after you and Johnny they think you guys killed a socs. Is it true? Dally seems to be the only one who knows what's going on, but you know him, he wont even tell us. Please come home Ponyboy I miss you. 17. It made things more intense so the Greasers had to walk in groups so they wouldn't be jumped by the socs. 18. Johnny didn't want to spend his life running from the cops just because he defended himself. 19. Juvenile Delinquents Turn Heroes      Ponyboy Curtis and John Cade were brought into hospitals yesterday after making an heroic rescue of several young school children in a burning abandoned church. The police have been looking for these two boys for about a week because they are wanted for the murder a wealthy boy named Bob. The two young men were returning to the church they had been hiding out at when they saw the smoke and all the kids outside. They heard that there was still some kids in it and they ran inside and heroically rescued them. Ponyboy is now out of the hospital with non serious burns, but John is still in the hospital under serious condition. As for the murder charges, they have been dropped. After talking to John, Ponyboy and friends that Bob was with at the time, We have come up with this; John and Ponyboy were in a park during the middle of the night when Bob and several of his friends arrived in their car, drunk. They were angry because Ponyboy and John were hanging out with their girlfriend's. They assaulted Ponyboy and John and
Avons Marketing Strategy in International Markets Essay -- Internatio
Avon's Marketing Strategy in International Markets 1/ Which actors in Avon's microenvironment and forces in the macro environment have been important in shaping its marketing strategies? We can explain what is exactly microenvironment and macro environment. Micro-environment is the factors in a firm's immediate environment which affect its performance and decision-making; these elements include the firm's suppliers, competitors, marketing intermediaries, customers and publics. Macro-environment is the major uncontrollable, external forces (economic, demographic, technological, natural, social and cultural, legal and political) which influence a firm's decision making and have an impact upon its performance. Macroenvironment forces include the increasing mobility of the U.S. population (demographic change), which meant that both customers and salespeople were moving. This made it difficult for salespeople to establish loyal, stable customer bases. In order to define what influenced the Avon's marketing strategy: ACTORS in Avon's MICRO ENVIRONMENT FORCES in Avon's MACRO ENVIRONMENT ïÆ'Ëœ Sales force: homemakers who needed extra money but didn't want a full time job outside the home. ïÆ'Ëœ Recruiting salespeople was easy ïÆ'Ëœ An army of women selling products = Avon ladies ïÆ'Ëœ Direct Saling ïÆ'Ëœ Convenience for the customer ïÆ'Ëœ They develop clients lists of friend or neighbours ïÆ'Ëœ More women found that they needed to work outside the home ïÆ'Ëœ Salaries needed more than part-time Job ïÆ'Ëœ When Avon ladies rang the doorbell, often no one answered. ïÆ'Ëœ More competitor were competing for the pool of people interested in full or part time direct selling jobs. ïÆ'Ëœ Increasing mobility of the US population : both customers... ...ust its marketing strategies. Avon had successfully negotiated with the Chinese government to restart its business. Avon agreed to operate as a wholesaler, selling its products to retail stores and converting its 75 branch centers into retail outlets. The new arrangement meant that Avon's 50,000 sales representatives would lose their jobs. Avon should not view a whole country as a single market and always bear in mind that there is a strong purchasing power in the hands of many urban communities in these countries. This is particularly true for China where the stereotype of 1.3 billion, low-income people living in rural areas is simply not true. China has the largest urban population in the world with 400 million consumers living in a set of urban centers along the Chinese coast. There should be a concerted marketing effort to targets this huge untapped market.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
How does Steinbeck present the relationship between George and Lennie in “Of Mice and Men†Essay
George and lennie’s relationship is unusual from the rest, as they both have each other, while the rest of the raanch workers are alone. They say â€Å"we travel around together†which shows that they always have each others side. The rest of the ranch workers fidn their frienship really weird, because they have never experienced it themselves. I think that Steinbeck is trying to show that relationships were hard to build back in the 1930, hence there werent’ many around. Lennie says â€Å"i got you and you got me,†which suggests that lennie is extrememly happy in having a friend. Perhaps it’s because Lennie too hasn’t ever experienced friendship before. Finally, Carlson says â€Å"wha the hell ya suppose is eatin them guys†which suggest thats he’ll never undertsand what friendship is, as he’s never experienced it before, and perhaps won’t ever experience it ever in the future. George was Lennie’s only hope, he relied fully on him and expected him to tell him all the instructions. Steinbeck could be showing that relatiosnhips don’t last forever, as george killed lennie in the end. Perhaps people knew this hence why they didn’t try to build relationships because they knew what the outcome would be like. There’s more pain in knowing and caring for someone then killing them, than just killing someone without knowing them. Carlson doesn’t undertand this pain, and just continues killing. In the end George is left alone, he’s given up hope on the american dream. However Slim does get close to George which shows it’s no the end, but the beginning of a new life and friendhsip. perhaps Slim will understand George better than Lennie as we found out during the midle of the novel, he has a better compatibility with him.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Positive influence by a person on my life Essay
For the past eighteen years that I have walked this earth, the most influential person in my life has been my mother. Although the passing of my father deeply affected her, she was still able to persevere and raise me and my siblings to think and act like responsible young men and women. She motivated me to make something more of myself than to sit and become waste on a street corner. My mother played an important role in my life and has always been a positive factor in me growing up. My mother is my mentor and my friend; these two qualities make her more than a mother. She is like my guardian angel, always watching every move and keeping me on the right track. My mother is a strong woman and she holds well for a single mother. But, the days that she has to struggle are the days I have to stand up and help her by lifting some of the burdens off her shoulders. My mother has taught me how to not only overcome the death of my father, but also how to overcome some of the hardships that will affect my life in the future. Being the eldest male in my home, she helps me realize that my brothers look to me for guidance. By emulating her leadership, I often take on some of her roles, such as helping my younger siblings in their schoolwork and leading them away from negativities in their surrounding environment. She sees many great things in me that, at times, are not so obvious to me. She constantly tells me to become something great in life to make her and my dad’s spirit proud. This encourages me to strive for the best of my abilities. I reflect back to the day of my high school graduation when my mother approached me and told me, â€Å"It’s time.†It was weird because it was like a time bomb went off inside of me. I got up and I knew what I had to do. It was â€Å"time†to use the skills she equipped me with and finally become a young man. I wanted to get into college and I wanted to eliminate all my weaknesses and turn them into my strengths, and all of my threats into opportunities. In the future, I see myself taking the reins as patriarch of my family. I believe with my mother’s guidance I have the necessary tools to stand against almost anything; she has trained me well. I have overcome deaths, and many more personal struggles. I believe I have what it takes to make it through college because of my â€Å"angel.†My mother has prepared me mentally and spiritually to withstand the trials and tribulations that await me in the future. She is a strong woman and I am proud to call her my mom.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
World Englishes
World Englishes refers to the different varieties of English and for emerging localized or indigenized varieties of English, especially those territories influenced by the United Kingdom or the United States. The study of World Englishes entails of classifying varieties of English used in varied sociolinguistic contexts globally and analyzing how histories of sociolinguistic, multicultural backgrounds and function contexts influence in different regions of the world the use of English. Today, we live in a society which is multilingual for wherever you go, you will be able to meet diverse groups of people who speak individually different tongues. At the same time is when we interact with people from different countries, we hear English with a variety of fluency which often differs from the so-called standard English in terms of pronunciation, lexis, expression and grammar (Kubota, 2001). Kashmiri-American linguist Braj B. Kachru, the research pioneer on these linguistic variations and claimed World Englishes in 1986 initially to refer to the institutionalized varieties of English (Hornberger & McKay, 2010). The term World Englishes is now used to define or describe the nativized and diverse ranges of English spoken in non-native countries, and Kachru (1986) explains that the spreading of English can be categorized into a three concentric circle model that represents the spread and growth of English in the world. In the field of Applied Linguistics, it has been invaluable for researchers to come to grasps with the implications of the omnipresent, highly composite and scary existence of the language. According to Kachru (2003), the world is divided into different circles: the inner circle, countries like United Kingdom, USA, Canada, New Zealand, Australia where English is the L1 or native language, outer circle, countries like Singapore and Philippines which is a community with large speech, great diversity and distinct characteristics while the expanding circle, Chile and Holland which English is an international language where performance varieties were characterized. English may vary or performs in different ways according to the situations, settings, or contexts in which English employed by the speakers from the three circles mentioned. The world Englishes are the result of these diverse sociocultural contexts and diverse uses of the language in culturally distinct international contexts. The agony in world Englishes is the â€Å"Torn between the norms†- the conflict about whose norm should be followed or legitimized from the different varieties in the face of a checkerboard of English use in the world today. They are the ones who have not had an opportunity to study or learn the language and may not be in a state of ecstasy. The ecstasy: English is everywhere, but not available for all people. It gives privileges to those who learned the language formally in schools or acquired it in an early age. The following approaches, in recent years have been used to study world Englishes: (1) the deficit approach; (2) the deviational approach; (3) the contextualization approach; (4) the variational approach; and (5) the interactional approach. The first two approaches have dominated the field out of the five approaches and believed to be the least insightful. The following are just merely a commentary of the issues which are given the utmost importance for our understanding of English in its world context. The following are thus a critique primarily of the two approaches, and that such approaches reflect in the attitudes. (1) Ontological Issues: Conflict between idealization and reality. The issues of attitudes and identity is the core of the problem which attitudes are only partially determined toward a variety of English by linguistic considerations. With concern in the varieties of English, there are two major positions in the Outer Circle: first, the nativist monomodel position, second the functional polymodel position. The monomodel position is well-articulated in two studies; one by Clifford Prator (1968) and by Randolph Quirk (1988) which is almost a generation apart when presented. Quirk sees language range mainly with reference to three models: the demographic, the econo-cultural, and imperial. In the demographic model, population spread together with the language and resulted in several varieties of English in the Inner Circle. The econo-cultural, it says that language spread even though there is no serious population spread. The imperial model, the spread of the language is the result of political (colonial) domination. The last two models resulted in the endocentric varieties of English in Africa, Asia, and the Philippines over a period of time (see e.g. Kachru 1982 and 1986a). The endocentric models are what Quirk's concerns, and their instructions or teaching implications, the English international currency, and generally, the English language good linguistic health. As to the serious practitioners of applied linguistics, it raises a number of questions relevant to them. The second position relates the formal and functional characteristics of English to appropriate sociolinguistic and interactional contexts.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Pimps Up Ho
In a generation where women have done extraordinary things such as run for Vice President, they are still seen by most men as their personal toys or objects. And to top it off, young men are starting to see women as such as well. Due to these â€Å"icons†such as DMS, Outpace Shaker, DRP. Deer, Jay-Z, etc. Are idealized by the youth but decide to relay the wrong message. Their constant use of bitched, sluts, huffs, to describe women have been implanted in the youth and they believe it is okay to say.Not only have they implanted derogatory words, but have implanted negative perspective of women. More specifically, men and women alike have a misconception of â€Å"groupies†. Sharply Whiting in her book Pimps up, Who's Down: Hip Hop's Hold on Young Black Woman, she addresses society's stereotypes and misconceptions of groupies and the mindset of a lot of these women. In chapter 5 (I'm a Hustle Baby: Groupie Love) of Pimps up, Who's Down: HIP Hop's Hold on Young Black Women , Whiting takes the time to define and evaluate society's view of groupies.The term â€Å"groupie†describes omen who pursue sexual relations with celebrities; particularly athletes and musical artist. The word originated from the asses-asses from Rolling Stone's bassist Bill Woman as a code word for the woman on tour. Whiting not only takes the time to define groupie, but analyzes a few women who lived that groupie lifestyle. She first analyzed rock n roll groupies. Pamela Des Barres, a rock groupie from back in the late ass's, who explained the life of a rock groupie in her book I'm With a Band: Confessions of a Groupie.Des Barres mentions the â€Å"drug abuse, depression, sex, and her naive experimented with feckless rock stars†but also describes that in her era, that the â€Å"knee bending and head bobbing†was the purpose of the groupies in her era. These women accepted the roles because they used It as a way to express their sexual liberalism. On the cont rary to rock groupies, hip hop groupies look for more than Just a fun time. They are looking to â€Å"vigorously derive power or fame (however small) from knowing public men privately†. While rock star groupies are more fan based, hip hop groupies pick based off the biggest contract or chart topping record.In a sense, both he groupies and hip hop stars feed off one another. While the groupies seek that power and fame mentioned earlier, hip hop stars desire that â€Å"seemingly uncomplicated and submissive groupie love†that boost their egos. There are different forms of groupies, those who do it for money, fame, or the thrill of pursuing a celebrity. But it is all just one big hustle to a female, Just like drug dealing or the rap game. Whiting uses details from Ukraine â€Å"Superheat†Stefan' book â€Å"Groupie Confessions†to describe the scheme behind being a hip hop groupie. For starters, hip hop groupies do not consider themselves groupies.On the con trary to back In the ass's-ass's, hip hop groupies have to maintain secrecy In order to stay In business. If women today announced they were groupies, they would then forever be cursed to constant ridicule and succumb to the stereotypes that rappers portray in their music. Would do interviews and she would hear comments such as â€Å"this Just in, no more whoring†or â€Å"so I shouldn't solicit you for sex today'. Stefan decided break the ultimate code of â€Å"you do your dirt, everyone knows you do your dirt, but no one talks about it†. Hip hop groupies know not to put themselves in the same situation asStefan, it is bad for business and they would be under constant scrutiny for the rest of their lives. As mentioned, groupies have a reason behind why they live the life as a â€Å"slut†(as some people perceive them). People see these women as having low self- esteem, and they are right about most of them. A lot of groupies have suffered from â€Å"parental neglect, rape, and domestic violence†that have caused them to do whatever it takes to feel loved by someone; even if that means degrading themselves. However, there are many other reasons as to why groupies do what they do.One Europe mentioned how she pursued high profile males because they are safer than some random guy at the bar. She said that â€Å"these guys represent an adventure in a safe way because you know who they are and you can go find them if you need to†. Another factor is more obvious one: bragging rights. Groupies want to be able to go home to their friends and talk about how they had sex with so and so. They believe there is nothing wrong with women wanted to have sex, and Just because they chose a celebrity to pursue they shouldn't be Judged for that. In a sense they act Just like men: â€Å"conquer and destroy, and it's a wrap†.This brings up the conversation that women in this generation have to suffer from double standards because if men we re pursuing celebrities to have sex with them, it would Just be men being men. One woman indicated that â€Å"pretty much the reason she bucked Jay-Z Just to say that they did it†and a lot of men and women alike believe that there is nothing wrong with that. However, some women Just want to have sex and Just happen to find a celebrity attractive. This reason is why women believe that they shouldn't be labeled as a groupie because they want to have sex with a celebrity.A perfect example of this is a young woman who had a sexual relationship with rapper Ill Wayne. After a concert she was asked to Join him on his bus and after conversing, had sex that night. She stated that she did go on the bus because she is a fan of his but that is not the reason that she had sex with him. She said â€Å"he was a gentleman†¦. A real respectful guy', and it was his personality that made her have sex with him. She also said â€Å"l wouldn't consider myself a groupie, because I wasn't do ing it because of who he was. I was kind into him as a person.I acted the same with him as I would with a regular arson who's not a rapper†. And there are plenty other women who have had a similar experience and would say that they are not groupies, but women having sex with a man they find attractive. Another reason groupies live that lifestyle because they enjoy the adventure. It really has zero to do with celebrity and everything with the thrill of the adventure leading up to it. Rapper Killer Mike said it best that â€Å"with a groupie, it anti about you. It is about her. She's Just fulfilling her moment. You're Just a character in the story.Tomorrow it's goanna be Newly and then it'll be Young Buck†. At the end of the day, a lot of groupies could care less about the celebrity per say, but about the adventure. Pursuing a celebrity is like a high to groupies rather than the sex itself. Other women do for more materialistic reasons. They received â€Å"perks such as money, diamonds, and furs in exchange for their trysts, a night in a nice hotel and so they can receive that overzealous amount of money from divorce, child support, or a rape charge. As mentioned earlier, this groupie life is one big hustle.Rappers spends hours in the studio, ball players spend hours in the gym, and groupies spend ours getting their looks together. At the end of the day, they are all pursing that high profile lifestyle. So the â€Å"hustle†mentioned in Wittings title â€Å"I'm a Hustle, Baby: Groupie Love†is actually the groupie. Whiting uses an evaluation claim by looking from both ends of the spectrum. She analyzed people's viewpoint on groupies and then analyzed the groupies' mindset. As mentioned before, a lot of people see groupies as sluts and who's looking for a get rich quick scheme and are willing to degrade themselves in the process.But if you look at from the groupies' point of view, hey have various reasons as to why they do what they do . Yes some do it for the money, but others do it for the pursuit, daddy issues, or bragging rights. Regardless of their reasons or even have degrading as it may seem, groupies see what they do as a Job and should not be Judged for it. There is not much pathos found in this chapter. However, the few comments by Ukraine â€Å"Superheat†Stefan really stuck out to me. She went from â€Å"expected and received money from every man in her life, especially celebrities†to hitting a â€Å"low point of homelessness-living out of her car tit her son†.There was a lot of emotion found in Stefan comments and more importantly it shows the highs and lows of a groupie. It also shows that being a groupie is a tough life to live. If you're doing well, you are at a all-time high, but even with the smallest slip up, you hit rock bottom. Stefan said it best that the same people who â€Å"write you a $10,000 check before, are the same ones who will tell you no in time of need†. Stefan however, was very upset about how no one was there for her when she needed them the most and used that to fuel her in the making of her very detailed book.The ethos in Wittings argument is pretty obvious. She uses women who have been in the â€Å"groupie business†to tell the reader details about the Job. For instance, I mentioned earlier about rock groupie Pamela Des Barras and her eventful life back in the ass-ass, and Ukraine Stefan and her ups and downs with some of the icons in the hip hop industry. Wittings evaluation claim would not be credible without analyzing these two women. Not only are these women describing the life of a groupie, but they also have some best-selling books that have very graphic but accessory details to better define challenging life of a groupie.All in all, there are stereotypes that come with every career field. People are going to Judge especially if it is not socially acceptable. Also, women live in a time with they will be degraded and double standards have a choke hold on them. Nevertheless, women, Just as men, are looking to make it in this world and sometimes being a groupie comes with that. At the end of the say, being a groupie, Just like being a rapper or drug dealer, is one big hustle and should not be Judged until knowing the real reason behind their career choice.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Discuss the definitions and characteristics of White Collar Crime Essay
Discuss the definitions and characteristics of White Collar Crime - Essay Example White collar fraud does not carry any act of violence with it. The chief trait of this fraud is to beguile the victims and making them the ‘ insects towards lamp’. Perpetrators are not easily caught and punished, since most of the victims do not make a complaint of their loss at an early stage. By the time the victims realise their plight of being cheated and try to make the issue open to the society, the perpetrators either vacate the scene or gain still more strength of popularity that shields them from the punishments. Naturally neither an individual nor a group of people award punishment for the lapse of the self. At the point of realisation, the question of awarding punishment to the self disappears. Thus analysis of crime and awarding punishment are always carried out in second person only and not in first person. The power of punishing is usually vested with people of higher status of socio economic arena. Crime is simply human. Status difference are not actually correlated to what is termed activities of crime. But since, the powered people are capable of making and breaking the rules, crimes committed by them are generally not treated as violent as the crimes of blue collar people. Sutherland’s definition of white collar crime goes this way: ‘white collar crime is the crime committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of his occupation†. Hazel Croall, (2001), has scrutinised this definition and found some deficiencies in it. He has pointed out that Sutherland’s definition is silent on the issue of identifying the activities of white collar crime. He was very much concerned about the miniature mentioning of white collar crime in many research findings and the low tone in the expressly declared results. The Marxist approach of criminology, which used to control the activities of the low powered or powerless, did keep
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Service Operations Management - Talent Drycleaners Case Study Essay
Service Operations Management - Talent Drycleaners Case Study - Essay Example The company has an adequate capacity utilization amount, a standard turnaround time, and a profitable return inherent in its added collection store located in Oshodi. Additionally, the paper will conduct an analysis that seeks to illustrate why Talent Dry-cleaner’s current operational state is limited as far as potential growth while also setting up the stage for making recommendations. The recommendations will be aimed at suggesting that the company hires extra staff, and extend the time of work with the objective of realizing an increased number of average drop-offs handled every day. SERVICE OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT- TALENT DRYCLEANERS CASE STUDY Introduction Eze owns a dry-cleaning business, Talent drycleaners and Stain Clinic, which has been operational for two years after he branched off from his former employer to start his own business. The major reason for starting a new business laid, in the opportunity, to open a dry-cleaning operation in a heavily populated area, Anth ony Village, which had no dry-cleaning facility. Talent Dry-cleaners relied heavily on client referrals during and after its inception, as well as an awareness campaign complete with customized caps and t-shirts. When funding hampered any further campaigns, he turned to handbill distribution, although this approach was not satisfactory in pulling in large volumes of customers. Recently, he became aware that quite a number of his clients were moving to the outskirts of Lagos, especially the Lekki-Epe axis. Additionally, Eze also began to feel the effect of proliferating dry-cleaning outfits stationed in Anthony Village. This forced him to slash billing charges thrice within one month. Within this competitor base, the key competitive variables included a variety of service, high response levels, delivery time, quality of service, and price. Some outfits had also adopted business differentiation by instituting cloth delivery and amendment in an effort to improve responsiveness. At the moment, Eze has to develop new strategies that will enhance profitability via moving to new markets, improve throughput and turnaround time, as well as efficient capacity utilization. Problem Statement Talent Dry-cleaners finds itself in a position where it has the best service quality available, but potential growth is hampered by severe limitations, especially the lack of funding. Analysis One of the reasons why Talent Dry-cleaners is facing limitations in its growth has to do with capacity utilization. Capacity can be defined as the ceiling or upper limit on the load, which can be controlled by an operating unit that is the upper limit on the output rate (Schneider, 2010). The basic questions that Eze should ask when considering this angle include the kind of capacity needed, the amount of capacity needed, and when the capacity is needed. While there are several definitions for capacity, none of them is applicable universally. Design capacity is defined as service capacity or max imum output rate that a facility operation or process is designed for. Effective capacity is the design capacity fewer allowances such as maintenance and personal time while actual output is the actual output rate achieved, which cannot be more than effective capacity (Schneider, 2010).
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Entrepreneuship-creating a business opportunity(nutrition restaurant) Essay
Entrepreneuship-creating a business opportunity(nutrition restaurant) - Essay Example I have always had an interest in cooking and serving people. Thus a restaurant was the best idea. Because starting the company should also be in consideration. My finances are not enough at the moment and starting up a business would be a good source of income and has an added advantage. It is what I love doing thus no stress for me while undertaking this activity. The time for starting the company should be perfect so as to make maximum profit from it (Osnabrugge and Robinson 2000). Summertime is a perfect time to open the Chinese nutrition restaurant in London as many people are on holiday. A nutritional restaurant was the best choice as there is non-other on Middlesex Street, London (Hisrich 2011). Many people are trying to live a healthy life, and a Chinese Nutritional Restaurant would be the best choice of business. Prior to the start of any business, it is important to look at the macro market. The initials PESTEL helps a person decide how best to set up the business. The political, economic, and social environment determines the success of a company. The area should have a healthy political environment (Johnson 2005). The rate of transactions that go on in Middlesex Street makes it a perfect location to set up the business. It is an area that has many economic and social activities, thus guarantee customers (Shane 2000). The kind of business one chooses should have the latest technological advancement in them so as to serve the customers better. The business should also be legal and follow all the government’s requirements before going into it. A nutritional restaurant meets all the above specifications and would be a good idea. The street is perfect for the restaurant and would ensure profit for the owner of the restaurant (Stevenson and Jarillo 2007). Four critical factors determine the success of a business, these factors are customer, competition, company and confederations. One should identify the customers before putting up the business. A
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Letter research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Letter research - Essay Example You may believe that my letter is a pamphlet against the war in Iraq. Mr. President, it is not as I believe the issues are much more complicated than that. I firmly consider that the will to install democracy in a country where tyranny and injustice were the fundamentals of everyday life is a noble cause. Noble not only in the fact of freeing the Iraqi people, but also as we are the World leader, to show the rest of the world that we are responsible and conscious of the issues and problems of the other countries and that we are ready to take action in order to defend the weakest at international level. At any level, one can only help another if the latter is willing to accept this help. Unfortunately, it is not the case in Iraq. We have to admit, however frustrating and deceitful it may be, that we are no longer welcome in Iraq. Our history shows a great record of rescues but we are not in Paris in 1944, where all French people were crying of joy when they see our tanks driving through the Champs-Elyses. The other aspect we have to acknowledge is the astronomic cost of the war in Iraq. To this day, we have spent over $280 billions in war effort. This brings me to the second subject of my letter: the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. In 1997, the American Senate unanimously rejected to ratify the treaty. Mr.
Monday, September 9, 2019
Causes and Consequences of Development of London City, England in Research Paper
Causes and Consequences of Development of London City, England in 1850s - Research Paper Example Europe has been a farming society, and many of the cities in this country are ruled by families of kingdoms. Many of the cities are under British colonization, and many have not yet become independent states (Spielvogel 2011, p. 132). Industrial and French Revolutions steered the expansion of the city. The paper traces the development of London City, England in 1850s and the way it altered the social, economic and political system of the London City, England. Causes that Led to Development of the London City Developed in London City, England can be traced from the period of 1750 to 1850s during the industrial and French Revolution when different changes in agriculture, transportation, social and economic changes took place. Industrial Revolution is among the major causes behind the development of London City. Gordon, Tony and Christine (2007, 56) reveal that Industrial Revolution was the main cause behind varied changes in the agricultural sector, manufacturing industries, transporta tion network system in England. Industrial Revolution led to increased trading activities within the city and outside the neighborhood. Industrialization and expansion for trading activities necessitated increased commercial trading activities. The London City developed as a business centre beginning from the Roman era. London City emerged as a metropolitan for foreigners, but it continued to develop as a government town whose resident authority impressed native British custom. The construction of transport and network communications such as the railway line became the economic stimulus that steered development. The development of the railway line connecting from the courtside to the city contributed to effective development activities in the city. The increased railways stations enabled passengers travel effectively. It also enabled people from the countryside to transport their commodities in the market effectively. The city started developing because of easy and cheap transportat ion of manufactured products and raw materials through rail shipments. This made transportation of commodities especially to large areas to become cheaper because each city has a connecting trunk line. The railway line contributed to increased immigrants into the City of London; contributing to increased population in the city. London City is the powerful financial city, and the ports construction necessitated development. Many investment companies established their headquarters in the city because of the industrialization process. The financial investment activities became the main sources for employment in London. The city exports produced commodities and imports other raw materials such as timber, petroleum and other products (Havinden and Meredith 2002, p. 34). Industries started producing varied commodities such as jewelry and clothes and consumer commodities. This made the city develop faster because it was easy for the people in the City of London to carry out their business activities effectively.2 Many changes took place especially the development of industries; thus, the city started moving from being agricultural to an industrial economy. England is one of the countries, which are well known for being among the agricultural economy in Europe. However, due to the development process, many changes took place because of the industrialization process. These changes had a profound effect in social, economic and political of the London city. The industrial revolution that began during the Great Britain in United Kingdom and spread to the Western Europe and other parts across the globe led to many changes. Havinden
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